Chapter 10. Stuck in a hole

Chapter 10.

Stuck in a hole.

Aurora sighed as she held her dinner plate from the sink, letting the water drain from it before placing it in the drying rack before she padded over to her couch slumping down onto it. Exhausted. It was only the first week of School and so much had already happened, she felt drained and confused.

Well, Aurora did get her wish, Beacon Hills was different. In fact, it was so different from any town she had ever been too. There was a sense of community, almost everyone in the town was welcoming and Aurora was not used to that. She had hands-on experience with people and people were not welcoming. Aurora knew people to be selfish, driven by their own self-loathing and thrust for power. And yet, the people here did not work that way.

Between the amount of Supernatural that seemed to call Beacon Hills home to the moments she had shared alone with Scott and her friendship with Stiles. She knew that the connections she was forming would most definitely come back to bite her, but it was that small spark of hope that she always held inside. That things would be different; it was always her weakest point. She always held a false sense of hope that things would change, no matter how many times she was proven wrong.

And she was proven wrong, many times.

And it didn't just prove her wrong, it ripped the hope from her chest, shoved her to the ground and beat her repeatedly until she stopped getting back up. Aurora swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as she tried her best to rid her mind of her racing thoughts.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Aurora blinked away from her daydream as the knocking continued rapidly. She stood from her position on the couch and headed over to the door. Her skin tingled as a gust of wind blew in from the streets. Aurora rolled her eyes in a playful manner when she noticed who was at her front door.

"Hello Stiles"

Stiles sent her a cheeky smile as she leaned against the door frame, with her hands crossed over her chest. He wasted no time as Stiles pushed past Aurora and into her house. Aurora shook her head at him before closing the door behind her, and following him "How do you know where I live?"

"From the School office" Stiles muttered as his wondering eyes scanned the contents of Aurora's home. He took note of her living room, nothing special. He noticed the lack of photographs of family members. Odd. He thought. Aurora laughed once again, raising her eyebrows at him in a questioning manner.

"And the School office just handed this deeply personal and private information to you?" Stiles clasped his hands together and sent her an awkward smile.

"Well, no" He scratched the back of his head, "I stole it"

"So, you broke into the School office to find out where I live, because?" Aurora sighed.

"Because I need your help with Theo" Aurora furrowed her eyebrows, "Look, I know he is up to no good, and I would really appreciate your help, if you could follow him with me-"

"-follow him?" Aurora cut him off, "Wow you really love breaking the law" she laughed at him.

"Look I understand if you don't want to-"

"-I never said that" Aurora turned to grab her jacket, "Clearly you think this kid is up to no good, and I have nothing better to do"

"Wait, really?" Stiles sent Aurora a look of disbelief. She chuckled before ushering him out of her house. Stiles jogged over to his vehicle and Aurora laughed as she watched him trip over his own two feet slightly. She turned to lock her front door before slipping on her shoes.

"Move" Aurora looked over at Stiles as she heard him grunt, thinking he was talking to her. The Jeep begun to shake as she noticed Stiles throwing things into the back seat while simultaneously shoving Liam, who Aurora had just noticed sitting in the front seat.

"What? Why" Liam groaned, Stiles begun shushing him trying his best to get Liam to move, "In the back seat, Quick!" Aurora chuckled as Liam tried his best to jump into the back seat of the jeep. Stiles looked back at Aurora sending her another toothy grin as she jumped into the car, "Why does she get to sit in the front? I've known you longer"

"And I already like her more then you" Aurora watched as Stiles sent Liam a look through the rear-view mirror that instantly had Liam in silence. She chuckled as they begun heading towards Theo's house.

"This is it, let's park here" Stiles mumbles as he pulls up a couple of houses behind Theo's.

"So, what do you have on Theo?" Aurora questioned, trying her best to not seem awkward. Liam let out a small silent groan that most definitely said 'oh God, here we go'.

"Well, you know how I found that signatures and that they were different" Aurora nodded, "Well and then there's the fact that he is a werewolf, like out of all the coincidences ever the one kid we knew from fifth grade who moved away and we haven't seen or heard from in years comes back and now suddenly he's a werewolf? I think not" Aurora blinked hard as she tried her best to keep up with Stiles' manic rant, now she knew why Liam groaned, "And then that guy shows up-"

"What guy?" Aurora questioned. She looked over at Stiles, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Did I not tell you about the guy?" Stiles looked at her confused, she shook her head.

