Chapter 6. Boys like him before


Chapter 6

Boys like him

School. Hell.

What's the difference? They're both full of people dragging their thoughts like a prison ball chained from their ankle unable to fly away.

Teachers. Demons.

Words falling from their mouths in anger forming like smoke, thick black smoke. Clouding their thoughts, sliding down our throats and into our hearts suffocating them with their harsh and intoxicative words. Flooding our minds with sadness and anger. Although Aurora stayed in school to feel normal and create a life for herself, she still hated it. She hated it just like every other kid in the entire world.

An echo erupts through the busy halls of hell, causing Aurora jump at the sudden noise. Her eyes wonder over to a small girl who was leaned in over her locker, her breaths were elevated, and Aurora could practically taste the fear radiating from her pours. Lydia stood next to her; Aurora took note of how beautiful she was as she seemed to be trying to gain the frightened girls' attention with no avail. Sighing Aurora turned back to placing her things into her newfound locker.

"Hey" The voice made Aurora jump again, clutching her books closer to her chest. She looked away from the scene between Lydia and the girl. Aurora instantly rolled her eyes as she noticed Stiles standing next to her. She sighed, grabbing the rest of the stuff from her locker.

"Stiles" She muttered before closing her locker and attempted to head to her first class. Stiles trailed after her, jogging to catch up with her.

"So, like, how do you know Scott?" Aurora sucked in a small breath as she continued to stare straight ahead trying her best to ignore him. Stiles let out a small chuckle before shaking his hands in the air, "That's fine if you don't want to tell me, anyway what class are you on your way too?" Aurora stopped walking and turned to Stiles. She almost wanted to laugh as they made eye contact, he looked at her with the biggest eyes that screamed at her not to be nasty to him.

"Why are you talking to me?" Aurora asked him, she wasn't used to the attention she was receiving at Beacon Hills, the last time she received this much attention at a new school didn't end to well for her or those involved. Stiles looked at her for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Aurora sighed, lowering her shoulders.

"I mean, why are you being nice to me?" She shook her head, "We don't even know each other"

"That's not true, we know each other" He shook his head rapidly, Aurora raised her eyebrows at him and tilted her head, "I know that you're new to beacon hills" Stiles continued as the two of them continued to walk down the hall, "I know that you're a bad driver"

Aurora spat out a laugh as she thought back to the night the two of them first met. Stiles looked around dramatically for a moment or two before leaning down and whispering, "And that you're a werewolf" He turned to Aurora again, the two of them stopping at the end of the hall, "And I know that in Beacon Hills, we all have to stick together" Aurora huffed.

"I don't do well in groups"

"It's a learning curve" Stiles brushed off her comment, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"You are persistent" Aurora muttered, more to herself. She almost wanted to smile, it felt nice to have someone to talk too for once. But she also held doubts, for every loving thought she had there were ten more telling her to distrust anything anyone ever says.

"You know, I can tell, we are going to be good friends" Friends. It made Aurora feel all gooey inside. She bit her lip and looked away, trying her best not to smile. She quickly shook it off, shaking his arm from her shoulder and sending him a sarcastic eye roll, "So is this your class?"

Aurora looked behind her in confusion before looking back at Stiles, she made a face, "Um, honestly I have no idea where I'm going, I was just following you"

Stiles burst out laughing, "Now I know another thing about you, you're helpless"

Advanced Biology

One thing she was good at; the study of the body, of living things, how things work and what makes them work. Aurora had taken an interest in biology ever since she was little. She always wanted to know why she was the way she was. When she was young and had no idea what was happening to her body. All of this flooding of adrenaline, an overpowering feeling of freedom, yet anger and no sense of control. And she was yet to come to a reasonable explanation. Something's are left un-answered. Aurora mouthed a small 'Thank You' to Stiles who started to head back to his own class.


Aurora's eyes flicker up to a woman who leans back on her desk looking at her with an eyebrow raised. Her fringe tucked way under her right ear.

"Well? AP Biology? Come in, if not I'd advise you to find your class" An annoying smirk danced on her lips, Aurora hated her already. Shifting her bag off her shoulder, Aurora turns to head towards an empty desk. She stops, her heart misses a few beats as her eyes meet beautiful brown ones. Scott shifted uncomfortably as he noticed the small jump in her heartbeat, unsure of its reasoning. She quickly scurries to a seat at the front, next to the girl she had seen frightened in the hallway earlier. The smell of Anxiety flooded Aurora's senses. It was so thick and heavy it makes her physically want to gag. Aurora looked over at the girl, sending her a curious glance.

