Chapter 17. American Psycho

I love it when you guys comment, you're all so funny


Swearing, mentions of murder


Chapter 17.

American Psycho

There was almost nothing more in the world that Aurora wanted than a family. The typical annoyingly loveable mother and father that everyone seemingly had. A father who would take her to ball games and teach her how to ride a bike, a father who would protect her from the outside world. And a mother who showed her all the beauty in the world, a mother who would take her to a spa day with her or talk about boys. But more importantly, a family that sits at the dinner table together every night, enjoying each other's companies and sharing how their days went. It was something that many take for granted, having a loving and supportive family but it was the one thing in the world that Aurora craved. Having someone who would stand by your side no matter what.

Watching the way Stiles and his dad were, it made her heart melt. Stiles had opened up about his mum to Aurora a few nights ago. And if anyone knows anything about losing someone in your family that you love, it was definitely Aurora. Stiles appreciated that Aurora truly just listened. She listened to every word and emotion that you spoke to her, she took it in, and she always knew exactly what to say. Although he hadn't known her long, he felt a connection with her. Stiles could tell that Aurora had truly been through it and yet she was still here, still fighting.

"I should have gotten a haircut" Aurora sent Mr. Stilinski a smile as he turned around, running a hand through his hair. Stiles shuffled around to his dad, brushing small specks of dust off of his jacket coat.

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut" Stiles stated as he stood back, scanning his eyes over his dad's outfit. Aurora elbowed Stiles in the side causing him to yelp. He sent her a small eye roll as they watched his dad turn back around and begin to attempt at tying his tie.

"Stiles- shut up" She stepped forward, grasping Mr. S' tie, untwisting it and begun to fix it, "I think you look great" Stiles rolled his eyes as Aurora fixed his tie, much quicker than the two boys put together.

Noah raised his eyebrows as his son before once again taking another look at himself in the mirror, "Thank you Daughter, I should've had". Aurora chuckled as Stiles threw his arm over her shoulders. Aurora watched as Scott entered Noah's office.

"Looking good" Scott planted a hand on his shoulder, "big night planned?" Noah huffed before he turned back to the three of them. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea"

"What, Dad... " Stiles shook his head, "Dad, it's one date, okay? The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman" Stiles shook Aurora as he tried his best to get her to help him.

"Honestly, Mr. S, you deserve to have a night off, whoever you're going out with tonight with a lucky woman" Stiles smiled in approval as Aurora reassured his dad. He was thankful at this point that he had asked Aurora to come along with him and Scott. Even though he wasn't sure exactly how it would go with Aurora and Scott being in the same room, it was surprisingly going well. He had promised her to help her sort out what she was going to do about her mystery letter and this mystery 'mobster'. That was what Stiles liked to call him. He promised to help her as soon as he had gotten his dad out of the house for the night.

"Or man" Stiles blurted out.

"Stiles" Both Aurora and Scott hissed, once again jabbing him in his side. Aurora looked over at Scott as the words left both their mouths. Her eyes met his and she felt herself hold her breath as she scanned over him, he looked good. Then again Aurora was incredibly attracted to Scott, so she always thought he looked good. Scott sent her a small smile before they returned to their conversation.

"It's a woman, Stiles. Okay." Noah rolled his eyes at his son, " A very beautiful woman" Aurora wriggled her eyebrows at him in response.

"What beautiful woman, by the way?" Aurora just shook her head as Stiles continued to speak before thinking.

"None of your business" Noah squinted his eyes at the three of them, "Either of you, even you Aurora" Stiles turned to Aurora, sticking out his tongue.

"See you're no longer the favourite if he won't even tell you" Stiles chuckled, pulling Aurora into a head lock.

"Stiles-" Aurora grunted as she tried to get him off of her, she opened her mouth to say something else before she was cut off.

"Stilinski, Stilinski!" The four of them wondered out of Noah's office, "I'm going to kill you." Aurora watched as a kid around the similar age as they struggled within the hand cuffs he was confined too. She scrunched up her nose as he reeked of hate and anger. Aurora looked over at Scott who sent her the same look.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory" Noah shook his head, lifting his hand to dismiss them, "Deputies, escort the prisoner out"

Donovan chuckled, "I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window" He looked between the four of them, a small smile on his lips, "I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead" He locked eyes with Aurora for a moment, "And when you look at me and you ask me why, remember right now. Because this is why" There was silence for a moment as they took in his sudden outburst.

"Wow, that was awesome" Stiles begun to clap, "That was awesome. That was great." Aurora chuckled too, looking over at Stiles in amusement. She nodded in agreement.

"Can we do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time?"

Aurora shook her head, letting out a small chuckle, "No, no! Can you do Willem Dafoe? Green goblin kinda vibe?"

"No, no" Stiles turned to Aurora, pointing a finger at her, he laughed, "Surely he does Christian Bale-"

"-Yes! Little American Psycho moment-"

Stiles cut her off, "-Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now-"

"-You fucking stupid bastard" The two of them chuckled at themselves as they quoted the movie that they had watched just the night before. Scott shook his head as the two of them continued to make fun of Donovan. Aurora clapped her hands together as her laughter died down.

"Put a little raincoat on him, he'll be good to go" She laughed, Stiles sighed sarcastically sending Donovan an extremely snarky smile.

"You know what? It's fine. You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny, little cell, you know-" He looked at Aurora who nodded in agreement, "-Just stuck there, forever" Donovan screamed as he struggled against the two officers holding him, trying his best to attack Stiles and Aurora.

"That's it, Get him out of here!" Noah screamed before Parrish dragged Donovan kicking and screaming out the door.

"What the hell's an Anger Expression Inventory?" Scott popped up as the room became silent.

"It's a test you take when you're applying to become a deputy" Stiles rolled his eyes, turning away from the scene that had just unravelled in front of them all.

"That guy wanted to be a cop?"

"At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience" Aurora chuckled, sending Scott a small flirty smile before she turned to head back into Mr. Stilinski's office.

"Let's go" Stiles mumbled, collecting his keys, "Have a good night dad"

There wasn't much that made Aurora feel uncomfortable and Scott somehow was one of them. She always felt like she needed to adjust herself, watch the way she talked and walked. It was like he was always watching her, studying her. It got under her skin, made her itch. Aurora cleared her throat as she tried to shake the thoughts of Scott from her head.

"You ready?" Stiles sent Aurora a smile before collecting his keys and the three of them headed towards the parking lot, "That was interesting, wasn't it?"

Aurora looked up from her feet to look at Stiles, she chuckled, "This place sure does have some characters here"

"You have no idea, this place will always keep you on your toes" Stiles threw his arm over Auroras shoulders as they continued to walk, Scott trailing behind them.

"Until you're no longer on your feet" Scott added as he brushes past the two of them, hands in his jacket pockets. Aurora huffed as Scott shoved past her, heading towards his motorcycle. Stiles rolled his eyes, climbing into the Jeep.

"Don't worry about him" Aurora nodded as she too slipped into the passenger seat.

"What did he mean by that?" Stiles groaned as he struggled to start his car, he sent Aurora look from the corner of his eye.

"We've lost people before" Stiles sighed, finally getting his vehicle to start, "Scott most of all"
