Chapter 13. Man-eater

Chapter 13.


"I just don't understand why we had to invite him" Stiles groaned as he grabbed another handful of chips from the bowl in front of him. Lydia groaned, pulling the bowl away from Stiles before turning away to grab another bag of chips from her shopping bag, "I don't like him"

"Please Stiles, you're lucky he is even giving you a second chance after what you did" Lydia muttered as she opened another bag and pouring it into another bowl in front of her. Aurora looked away as the words left Lydia's mouth. Friday night was the last thing she wanted to think about. She stayed quiet as Lydia and Stiles continued their argument.

"Please" Stiles rolled his eyes, shifting around on his chair, "I know he is up to something; you believe me Aurora?" Stiles looked over at Aurora, it was the first time that he had noticed that she hadn't spoken. He watched her for a second, she looked distracted. Aurora blinked for a moment before she looked at him before sending him a small sad smile.

"Yeah" Her voice was soft which caused Stiles to furrow his eyebrows. He opened his mouth to say something, but Lydia stopped him.

"Right, well I am going to get changed before everyone gets here" Lydia turned to Aurora, "Make sure Stiles doesn't eat any of the snacks before everyone gets here" Aurora gave her a quick nod before she collected her clothes and heading up to Aurora's room to change.

"Alright" Stiles stated as Aurora made her way back into the kitchen, "What's up with you?" Aurora looked over at Stiles who shuffled around in his chair.

"Nothing's up" Aurora let out a dry laugh before grabbing a hold of one of the bowls of chips and heading into the living room. Stiles quickly followed after her.

"Something is most definitely up" Stiles tried his best to keep up with her as she continued to set up before everyone arrived, "Is this about the other night?" Aurora stopped what she was doing for a moment, she closed her eyes as she felt her heart sink. She knew Stiles had good intentions, but this was not the best time to unravel her emotions. She felt his hand on her shoulder as he turned her to face him.

"Can we please get through tonight, and I promise you we can talk about it" Nothing else needed to be said, Stiles understood the tone of her voice. She wasn't mad, nor was she annoyed but tired. There was a sinking feeling in Stiles' chest as he realised something was in fact up with her. He raked over his mind trying to think of something he had done to upset her. He truly liked hanging out with Aurora and the last thing he wanted was to have ruined their growing friendship with his silly obsessive actions. Stiles Nodded.

"Okay" They looked at each other for a moment before he rolled his eyes dramatically, "You can't tell me that you actually want Theo here, right?" Aurora laughed, thankful that Stiles was moving on from the topic. She turned away from him and begun heading into the kitchen.

"Stiles, there's one thing I've learnt in my life so far" Stiles quickly followed behind her, "And that is to keep your enemies close" She grabbed some of the drinks from the fridge before heading back into the living room. Stiles threw himself down onto the couch, watching her beginning to set up.

"Fine" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Clearly unhappy that Theo was joining them tonight, "I just don't like the way he looks, like he's got a big fat secret and I want to know what it is" Aurora laughed before sitting down across from him on the couch, "Clearly he thinks you're not a sight for sore eyes" Aurora scrunched her face up at his comment.

"What do you mean?" Stiles lowered his eyelids at her question.

"Please, come on" Stiles waved his hands around, "He obviously thinks you're hot, he can barely keep his eyes off you" Aurora laughed shaking her head before muttering a small, whatever. They sat in silence for a moment before Stiles gasped which startled Aurora. She looked at him questionably as he looked at her, his eyes wild and a smile that continued to grow.

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows and scrunched her nose at him as his smile begun to grow creepily.

"You should flirt with him tonight" Aurora laughed, "No, no listen, he obviously thinks you're attractive and we know he has secrets, right?"

"Right..." Aurora trailed off, waiting for the kicker.

"Right, so a couple drinks here, a couple drinks there, a little arm touching, and you got yourself a man that will tell you anything" Aurora shook her head at him.

"This will not work" Aurora stood up from the couch, heading over to where she had her phone on charge. Stiles cycled through his thoughts, trying his best to think of a way to convince her of his totally fool proof plan. He tried his best to suppress a smile, he sighed. Leaning back onto the couch in defeat.

