Chapter 7. Lying Your Ass Off



Chapter 7.

Lying your ass off.

Aurora groaned, lugging her bag over her shoulder as she thanked God it was lunch time. It truly was one of the worst first days she had ever had, and she could just tell that it wasn't going to get any better.

"Nice shorts" Aurora looked over at the voice, she noticed a girl she hadn't met before standing behind the boy who she had met in the woods the night before. She noticed the hateful look that plagued the girls face as she stared him down with poisoned daggers. He let out a huff before turning to open his locker.

"Yeah, thanks" His voice hushed, Aurora watched from afar, if you had said to her that this was the same boy that had tried to attack her last night, she wouldn't have believed you. This boy was sweet and little, "You know, I was wondering if you were still pissed off about the sixth grade, but I guess you cleared that up"

"I'm not pissed off, Liam" She turns to him. Aurora lets out a little huff as she pushes herself off from the wall she was leaning against and heads over to the two. As usual Aurora wasn't one to keep quiet.

"I'm vengeful" Aurora let the side of her body fall against the locker directly behind Hayden, causing her to jump in fear.

"Why don't you back off junior" Hayden sends her a glare that just made Aurora laugh. The two locked eyes for a minute, a silent battle for dominance. Hayden lost, as she broke eye contact by rolling her eyes and smacking her gum before walking off in a huff. Aurora watched her walk away, her arms crossed over her chest.

Aurora's eyes find their way back to Liam who still stood in front of her, trying to collect his things from his locker, "Hey Lil' Red" She sends him a smile, her thumb between her teeth sending him a playful look.

"What do you want" He groans, slamming his head into his locker in frustration.

"Nothing Lil' red" Aurora laughs before walking off to her free period.

"You, come with me" Stiles grabs a hold of Aurora's hand roughly, pulling her up from the grass she was sitting on. Aurora let out a groan as she was lifted to her feet.

"No, it's okay, I wasn't comfortable or anything" But Stiles paid no mind her to comments as he begun dragging her in the direction of the lockers.

"Look I need your help" Stiles comes to a halt just outside the entrance to the Men's locker room, Aurora took note of the look in his eye.


He was clearly someone who never gave up until they knew they were proved right, "I need you to tell me if someone is lying, listening to their heartbeat"

Aurora took him in for a moment as she pondered response, there was something about the look in his eye and the way his voice changed when he spoke that shook something inside her. He was so serious.

She chewed on her bottom lip before agreeing.

He sent her a nod that thanked her before he grabbed a hold of her hand once again and led her into the room. As soon as Aurora stepped foot inside, she wanted to gag. It smelt like wet, sweaty, musty socks and God knows what.

Stiles lead Aurora through a couple of rows of lockers before they made it to the back of the locker room where Aurora assumed was where the boys would socialise and have team meetings. He sent her a reassuring nod before they leant against the locker, their shoulders touching. They fell into a silence that didn't last long as she heard to people enter the locker room.

Aurora bit her lower lip with nerves as Scott and the cocky boy from her biology class came into view. Aurora's foot begun to tap as she anxiously waited for someone to say something. Stiles notices her anxious gestures and he reaches down to grab a hold of her hand, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. Scott sucked on his teeth the moment he noticed Stiles standing there with Aurora, their hands interlocked. Although he knew that there was nothing going on between the two of them, there was something about the sight of them together like that that made Scott burn inside.

She was so beautiful, and yet she was so much more than that. There isn't a word in the world that could describe just how beautiful she was. Her fiery red hair flowed so effortlessly with every movement she made. Her full figure lured Scott in like a siren, hypnotized by every movement she made. It irritated him that she had this effect on him, she had proven already that she did not like him. Well at least not after last night in the woods. She had a temper and so far by what Scott had seen she was not easily deterred, something Scott had a feeling would cause tension between them. And yet, he still wanted more. She challenged him and it burned something inside of him.

"So, how'd you get bit, Theo Raeken" Scott shook his head, trying to regain his attention as Stiles spoke.

Theo sighs "I was skating in a neighbours empty pool, trying to do a hand plant, nobody was home and I'm not that good of a skateboarder, but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time" He pauses, his eyes glaze over Aurora for a moment. His eyes flickering up and down over her body before continuing his story, "I didn't even realise that it was night until the yard lights came on- Like I said, I wasn't very good. On my last try I went down and hit hard. Really hard" He pauses again which causes Aurora to squint at him. She sucked on her lip as she tried her hardest to decipher his story. He didn't seem like he was lying, nor did she catch a jump in his heartbeat, but Aurora was a good liar. She knew that there were many ways deceive those who you're lying too, "I was sitting there at the bottom of the pool, and I realised something. I never heard the board come back down- It came at me fast- I barely had a chance to turn around before it bit me" He turns placing his hands on his lower abdomen, "Right here"

Stiles looks at Aurora almost to ask what she thought, Aurora gave him a look indicating that she was unsure.

Scott Sighs, "It wasn't an accident, he wanted to turn you"

"So why aren't you part of his pack then? Why didn't he come back for you?"

"Because by the time of my first full moon, he was dead."