"You did not tell me about the guy"

"I definitely told you about the guy"

"You didn't" Aurora shook her head again, Stiles waved his hand in the air.

"Are you sure I didn't tell you? Maybe you just weren't listening?" Aurora snorted a laugh.

"I'm pretty sure I would remember if you told me about a guy showing up"

"I definitely told you-"

"Shut up" Stiles and Aurora jumped slightly as Liam raised his voice from the back seat. The two of them sent each other a side eye look.

"Someone's grumpy" Stiles mumbled, which only cause Liam to roll his eyes. Aurora chuckled, turning in her seat to look back at Liam.

"Sorry Lil' Red" Liam groaned, mumbling something about her not calling him that. Aurora laughed before turning back around in her seat, she looked over at Stiles.

"So, let's say you didn't tell me about the guy-" She air quoted, "-who is he?"

"We don't really know, he kind of just showed up and attacked us the night we ran into you in the woods" Stiles waved his hands around as he spoke, "The weird thing is, is that he had these talons"

"Talons?" Aurora raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yes, Talons- big blue freaky looking talons" Stiles continued, "Deaton looked pretty shocked by them and didn't really have any answers, which is a bit scary since he knows everything" Aurora nodded her head as she took in the information.

"Who's Deaton?"

"He's a veterinarian, he works at the animal clinic" Stiles answered her as he looked back over at Theo's house once again, making sure he wouldn't miss any of the action, "He's Scott's boss- but he knows things, things about the supernatural"

Aurora slowly nodded her head as she tried to wrap her head around the whole veterinarian thing, "Right" she too looked over at Theo's house just as she noticed Theo wondering out to his car, "Look, he's leaving" Stiles dramatically sunk down into his chair as the three of them watched Theo pull out of his driveway, "So why isn't Scott helping you with this?" She questioned as they begun to follow Theo's car.

Stiles was silent for a moment as he thought over her question, he looked back at Liam through the rear-view mirror once again and they made eye contact which silently confirmed both their thoughts. Stiles tightened his grip on his steering wheel before answering, "Scott, he-he wouldn't understand" Aurora furrowed her brows as she analysed his response, he reeked of anxiety. Stiles tried his best too not squirm under her gaze as Aurora was far too good at reading people, it didn't matter how much they tried to hid it. Although she didn't know exactly what he meant by 'he wouldn't understand' perhaps Scott and Stiles weren't as close as Aurora had once thought?

"Plus, he's probably with Kira" Liam piped up. Aurora tore her eyes away from Stiles to look at Liam through the rear-view mirror. There was a burning sensation that tore through Aurora's chest and down her throat as she spoke.

"Kira?" The tone of Aurora's voice brought Stiles from his focus on the road. He looked over at her and for the first time since he had met Aurora there was this look on her face that Stiles could not for the life of him figure out. Stiles could never quiet figure out what exactly she was thinking, she always had her game face on. But this time something was different, something seemed off.

"Yeah, they're hooking up or whatever" Liam added, looking out the window completely oblivious of the change of mood. Aurora raised both her eyebrows in an attempt to relieve the tension in her eyes. She almost wanted to laugh. She didn't know why she was hurt; Scott and she had done nothing but fight since she moved to Beacon Hills. And yet she couldn't help but think of those small little moments that the two of them had shared. The moments that felt like they lasted a millennium, the look in his eyes and the feeling of his chest pressed against hers. Hurt quickly turned to anger though as Aurora's mind went a million miles an hour.

She wanted to kick and scream but not at him, at herself. She was so mad at herself for letting her think so far into something that clearly meant nothing. She hated herself for letting Scott get close enough to affect her. She felt humiliated. Stiles looked back over at Aurora once again as Liam finished his sentence, the look on Aurora's face said it all and Stiles kicked himself for not seeing it before.

"Oh" Was all Aurora could muster up as she continued to look out of the window.

"Nothing serious though" Stiles spoke up, sending Liam a look through the mirror.

"I mean- I wouldn't say its casual-" Liam spoke up once again, clearly not grasping the look Stiles was sending him. Stiles cut Liam off as he cleared his throat loudly. Liam crossed his eyebrows as he looked at Stiles through the mirror. Stiles sent him another look, scrunching up his face up and knocking his head slightly in the direction of Aurora, who had fallen silent. Liam's eyes widened and he too cleared his throat before adding, "-But then again, I'm a freshman that has never even kissed a girl so you know what would I know about hooking up, you know?" Stiles rolled his eyes dramatically as Liam continued to dig himself deeper.

