Chapter 5. Well Shit


Chapter 5.

Well Shit.ย 

"All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Height and Ashbury?" Stiles questions to himself, "Also expensive" His voice comes out in a frustrated mumble. In an attempt to satisfy Scott's best friend, he pushes himself onto the top of the bonnet leaning back on his elbows in a relaxed form. The sound of metal on metal comes from the tree behind them as Liam struggles under the influence of the moon.

"What about Berkeley? Don't a lot of students live around there?"

" Yeah, yeah, we could try Nob Hill, but the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches" Another frustrated grunt comes from the back of stiles throat as he runs his fingers through his hair. Scott turns to his friend, a chuckled escapes past his lips.

"You're bringing the Jeep?"

"You know the plan, okay. No one gets left behind. That's the plan!" Stiles sighs as he realizes he snapped, "Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford, Kira's thinking USF, Malia's, uh, gonna, you know, she'll figure something out, okay. The plan's perfect." It was critical for Stiles to make sure everyone stayed together after High school. These were the friends that had been with him from start to death and well- to possession, everything that could go wrong in his life had, but he got through it because they all had each other.

They were Family.

"Or" Scott shuffles around on the metal beneath him, "We could also wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live."

"I have a vision, dude. And it is a beautiful vision. Don't ruin the vision" Stiles chuckled trying to lift the mood slightly. Scott sighs in defeat.

"Okay, we can check out the East Bay" The wind picks up from behind them, light peers down at them from the full moon that carelessly hovered over the town. Something in Scott caused his chest raise towards the moon, as if his heart was trying to jump right out of his chest to meet its creator. His eyes fluster as he breathes in, power surging through his body. Pulsing. It was in his blood stream. In his mind. He could feel it in his chest. This week had been a struggle, he couldn't get her out of his mind, and it was killing him. Stiles notices' Scott's sudden interest in the full-ed moon.

"You, okay? You're starting to feel it?" Scott opens his eyes, the power continued to pulse through his veins in a thrilling sensation. He could barely tear his eyes away from it. As Scott moves his head to face Stiles his eyes never leave the open sky, before making eye contact with Stiles' worried face.

"No" It was a lie, I think they both knew that, but Scott continues to smile at his friend anyway, "Just Thinking"

"About what? Senior year?"

Scott laughs, far from it.

"Senior year, come on, that's, that's nothing, that's going to be easy" He turns back to look out over the town, "It's more like something Deaton told me once. You ever hear of regression to the mean?"

"No, I don't think so."

"It was his way of saying that life can't ever be all bad or all good. You know, eventually things must come back to the middle" Stiles nods his head in agreement, "So, think about the last few months. Things have been good, right? But not amazing" Stiles chuckles dryly.

"Yeah, but no one's tried to kill us in six months either" Stiles points out.

"Right, we've been pretty much in the middle for a while" Something inside Stiles clicks and he realises what his friend is trying to explain.

"Which means, at some point, the scale has to tip one way or the other, Things are gonna get really good again or really bad" Scott goes to say something but the sound of a fourth heartbeat echoes through Scott's ears. He threw his body off the bonnet and onto the dirt below him, Stiles stands abruptly watching as his friend's head perks up and his nostrils flare in a dog like form.

"What is it?" Stiles asks alarmed. Scott ignored his friend as he sniffs the air for a scent. Chains rattle behind the two as Liam struggles against the full moon.

"Can someone let me out?" Liam groans.

"Shush the adults are talking" Stiles does some flicking motion with his hands signalling Liam to shut up. Stiles eyes never leave Scott as he paces slightly and that's probably the reason, he didn't notice the new beta losing control, he too heard the fourth heartbeat. Strength surges through Liam's arms as the chains that once held him in his place torn apart, leaving Liam's instinct in control and he heads in the direction of the heartbeat. A flush of relief and excitement flooded his body, the feeling you get when you crave something that you finally get. Blood was on his mind. Flashes of deep red blood slipping through his fingers, like sand on a beach. The sound of bones crumbling to dust under his touch aches in his heart. And the only source of life nearest of him is close. They were close. By the time Liam had already made his way into the woods, Stiles was running towards the fallen chains.

"Shit!" Stiles' hands run over his head in annoyance. He quickly turns towards his were-friend, "Guess we gotta go find-" He stops mid-sentence as Scott takes off in a rush. "Or you can, whatever"

But Scott doesn't hear Stiles as the scent of pine and petrichor traced his nose, toying with him. It was familiar yet he couldn't place it. His mind was racing, and he couldn't stop it.

