Chapter 18 - Betrayal

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head disapprovingly.

"Don't ya dare," he huffed. The well built man began pacing in front of the couch, dragging his feet along the floor. "She was grievin'."

"Because you lied to her! And then you took advantage of her."

"They were after me–"


"They were! People were startin' to disappear and I knew I was next. I had to form an alliance while I still could."

"That wasn't an alliance, that was betrayal! You used her to stay alive."

"WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!" Harry exploded, now starring Jay dead in the face. "I was lonely and scared and vulnerable just like everyone else. When I found 'er, she told me Evie hadn't been seen for days. I saw the opportunity and lied to save us both."

"You made her care about you."

"I doubt that."

"If she wanted you dead, you'd be dead. You wouldn't be here, comfortable and invisible. She asked me to take you when she saw you being an idiot and attracting attention on the news. That's why I did, that's why I found you. Not for your sake but for hers. I couldn't care less about your ass."

Harry chuckled, "That's not true. Ya like the company."

Jay ignored the fact. He despised Harry but even more so when his former enemy was right.

"My point is the last thing you should be thinking about is making yourself known. Do I want to check in on everyone? More than anything. But we have to be smart."

The short haired man sighed in defeat because in the same manner, he too hated when his roommate was right.