"Yeah, you're right" He watched her as she looked at her notifications, "hmm I guess Scott and Kira will be here soon" He watched Aurora stop scrolling through her phone.

"Scott and Kira?"

"Yeah, they were having a study session after school today" Stiles watched her actions, trying to see if his plan was working on her, "They're coming together" Aurora locked her phone before turning to Stiles and the moment their eyes met. Stiles cheered internally; he had done it. Aurora swallowed hard before sending him a smile.

"Good for them" She grabbed one of her drinks from the coffee table in front of him, opening it she brought the liquor to her lips and downing it, "I mean, Theo's kind of cute"

Stiles sent her a smirk, "If you say so".

The night continued quickly, Lydia and Stiles were by far the drunkest in the room. Aurora looked over her shoulder as she heard Stiles' extremely loud and intoxicated laughing. She watched as he stumbled over his own feet as he tried his best to get Lydia and Malia to dance with him. Aurora chuckled, shaking her head. The night had only just started but so far, it was nice. It almost made Aurora forget about everything that had happened in the last few days. She liked this town; she liked these people. They made her feel at home and although that's all she ever wanted, there was still this nagging voice in her head that begged her to keep her distance. She loved her some-what friendship with Stiles, he reminded her so much of Blade. She liked to imagine that this is what he would be like at this age, she imagined that he'd had grown up happy, fun, protective and caring. She hated that no matter how old she got, her brother would stay the same age. She would never see him grown up, in love or have a family. She'd never get to pick on him for having his first crush or scream at him for going in her room and touching all her stuff.

"You good?" Aurora turned back, her eyes locking with Theo who she was once in a conversation with before she got distracted by drunkenness. She readjusted herself, leaning against the wall. She sent Theo a small smile, lifting her empty drink in the air.

"I will be once this is full" Theo chuckled as the two of them walked over to the kitchen. Theo followed behind her, his hand carefully placed behind her waist. There was no denying that Theo was hot. Okay, Aurora would say that he was definitely hotter then hot. He was a mystery, he had secrets and she could tell that. She believed that Stiles was right, he was up to no good. And normally he is exactly what she would go for, men like that were easy. She knew how to appeal to them; she knew exactly what they wanted, and she had plenty of experience in using that to her full advantage. And yes, normally she'd ride that until she was over this town and move onto the next Theo. But this time is different, there are external players in this equation. This time there was a wrong and a right and this time she'd have to pick a side. Aurora glanced at Stiles and the two of them shared a look. He sent her a small sharp nod which Aurora returned. Looking back at Theo, Aurora looked up at him with sweet eyes as he handed her a new drink. She brought the cup to her lips, still looking up to him through her lashes and a small smirk which Theo returned.

"That's already your third" Theo smirked, bringing his cup to his lips and swallowing. Aurora looked at his mouth as he licked his lips, before looking back up to him. She leaned back slightly against the wall behind her, looking Theo up and down again before he spoke, "Plan on getting a little drunk tonight, Aurora?"

She raised her eyebrow slightly in a playful tune.

"You know it'll take a lot more than a few drinks to get me-" She licked her lips, "drunk"

She had her flirt turned up to a hundred tonight and it was working. Theo chuckled dryly before placing a hand under her solo cup, bringing it up to her lips gesturing her to drink from it.

"Better drink up then" He was good, but she was better. Aurora looked over Theo's shoulder, having a clear view of the living room. Stiles looked at her questionably, even drunk he was still driven to find out exactly what Theo had going on under the hair gel, leather jacket and skinny jeans. Theo shifted his weight, placing a palm against the wall next to her head, blocking her from moving anywhere.

"You seem to be making friends here quickly" Aurora stated somewhat sarcastic. Theo chuckled before sending a look over his shoulder at the group behind him, he looked back at Aurora.

"You're joking, right?" They both chuckled, "Stiles has it out for me, that's clear" Aurora raised her chest slightly before using her free hand to play with the lining of his jacket, a small curious smile planted on her lips.

