Chapter 8 - Hiding & Jenny

"Where are you staying?" Ava asked after releasing Mal from their embrace, suddenly overcome with empathy.

"Emily and I have a hotel room nearby."


"Yeah, just, to save money, that's all."

"Does Alison know?"

"I don't think she would care."

"How long are you saying for?"

"Not sure. Now that I know you're here... I'm afraid to leave." The blonde held her neck awkwardly, a soft blush touching her cheeks.

"Mal–" Ava began to rebuttal.

"I don't want to go back across the country."

"You have to, it's too dangerous."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Being found."

"So you were hiding."

"Yes, but not from you! My parents are both criminals on the most wanted list. Do you know how many people would love to get their hands on me? After I left Jenny–"


"A... friend of mine–from New York after we fled," she stumbled over her words. "She's how I got into BHU. I was a complete mess before she came into my life."

"How long were you together for?" Mal pressed, understanding Jenny had been more than a friend.

"About a year. New York was a great time. We were adventurous and daring..." Ava chuckled. "Now I'm almost... too afraid to leave my dorm."

Mal hesitated before making a suggestion.

"I don't mind staying with you if it makes you feel safer. I'm sure Emily would understand–"

"M, you can't. I think Caitlin and Mona are already suspicious."

"It's just one night."

"Yeah, well, one night is all it takes for me to ruin my life."
