Chapter 11 - The "something"

"You can tell me anything," Alison stated, her smile still gleaming. She retook her seat and settled in for her wife's announcement. The brunette took a deep breath and sat across from the strong woman before her. She leaned forward, propping her elbows on her knees and folding her hands which her chin rested on delicately.

"I..." she began, hesitating. She never expected to admit what she was about to, but she owed it to Alison. "I slept with Mal."

The remark instantly caught the blonde off guard. It took a few moments for her statement to register.

"What?" she muttered. "Mal? The woman you came in with? Are you... seeing each other?"

"No, no. It was just one time when we first met. I didn't want to hide it from you."

Alison scoffed, "She's the one who 'spent the night'. I can't believe you."

She stood briskly and wandered towards a window, looking at the dull landscape overseen by a blanket of gray clouds.

"It didn't mean anything," the single mom continued. "It was only physical."

"But you see her all the time," Alison shot back. She turned to face Emily, her eyes beginning to water. "Does she have feelings for you?"

Emily sighed, "We never discussed it. She had–she was still getting over that Evie girl. From what I gather, she's not keen on opening up."