"He's stopped" Stiles was once again taken by the tone of Aurora's voice. He looked over at her, her eyes were glued on the road ahead of her and her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Stiles almost had to question if he was hallucinating the look he had once seen on her face, because now as he looked at her, it was as if nothing had even happened. Stiles swallowed the lump in his throat as he cross-examined her. It kind of scared Stiles how quickly and easily she was able to shut it all off. How quickly she was able to pull herself back in line. That's not something that you just do for fun, it's something you learn over time. He almost wanted to say something but instead decided to change the subject.

"See- I told you he was up to no good" He muttered as they pulled into the car park for the woods. The three of them watched Theo get out of his car with something in his hands and begun to head into the woods,

"He's only gone for a drive; I'd hardly say that's evil" Aurora looked over at Stiles who ignored her as he jumped out of the jeep.

"Let's go" Aurora huffed and sent Liam a small eye roll as the two of them followed him. Aurora shook her head as she watched Stiles track ahead leaving Aurora and Liam by themselves.

"So, do you believe all this Theo stuff?" Aurora asked as Liam jogged slightly to catch up with her. Although the pair had meet on odd terms, Aurora saw a lot of herself in Liam. He had so much pent-up anger, she could tell from the moment they met. He fought with rage not with strength and that's what'll get you killed.

"Well, no but when Stiles has his head set on something he usually does irrational things, so it's better for him to not go alone" Liam chuckled as the two of them begun to walk side by side.

"It's just because he cares" Aurora said softly as she looked over at Liam as they shared a small smile, "How long have you been a werewolf?"

"Not very long" Liam mumbled, kicking the rocks on the ground below him. "Scott turned me, he was trying to save me, he had no choice" Aurora furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about the idea of Scott changing someone. He didn't seem like the type, considering the type of Alpha he is.

"Not handling the full moons very well?" Aurora looked over at Liam and they made eye contact for a second.

"How'd you know?" Aurora chuckled, looking down at her feet.

"It's pretty easy to tell considering how we first met" Liam scoffed before sending Aurora an eye roll.

"You were baiting me" He laughed, shaking his finger, "On purpose" Aurora laughed along with him before agreeing.

"It was pretty funny; you have to admit" Liam rolled his eyes once again before mumbling a small whatever.

"It's just so hard to control it, Scott has been tyring his hardest help me, he makes it seem so easy, but I feel like it's different for me then it is for him" Aurora nodded before lifting her hand and giving him a reassuring pat on the back before adding,

"I know what you mean" Aurora took a breath, "It's not even really the rage that you can't control, it's the power" Aurora shoved her hands into her pockets, "I can teach you how to control it?"

"Really?" Liam looked at her with wide eyes, "You would do that?" Aurora nodded before looking up the hill noticing that Stiles had now disappeared, "Come on" Aurora motion Liam to follow as she begun to jog after Stiles. Aurora turned to yell out at Liam but stopped running when she heard a small yelp from behind her, she turned around expecting to see Liam, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Lil Red?" Aurora yelled out as she slowly started walking back to where she had left Liam standing, "Liam?"

"Down here" Aurora started laughing as she made her way over to where she had heard Liam's voice, she looked down finding him at the bottom of a hole.

"How the hell did you get down there?"

Liam sent her his usual grumpy look, "I fell" Liam lifted his arm up to Aurora, "Come on, help me out"

"Hold on, hold on" Aurora giggled before pulling out her phone, "I need to get a picture of this"

"No" Liam pleaded but it was too late as the flash blinded him, "Okay now help me!" Aurora still laughed as she leaned down to grab his hand.

"Can you two stop mucking around, let's go" Stiles groaned as he walked back over to the two. Aurora rolled her eyes as she pulled Liam out of the hole. Liam sent her a small thank you as he brushed off the mud that he was now covered in. The three of them made it over to a small clearing where they could easily see Theo. He was standing on a bridge, looking down at the water that flowed below him.

"Can you catch his scent?" Stiles questioned; his eyes never left Theo. As if he was sure that any moment Theo would bust out and do something so completely evil and that'd be caught red handed.

"He's sad but not just sad" Liam fumbled. Aurora looked over at Theo, watching him. She took a breath in, focusing in on his wave of emotions. And it hit her like a ton of bricks. It made her want to vomit, an emotion that she was all too familiar with. Smelling it triggered something inside her and it all came flooding back.ย 