"How did you know that?"

"I met another one of his pack a couple weeks later, He told me the Alpha that bit me was killed by two of his own Betas. They were twins" The moment Theo finished his sentence, both Scott and Stiles had this look on their faces that made Aurora take note and reminded herself to ask Stiles later what had happened.

"Scott, listen to my pulse! I'm telling the truth" Theo chuckled, throwing his hands up.

"Right" Aurora stepped forward, letting go of Stiles' hand, she looked him up and down, "Orโ€“", Her fingernails point directly into Theo's chest, trailing down in a walking motion, "you just know how to steady your heart rate while you're lying your ass off" Theo looked down at Aurora with a small smirk, she rolled her eyes before sending him a daring look and backing away.

"Why would I lie?" It took a second for Theo's eyes too move away from Aurora, as he looked between the two boys.

"Because maybe you're not who you say you are" Aurora states, he looks at her with a slight smirk hinting on his lips, as if he was challenging her to expose him.

"Why is she here?" Scott peaked up, crossing his arms over his chest. As he tries his hardest not to seem effected by Aurora's presence, even though it was clear that the slight flirting between Theo and Aurora annoyed him.

"Because we need her, she's an alpha" Stiles buts in, sending Scott a questioning look, "Plus she's my friend"

The statement causes Theo to look over at Aurora, looking her up and down once again. He had to admit, he was taken aback by her. She was stronger than he imagined.

"Friend? Stiles we don't even know who she is! She could be anyone!" Scott throws his hands up in a huff at his friend.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, I'm happy to leave" Aurora let out a chuckle, throwing her hands up in defence. Stiles reached out grabbing a hold of her shoulder, stopping her from leaving. Aurora let out a huff, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, please do" Scott snapped.

Aurora laughed again, "Look, I'm here doing yous a favour" Scott rolled his eyes in response.

"I didn't ask for your help"

"Good thing I'm not doing it to help you" Aurora stepped forward, pressing her finger into his chest, "Matter of fact I'd rather shoot myself in the foot before I do anything for you"

"No one's stopping you" Scott snapped, their chests were almost touching as they both held eye contact. Stiles shifted uncomfortably; you could practically cut the tension with a knife. Aurora swallowed hard. Trying her best to compose herself. She didn't know why Scott had her so riled up. Maybe it was because for the first time in years, even for a brief moment she let herself go. She felt safe and secure and now the person who made her feel free was now suddenly attacking her. It's like that feeling when you open up to someone you trust and then suddenly, they're no longer on your side. She felt stupid and she was kicking herself for letting herself go, even for a moment.

"I'm out of here" A dry laugh left her lips, their eyes still locked. Aurora ignored Stiles' protests as she grabbed her bag and left. Aurora pushed past the other students who begun to head their way back to their classes. But that was the last place Aurora wanted to be. Her heart was racing, and she tried her best to calm herself. She had a nasty habit of exploding that she desperately tried to keep under control. Aurora cracked her knuckles and chewed on her lip as she begun to walk home. Silently glad that she didn't drive to school today as the walk home would allow her to burn off some of her anger. She hated feeling this way, she hated when she let other people get to her and it pissed her off even more that it was Scott that made her feel this way.

Aurora was so buried in her own thoughts that she didn't even hear the motorcycle pull up next to her until she saw the movement in the corner of her eye. She turned her head in the direction of the figure. Aurora let out a scoffed laugh and rolled her eyes when she saw Scott, pulled up next to her, "Go away"

"Look I'm sorry" Scott said as he rolled along trying his best to keep up with Aurora's walking speed, "At least let me drive you home"

"I'd rather not" She spat before picking up her pace. Aurora silently thanked God when she noticed that Scott was no longer following her, but her prayers were cut short when she heard footsteps behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Scott now walking beside her, she groaned, "Please, just go away"

"If I can't drop you home, I'm going to have to walk you home" Aurora looked at him, his mood had changed so quickly, "Look, I am sorry" He sounded sincere, but Aurora was stubborn, "That's okay, we can walk in silence if you want" And so they did. They walked in silence. Aurora didn't pay much mind to it, in fact she assumed he would be sick of the silence and leave, but he didn't. Aurora found herself lost in her own thoughts, which most times ended dangerously for her. But this time she found herself comforted that she wasn't alone with her thoughts.

"You're not following me home so that you can stalk me and murder me, are you?" Her words brought Scott out of his daydream. He looks over at her, but she kept looking forward. He gave her a small chuckle.

"Possibly" Scott watched as Aurora tried her hardest to suffocate her smile. Scott watched her for a second before looking away. He could never look at her to long otherwise he would never look away. She was so beautiful that it made him nervous.

"I could take you" Aurora shot back in a slightly flirty tone.

"I don't doubt that" Scott chuckled as he kicked a stone from the path. They walked in silence for a moment before Scott spoke up once again, "Do you want to go somewhere?"

Aurora furrowed her eyebrows as she thought it over for a few moments, she pursed her lips together before turning to Scott, "Where are we going?"

Fix the spelling in here

This is toooooo long !!!
