Chapter 20 - Nick

Carlos took the tall, bearded, homeless man with him to his apartment. He was amazed that his old friend had never seen, let alone used, an elevator. The elevator man who greeted them upon their arrival, evidently repulsed by the potato sack, had to repeatedly tell the visitor not to press all the buttons.

"Okay," Carlos began as they approached his door. "She tries to keep a tidy place so please keep all of that"–he pointed at the man's beard–"under control."

"You got it!" the unnaturally upbeat newcomer replied.

Carlos unlocked the front door to reveal an impressively large apartment. The modern interior, mostly black and white, had touches of color throughout. The wall opposite the entrance was almost entirely windows overlooking the cityscape. He had moved out of his old place a few months prior after securing a very well paying job in computer software design and graduating college early, something Jenny couldn't help but be jealous of.

"This is incredible," the taller man exclaimed in awe. He hurried over to a white leather couch in the center of the room and stroked it before rushing over to other objects and furniture with curiosity.

"I'm glad you're back before the rain." His friend-turned-roommate strolled confidently out of her bedroom and picked up a glass from the coffee table without breaking her stride.

"Woah," the visitor whispered, removing his hat and gazing at the beautiful woman before him. He smiled, dumbfounded. "Hi."

"This is Jenny," Carlos explained.

"Nice to meet you... Jenny." He repeated her name as if it were the most beautiful thing he could say. He approached her and reached out his unwashed hand.

She took it hesitantly and leaned towards Carlos.

"Who's the hobo?" she muttered.

"Jenny, this is..." the freckled man trailed off.

"Nick," the old friend introduced himself.

"I didn't know Carlos had a friend named Nick." Jenny turned to her roommate, as did Nick.

"You told her–"

"Yeah, I told her everything," Carlos admitted. "I think it's okay." He looked at Jenny. "His name's Gil. He's been, uh, living in New York."

"I sit on the corner with a sign and eat out of..." Gil turned to Carlos for the word.

"Garbage cans," the dark haired man finished.

"Oh. Nice." Jenny pursed her lips as the room quieted, holding back a grimace as best as she could. 
