Chapter 5 - The Divorce Papers

As a means of welcome, Alison offered to show Emily her place. The house, though somewhat on the small side, was plenty big for one person and could fit two comfortably. The TA generously poured two glasses of iced tea and sat on the couch with her ex-wife.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say Ava and Mal are hitting it off," Emily said, striking up a conversation.

"Hopefully not," Alison whispered under her breath. Emily gave a puzzled look. "You told me about the girls... How are you?"

"I'm managing," Emily replied unconvincingly and almost depressed.

"You've lost weight," Alison noticed, sounding concerned. Emily moved her sweater to cover her stomach.

"I'm fine," she defended. "With work and being a single mom with twins... it's a lot sometimes."

"Oh, Em. You've been alone this whole time?"

"Well, not all the time. Mal stops by often. Picks up groceries or helps around the house. The first time I saw her was in the supermarket. From behind, with that long, blonde hair of hers... I thought she was you. I ran up to her in tears, God, I was so embarrassed. But after we got to talking and she spent the night, we became close friends."

"She spent the night?" Alison asked, practically jealous.

"Just that one time. Nothing really happened between us. Said I reminded her of some... friend she had once. That missing girl from Florida, Evie. They were both close. Have you spent the night with anyone?"

"Just Mona–not like that," she quickly corrected with a chuckle. A brief quiet dwelled before Emily's voice surfaced.

"I'm sorry."

"It's your freedom."

"It feels weird when you say it like that. It was easier when it was just us."

"I miss you, Em," Alison sighed. "I'll admit that I miss you. I didn't want to accept that we were ending... I'm sorry the papers took so long–"

"I didn't send them."

"What do you mean you didn't send them?" Alison questioned, struck with both confusion and relief.

"The divorce papers... I never sent them in."

Alison held back a smile, trying her best to not get her hopes up. Surely Emily had just been procrastinating, though that didn't seem like her.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" The blonde's posture was slightly exclusive, arms crossed, legs crossed, as if continuing to distance herself.

"I don't know," the mother remarked. "I think a part of me never wanted to let go."
