Chapter 19 - Bay Leaves

"Hey, babe," Caitlin welcomed, turning towards the door and away from the steaming pot of pasta she stirred. "Started getting worried when you were late."

"Sorry," Ava replied, as she set down her bag on the counter. "I forgot we were meeting at Mona's." Her voice was low and she avoided looking at her girlfriend, mind clearly elsewhere.

"I'm using the leftover sauce from yesterday. Remember, don't eat the bay leaves." Caitlin turned back to the pot.

"What happens if I eat them?" Ava asked, her voice still dismal. She picked at her nails anxiously.

"Well it won't kill you, but it'll be unpleasant. Might scratch your throat or something."

"What if I accidentally eat it?"


"What if I don't want to... but I do it anyway? Even though it's kind of selfish because you worked so hard to make a nice meal and then I ruined it."

The short haired woman glanced behind her, perplexed. Ava met her eyes for a moment before looking back at her hands.

"Sorry," the long haired woman continued. "I'll try to avoid the bay leaves."

"Hey, loves." Mona walked in briskly from her bedroom wearing a bright red sweater. "You didn't start without me, did you?"

"No, I still have to drain the noodles," Caitlin replied.

Mona looked over Caitlin's shoulder, breathing in the steam. She put her arms around her girlfriend's waist briefly, kissed her neck, and proceeded to rest her head on Caitlin's shoulder. She was grateful to be wearing heels and otherwise would've been too short to lean on her girlfriend.

Mona looked behind her to find Ava sitting alone. "Don't you want in on this?"

Ava glanced up at them, compelled to smile at the sight of them together.

She stood from the stool at their counter and wrapped her arms around the two beautiful women before her. She too kissed Mona's neck and laid her head on the shoulder in front of her. Ava gently closed her eyes and breathed deeply, basking in Mona's familiar and comforting scent. She hugged the two of them tighter, feeling unusually lonely. Ava felt distant from them, despite holding them and having seen them only a few hours prior. She knew Mal's unexpected appearance was the cause of her sense of exile.

"I love you," Ava peeped out, directing the statement at both of them.

"I love you too," both Caitlin and Mona responded in unison.

Hearing them reciprocate a love she now doubted, Ava's guilt only grew.
