Chapter 20. Melancholic

Chapter 20.


Aurora huffed as she kicked a pebble in her path, she watched it skim across the concrete before coming to a stop in the dirt. She scanned the neighbourhood quickly before crossing the road. She was kind of regretting not catching a ride back with Stiles, but she understood that he did not want to leave his dad's side. How could she blame him? They both heard Donovan's threats and if Aurora's stomach wasn't eating itself alive, she would have stayed with them.

At least that's what she was telling herself; ignoring that tiny voice inside her head telling her; This is not your family. As much as Stiles forced himself into her life and would do just about anything to prove it, Aurora could never feel like she belongs to a family again. Aurora often seeks solace in solitary, her thoughts didn't swarm and fester in her head the same way it does in isolation. Aurora found far too much comfort in her isolation. Her soul, rotting away inside her mind, wrapped in blankets and in the comfort of its own bed. Staring into the hollow darkness that Aurora knew was trapped deep inside her. She had come to the realisation that something inside her was broken, and nothing in this world was going to fix it. That's what she found comfort in. She found comfort in knowing that no matter where she was or who she was with; one thing was for certain. Misery, pain, heart clenching, ever long agony.

Perhaps that was Aurora's downfall; she had a constant wanting and longing inside of her that she has never been able to quite fill. Instead, thoughts that string her to The Rack and destroy her from the inside out plagued her mind. Thoughts that immobilise her in fear as she desperately grapples with the perplexities of her existence.ย 

How shameful is it to be an Alpha, to lead with strength and power and yet so inadequate inside the mind? You couldn't blame Aurora for the way her mind worked, after everything she'd seen, everything she'd had to do. It's almost applaudable she's not worse.

Aurora looked right over her shoulder as she turned down the last street, making her way down to the end of the path. The wind picked up slightly as she spotted the white fence that surrounded her home. Aurora's heart flustered as the smell of a bittersweet aroma of leather and Sandalwood swirled thought her senses. She sucked in a harsh breath before rounding the corner. She took a few steps before she saw him; her shoulders relaxed. His motor bike sat in the driveway, and he had taken a seat on the steps of her porch. The scuffled sound of her feet caused him to look up. His dark brown eyes found their way to her instantly. Aurora tugged on the inside of her lip slightly, there he was just, looking at her again. Aurora watched as he stood from his place,


Aurora looked at him for a moment before answering, "Hi, Scott" Aurora watched as the corner of his lips twitched slightly.

"Did you walk? I would have given you a ride" Scott muttered out as he scratched the back of his head slightly. Aurora scoffed quietly and started walking towards him.

"I enjoyed the walk" She kept eye contact with him as she stood at the bottom of the three steps, "Did you come all the way here just to tell me that" She sent him a small smirk and a flick of her eyebrow.

Scott cleared his throat and rolled his eyes, "Of course not-"

"-Hey, don't get snappy with me" Aurora chuckled, "You're the one on my doorstep"

Scott groaned and shook his head, "You know that you're incredibility annoying, right?"

"Annoying?" She laughed.

"-look, I don't even know why I came here-" Scott walked past Aurora, brushing her shoulder slightly.ย 

Aurora sighed, turning around to watch him walk away.

"Why did you come here Scott?"ย 

Scott stopped; she sounded so tired. He stood there for a moment as he pondered what to say. His fingers shook with nerve as he clenched his fists before letting his shoulders relax. His chest dropped and he turned to look at her. The sun was nowhere to be seen but the sky still reflected its remanence as the colours bounced through the clouds. Scott studied Aurora's face for a moment, as she let out a low breath, he could see the cold night air leave her lips. Her nose was slightly red as the winter wind blew against the both of them, sending strands her hair across her face. Aurora did little to stop it as she couldn't find the strength to look away. She felt her heart hold a beat waiting for him to utter his next words.

"I came to say, I'm sorry" Scott swallowed the lump in his throat, he took a few steps closer, "And that, you're right"

Aurora's eyes darted across Scott's face, her chest burned and yet she could not find the words. Her mouth hung open slightly as she furrowed her eyebrows in defence. Scott took this as his chance to take another step forward. He reached for the wild strands of hair that covered her face and tucked them behind her ear. Aurora looked up at him, Chewing on the inside of her lip again.

"I wish-" Scott started, "I wish, we met when- when I wasn't this version of me" Scott whispered as he placed a kiss upon her forehead, tucking her head into his chest as he cradled her in his arms. Aurora lifted her arms around Scott's waist, embracing him.ย 

Although he held her, it was truly Aurora that was comforting him. Scott was a strong, empathetic, and determined man who struggles with the anger and defensiveness that encircles him. There was no running away for Scott, he was someone to people and although he no longer considered himself a leader or an Alpha. Somewhere deep inside of him, there was nothing Scott wanted more than to regain the spark that once fuelled his life and overcome the anger and defensiveness that have taken over his psyche. Aurora closed her eyes as she took him in. Maybe it was that she saw something of herself in Scott, but she knew how he felt. She knew every single shameful thought that crosses your mind. Every single skin peeling moment of dread that never quite goes away.

"Would you like to come in?" Her voice was soft and muffled as she shifted her head from against his chest. Aurora felt Scott's chest rise and fall before he unravelled her from his chest. Scott slipped his fingers between hers and allowed Aurora to guide the two into her home. Scott chewed the inside of his lip as Aurora's fingers slipped away from his as she moved away from him to place her belongings down. Scott looked around for a moment before making his way to the couch, he sat in a huff. His face buried in his hands, trying his best to calm himself.

Scott's body tingled and the lump in the back of his throat continued to burn. He tried to take long deep breaths as he held his head in his hands. The sudden realisation of what he had said and who he had said it too started to swirl around in his head. The sudden vulnerability nauseated him with regret. There was something about Aurora that made Scott feel sick. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing- and yet, here he is. In the company of the woman who haunts his sleepless nights. He had bigger and closer things that he had to focus on and letting himself wonder into unknown danger, only puts the group at risk. How was he supposed to protect his pact when he can't even figure out one single girl.ย 

"Here" Aurora's voice broke him from his thoughts, her soft hand placed on his back as she sat down next to him. Scott grasped the glass of water Aurora had placed in front of her and took a sip. Aurora chewed her lip as the silence grew longer and with each moment that passed, she felt her heart pound through her chest.


"What are you doing here?" Aurora adjusted her shoulders as Scott cut her off, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What are you doing in this town?"

"Oh" Aurora shifted away from him slightly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and with a huff she replied, "I picked it out of a hat".

Scott turned his head to look at Aurora, clearly unamused.

"I don't really get to decide where I go." Aurora mumbled, dismissing Scott's facial remark.

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that I don't get to decide where I end up next" Aurora retorted.

"How can I trust you when you give me answers like this, huh?" Scott huffed as he stood from his position on the couch. He took a few steps towards the entrance before turning around to face Aurora, "Just tell me now if I can't trust you. Tell me now so that I can decide what to do with you"

"Decide what to do with me?" She chuckled, leaning back further into the couch, her arms crossed over her chest, "I'm not some lost dog, that you're trying to get rid of, plus not trusting me is probably the smartest thing you could do" Aurora sighed, looking away from him.

"That's not helping your case" Scott muttered frustratingly.

"What do you want from me Scott?" Aurora turned to face him again, "I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon and we either kill each other now or we start braiding each other's hair"

Scott rolled his eyes once again, "Just hear me now, if you do anything to put my Pack at risk" Aurora watched as Scott's eyes narrow as he spoke, "I won't hesitate"

Aurora sent Scott a small smirk before answering; "I wouldn't expect any less, Handsome"ย 