"It's just because you're all new and mysterious, plus if you've got nothing to hide?" She trailed off. Theo grabbed a hold of her hand, stopping her from playing with his jacket.

"We've all got secrets we don't want others knowing, Aurora" He shifted, Aurora's breath hitched slightly as he moved his face closer to hers. She looked up at him, finding herself shifting between his lips and eyes, "I think you of all people understand that, no?" They stared at each other for a moment. Theo wanted Aurora to feel like they were the same. They had the same type of secrets. Secrets he knew that she didn't want anyone, let alone the group to find out. Aurora held her tongue, hoping that Theo would continue as his words few around in her head. Of course, she had things that she didn't want the group to know. But did he know how bad they were? He couldn't possibly know. Theo chewed the inside of his cheek, her silence angered him. His ego had him aching for her reaction and before he could stop himself, he spoke; "You know that a time will come where you will need to choose which side, you're on, there is a lot more at play, going on"

"You don't know anything about me", Aurora looked up at him trying to hide her disgust, she shoves him slightly trying to get past him, but Theo pushes back. Forcing her back further into the wall, Theo hushed her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I know everything about you, Rue."

Aurora's eyes scrunched in both confusion and anger as she processed his words. She searched for meaning in his eyes, but Aurora felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of dread. The sound of that name leaving his lips sent her spiralling. She hadn't heard it in so long it almost felt unfamiliar, she was not that little girl anymore. She wanted to rip his entire body apart right then and there and not in a sexy kind of way. Aurora lifted her finger into Theo's chest and opened her mouth-

"Scott!" The single word snapped Aurora from Theo's gaze. Instantly looking at the front door, her heart dropped when she made eye contact with him. Stiles jogged over to him, throwing his hand over Scott's shoulder as he walked him into the living room. Scott's eyes never left Aurora's, Theo still millimetres from her face. It was all in slow motion and she could tell all by his face, Scott was pissed. He sucked on his teeth before snapping out of it and joining in on Stiles conversation. Aurora shook her head, pushing Theo off of her. She turned away from him, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before downing her drink. Another one. Aurora grabbed another drink from the counter trying her best to ignore the feeling she had in the pit of her stomach before she felt someone throw their arm over her shoulder.

"It's drinking time" Liam chucked as he locked his arm around Aurora's neck, pulling her into an almost head-lock type of hug. Aurora laughed before shaking him off of her. Liam put his drinks down before pulling her into a normal hug.

"Did you bring your permission slip?" Aurora looked at him, dead in the eye. She watched Liam's face scrunch up in confusion before he shook his head.

"What permission slip?" He grabbed a can from his bag but before he could open it Aurora snatched it from his hands, "Hey!"

"You didn't bring the permission slip from your mum saying you were allowed to drink tonight?" Aurora looked at him, trying her best to keep a straight face.

"What? no" Liam stuttered, "There was never a permission slip" Aurora shook her head.

"Stiles" Aurora raised her voice trying to grab his attention, Stiles popped his head around the corner before walking into the kitchen. He muttered a small hmm, "Liam didn't bring his permission slip to drink tonight" Stiles didn't even need her to say anything more.

"No permission slip signed by Mrs. Dunbar?" Stiles shook his drunken head, "Looks like Liam isn't drinking tonight" Aurora nodded in agreement before looking at Liam and shrugging her shoulders.

"I was never given a permission slip" Liam's voice dripping with sadness, "I can run home right now- I can get her to sign it" Aurora shook her head once again, reiterating the fact that she was set on Liam not being allowed to drink without the slip, "Honestly- If I run back right now, I could probably make it back-"

"Hey, you two!" Lydia laughed as she made her way into the kitchen, "Leave the poor kid alone" Lydia placed a small hand on Liam's shoulder after grabbing a drink from the fridge, "They're messing with you" Liam groaned, giving Aurora a shove, and stealing his drink back from her hands.

"You guys are mean"

Add in about theo knowing something personal about her, since the doctors are working with her mother.ย 
