

"Oh, god, Sel!" Dad exclaimed once he saw me as I ran to him and hug him tightly. Oh, how I miss my dad.

"Baby." Mom muttered and I hugged her tightly. I miss my mom too.

"Sel. You make us all worried." Gigi said and hug me tightly. I smiled as I feel like I'm home.

"Selena." Louis said and hug me. He maybe said one word but his hug tell a story. Harry greeted them too one by one.

"The dinner's ready if you must."Harry said and I link arms with Gigi.

"Why did you faint?" she whispered. I shrugged.

"Maybe over fatigue, maybe stress, or maybe I'm just..... Not fine." I said and sighed.

"You should take care of yourself even though you're so busy." she reminded and I nodded.

The dinner was quite eventful. The king joined us and a lot of talking happen. From the village's condition up to the wedding which pressured Harry and I.

"I wanna ask my son first when will he marry your daughter. My paps was urging me to ask him." the king opens the topic. I widen my eues a little and eat in silence.

"Yeah, I was wondering too, your majesty." dad replied and I couldn't help but to cuss in my mind. Screw you, Dad!

"I was taking my time dad." Harry simply replied.

"But your grandparents wants a grandchild already. I can't just push them away." his dad argues.

"I know, grandma and grandpa told me too. When we visited them. But like I told you, we were only together for a couple of months and I think marrying at the early stage of relationship will trigger some of the problems and I don't want to lose the bond we created. You know how I was to her when she first came here. I don't want that to happen again." he explains and I smiled at him. Internally thanking him for that hot seat question.

"What was your say about all this, love?" dad said and all eyes were on me. I feel pressured all of a sudden. Like why dad?! Harry feels that I was tensed so he grabs my hands and I look at him. He gave me an encouraging look and I sighed.

"I'm agreeing with Harry, your majesty. I don't want to marry a guy that known me for a couple of months only and beside we're just starting and besides, we're still young I bet the kingdom will wait a year or two for a new ruler. We just want to spend time together, dad." I said and I look at Harry as his smile tells me that I did great.

"Wise answer. Just tell me what was your dream wedding should look like?" the king asked as I think for it for a moment. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Harry immediately turn his attention full on me.

"Uhhhmmmm, I want it to be simple yet memorable. Like my favorite flower, which is Lilac were all over the church, the theme should be blue and white as it means a lot to me. I want the guests to be comfortable as ever. All of my friends at the village is there and relatives, Harry's relatives of course and all his friends. I want to ride a car on the way to the church and ride a gig while waving to the people who was still in the kingdom but haven't have the oppurtunity to attend my wedding. Then the reception will be at the Georgia's town. I think the green landscape is cool. The place were full of lilac and wbit and blue motif. The cake should be red velvet and there was a long table in front. I just want it to be simple. The royal tradition kinf of way with a mix of villager's tradition." I finish my speech, miling at the end. That was perfect in my head.

"Well, that was..... Very descriptive." Louis commented and I smiled.

"That was a great idea. How about your wedding dress, what should it look like?" Gigi asked. This topic about dresses will make Gigi giddy as she likes to gush about how beautiful that clothes are or what not. So of course, she was asking.

"Uhhmmm, I was picturing a simple ball gown type, its top was off-shoulder and the details were embroidered like a flower type all the way to the bottom. It was white and was very simple." I said and smiled at Gigi. She look at me and I can almost hear her say. That was perfect and I can't wait for you to get married.

"That was brilliant." Mom mutters and I smiled. Mom was trying to talk a little bit amd I was proud of her. The adults continue to talk about other issues leaving me and Harry eat in silence.

Night falls deep and my family leaves. The king goes to ome of the ally kingdom for some business proposition. I was sitting in my bedroom brushing my hair in front of the mirror wearing a grey night gown that has a cute little bow at the neck part.

The door opens and it revealed Harry. He smiled at me as I return it. He plops down my bed and deeply sighed.

"You werw quiet when I was talking about my dream wedding and dress. Care to tell me why?" I started as be briefly glance at me.

"Nothing. I mean, uhhhmm... When you were talking about that subject while I was staring at you, you're eyes immediately brightens and your pulse relaxes as if it was comfortable for you to talk about the subject. It feels like you've been wanting to get married ever since. I mean, I wasn't misunderstanding your perception about your dream wedding but it was amazing and I.... I just thought I wasn't the right guy to give you that wedding. It was too perfect to me and I wasn't." he said and I smiled. Going over to him and get his hands for me to hold it.

"You were perfect to me. Like I told earlier, I want it to be simple. And you. You are simple to me and you are perfect in my eyes. So, don't doubt yourself too much." I reassures him.

"I just want to be the guy that makes you feel special." He mutters. Maybe he thought I didn't hear it but I did.

"You made me special." I said and cups his cheeks. I press my lips lightly to his.

"I love you, Haz." I said. I finally said the three words and I was nervous as hell. He look at me intently and I was about to pull away but he made me happy today.

"Glad that you said it because I love you too." He replied and tenderly kissed my lips with full of love and passion. For now, thatwas everything.

A/n: How was it? Early update. Ir was quite cheesy but I promise you the whole plot twist is coming and I'm going to be shook of what I will write too. Don't forget to comment and vote.