His heart raced with overwhelming excitement like a puppy waiting for his owner to pet him. A welcoming feeling emerges as he grows closer. Scott's feet pound against the ground with power, while Liam came to a stop within a clearing. Liam's senses became cloudy, and he couldn't focus in on the heartbeat. It was dark, the moons light was barely peeking through the tops of the trees. The sound of a twig snapping behind Liam causes him to jump in the direction it came from, only to find nothing there. He scrambles to his feet, ready to attack. A laugh echoes through the woods, Liam turns in circles trying to focus in on the source.

"Well, well who have we got here?" A voice comes from the woods, "Little red riding hood?" The voice laughs in a menacing sarcastic tone.

"Come out here!" Liam's voice comes out a little weaker then intended for some reason and he can feel his animal retreating like a little scared puppy backing away with his tail between his legs.

The voice laughs, "You shouldn't be in the woods alone, little red"

Liam forces his claws out as more twigs snap indicating the owner of the voice is moving towards him.

"Especiallyโ€“" The voice pauses, Liam can almost feel their breath on his neck. He turns in shock to see a girl. Her fiery red hair glowed under the moon light; Liam was taken back slightly. Aurora watched as the Beta took a second to look her over, clearly analysing if he could take her or not. She gives a sly smile before her eyes fade to red, "โ€“When the big bad wolf's out"

Liam growled before moving toward Aurora with angry strides, just as Scott runs into the small clearing. Liam raised his arm in a blind rage, swinging it left but she goes right and under his arm before pushing her palm in to his back making him fall forward. He turns again to attack but his alpha's voice forces him to stop.

"Liam" The command was strong, and it not only instantly brought Liam to a halt but Aurora also. The command held power which made Aurora's stomach knot in excitement. Liam stood in confusion as he snapped out of his full moon rage.

"Who the hell are you" Liam snapped at Aurora, she laughed throwing her hands up in defence.

"Woah, I should be asking you the same question since you came at me fully wolfed out" Aurora looked Liam up and down.

"How'd you know what I was?" Liam asked, clearly confused by the whole situation.

"I mean you'd have to be pretty stupid to not know, considering you came right at me with glowing eyes and fangs" Aurora muttered sarcastically.

"You baited me into attacking you" Liam snapped back. Aurora laughed before opening her mouth to speak before she was cut off.

"How about both of you shut up" Scott snapped, which caused her to roll her eyes in response. Aurora shifted her eyes over to Scott scanning over him.

"How about you learn to control your Beta" She didn't mean to come across like an asshole but the full moon that hung above them in full throttle only heightened every emotion not only felt by her but by both Scott and Liam.

"You got a mouth on you, huh?" Scott muttered, grabbing a hold of Liam's shirt pulling him behind him as he made his way over to where Aurora stood. He stood so close to her that she could almost feel his heart pounding through it. Aurora scoffed as she ran her tongue across her teeth, looking him up and down.

"Excuse me?" Scott went to open his mouth to say something, and God Aurora wished he said whatever he was going to say because she was ready for a fight. But they were all cut off by the sound of Stiles emerging from the woods behind them.

"Way too much running guys" Stiles huffed out as he bent over, hands on his knees trying his hardest to catch his breath. Aurora scrunched up her face as she looked over at Stiles.

"Stiles?" The sound of his name coming from neither of his two friends instantly make Stiles stand up straight. He too held a look of confusion

"Aurora?" The name made Scott straighten his shoulders.

"Aurora?" Scott uttered in disbelief with a sprinkle of disgust. Aurora sent him the same look back before she looked at Stiles shoving her finger in the direction of Scott.

"You know this asshole?" Aurora sent Scott a side eye, Scott gladly returning the favour.

Stiles looked between the two a moment before answering.

"Um- yeah Aurora this is Scott my best friend-" He stuttered out, Aurora 's heart sank slightly as she looked back at Scott. No way was this the Scott that she had met only two nights ago, "Wait do you two know each other?"

"No" Both Scott and Aurora spat out at the same time.

Stiles watched as the mood suddenly shifted between all of them. He tried his best to come up with something to say but Aurora beat him too it. Muttering a small, I'm over this before she turned and left.
