Chapter 18. An attack on the village

Chapter 18.

An Attack On The Village

Four To Five Years Ago

Hushed mumbles echoed the hollow home as the weather raged on outside. Flashes of lightning lit up the sky like a mosaic masterpiece. The wind hollowed in rage through the valley whisking its way up through the trees which pounded against the wooden home. Thunder boomed across the sky, rattling the contents inside which resulted in the home becoming pitch black. The two children screamed as they pulled their blankets closer to their chests. Aurora grabbed a hold of her friend's hand, pulling them closer together.

"We will be safe in here, Brett" Aurora whispered, pointing to the makeshift blanket fort the two had mustered together. She turned to Brett squeezing his hand, "It's magic, it'll protect us"

"Are you sure?" Brett pleaded; a sudden boom of thunder clashed against the sky which caused him to wince.

"I promise" Aurora lifted her pinkie finger to him. Brett lifted his finger to meet hers, Aurora smiled as they linked their pinkies.

"Now-" She gestured to her thumb, "You've got to lock it in, or it doesn't work" Aurora planted her thumb against his, their fingers still interlocked.

"Promise we will be friends forever?"

"Promise" Brett brought Aurora in for a hug. The two had been best friends for pretty much their entire lives. Attached at the hip with everything they did or said. Aurora was mainly the leader; she was definitely the one who'd jump off the bridge first and Brett was soon to follow. The two pulled away when they heard tiny little feet pitter pattering across the cold wooden floors. Aurora and Brett giggle silently as they signalled each other to watch out. The little feet stopped right outside the entrance of the fort.

"Who goes there?" Brett spoke up, puffing his chest out to make his voice sound deeper. Little giggles could be heard from outside the tent.

"Lord Blade and Lady Lorilee" Aurora sent Brett a look that every older sibling knows when the younger ones try and join the fun.

"To enter our kingdom, you must know the password" Aurora tried her best to put on an old man voice. There was silence for a moment before the little feet wondered away. Aurora squinted in suspicion looking at Brett.

'Where did they go?' He mouthed; Aurora shook her head as they listened for the smallest sound.

"Attack!" Aurora and Brett screamed as the two smaller children came charging in through the entrance of the fort, jumping on top of the two older siblings. Aurora and Brett tussled with their younger halves, struggling underneath their weights.

"Okay, okay!" Aurora laughed as Blade and Lorilee finally got off of them, "What are you two doing out of bed, if mother finds you-" Aurora warns.

"But we were scared!" Blade pleaded with Aurora, "Can you please tell us a story and then I promise we will go back to bed" Aurora rolled her eyes looking over at Brett who just held his hands up as if to say, this is all you.

"Fine but you need to get to bed right after" Aurora shook her finger which caused them to nod profusely, "Okay- once upon a time there were two amazing, cool, funny super best friends" Aurora nudged Brett in the side while raising her eyebrows.

"Don't forget handsome" Brett added which Aurora just rolled her eyes.

"-handsome best friends who lived in village with their two annoying siblings"

"Hey!" Lorilee pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, "Tell us a real story"

"Fine, fine, fine okay here we go" 