"Alright then, welcome to AP Biology! Let's see who's awake" She moves around from behind her table only to sit in front of it looking around the class with a knowing smirk. "Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?"

"Circular self-replicating DNA molecules..." Auroras words are met with another, Aurora looked over her shoulder. She made eye contact with the girl who she saw in the hall earlier. Aurora sends her a small smirk as they both repeated each other's words. Lydia sent her a cautions glint, almost to say, 'Are you challenging me?' Aurora almost wanted to laugh.

"Often used in-"

"Cloning Proteins" Aurora finishes her sentence with a smirk before her eyes make their away over to Scott, her smirk drops as they instantly lock eyes. Aurora panics and swiftly turns back to the front. She shook her head, how could someone she just met create such a big impact on the way she was acting. Aurora wasn't easily unsettled, and it drove her completely mad that Scott had this effect on her. She wasn't about to let some wolf in shining armour, kiss her softly on the lips as she lay in slumber in the tallest room of the tallest tower, guarded by a monstrous dragon, only to give him a sleeve as a token of her appreciation. One of Aurora's less favourable qualities was that she was incredibly stubborn and hated any kind of change that she didn't initiate.

"Nicely Stated Lydia and..." Her voice trails off waiting for Aurora to say her name.

"Aurora" She nods, before that same smirk Aurora hated was suddenly back on her face.

"Looks like we have two fiery red head know it all's, now girls can you tell me what vitamin is absurd in the stomach via parietal cell production of glycoprotein?" Aurora cringed at her comment at the both of them, yet she was unable to answer the question and she assumed that neither could Lydia.

"Mr. McCall? Do you know the answer?"

"Um no" His vice caught in his throat; Aurora didn't turn around to look at him. She tried her best to seem as uninterested as possible.

"It's a common test Question" Aurora rolls her eyes as she leans back into her seat, crossing her arms. She already hated her, and they weren't even thirty minutes into the lesson.

"What's your number one collage pick?"

"Um" His voice was caught in his throat, Aurora let out a huff of air. Not in amusement but in annoyance with the teacher. Instead of teaching them something, she was trying to make examples out of people.

"Stop saying, um"

"Sorry" He shakes his head, regaining focus, "UC Davis" Aurora

"It's the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences" She nods, focusing on the rest of the class, she states, "You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for"

She looks around the small class, "Who else thinks they're in the right class?"

Aurora turns in her seat; a few nods were gained.

She looks over as not only her, but the rest of the class notice someone raise their hand. Cocky, she thought.

Aurora made eye contact with the boy, he had an all too cheeky and Aurora knew just what kind of guy he was instantly. He was the type she usually went for, not because she had any kind of emotion attraction to them, but because she knew what they wanted, and it was exactly what she wanted.

Aurora didn't have time for love, she hated it. She hated how it would consume your entire world almost instantly. She knew that loving someone got you hurt. And she knew that feeling all too well. So, she stuck to the guys at schools that only wanted something casual. But this boy- he was dangerously sexy. Aurora bites her lip as Theo sends her a flirty smirk.

Scott noticed Theo's flirty remark and followed his line of sight, and he instantly notices Aurora giving Theo the same kind of look. Aurora pulls away from her gaze on Theo when she notices Scott looking at her. His face says it all and Aurora immediately drops all expression from her face and quickly faces front.

Aurora looked at her hands, disconnecting from the classroom. She thought Theo would probably be the distraction that she needed; anything was better than thinking about Scott. Aurora hated that she was even thinking about him, she barely knew him and yet he dominated every thought she had. And so, being self-destructive like she is, she decided that maybe she could use Theo as an easy distraction. And yes, that included having a little fun with a boy that obviously seemed interested. She needed someone who wouldn't ask her how her day was nor how she was doing. She needed someone who wouldn't stay the night to cuddle- she couldn't. Because when they asked how she was doing she couldn't answer honestly. She couldn't tell them that she hasn't stopped running in years- that she was so fucking tired, and she didn't know how long she could go on like this for.

"Aurora" She looked up, "I hope that you don't make zoning out a regular thing in this classroom"

Fix some of the wording in this and make it not so longย 
