Considered Missing

Considered Missing

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Category: Fanfiction
When the three worlds of Descendants, Adventures in Babysitting, and Pretty Little Lairs (and The Perfectionists) collide, every ship gets its moment.
After the barrier was taken down, the villains from the Isle of the Lost took over Auradon practically overnight. Anyone could've predicted that. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and all the other VKs soon fled, knowing their parents and the other villains would be ready to exact revenge on the younger generation that destroyed their legacies.
Evie Grimhilde has since changed her identity twice, living briefly as Lola Perez and now as Ava Jalali. After escaping to New York City, befriending and having a short relationship with Jenny Parker, she left for college to study fashion at Beacon Heights University. Soon after the death of her boyfriend, Nolan Hotchkiss, Ava found herself falling in love with Caitlin Park Lewis and Mona Vanderwaal.
Meanwhile, Mal fled to Ravenswood, Pennsylvania, eventually making friends with Emily Fields in Rosewood who suggests visiting Alison DiLaurentis at BHU.

What will happen when the VKs slowly reunite after years of hiding?

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