𝟎𝟏𝟓. 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞


  After Ivory's stand down with the Berserker for sure striked some fear into her body. Not that she would admit it, but it was scary fighting big monsters that could potentially kill you and if they're is one thing that Ivory was protective over, was her beauty.

She was protective of her looks, and if you had even thought of screwing up her beauty, she would ruin you and it would not take long for her too do it at all.

When Scott called her to come to Derek's loft, the blonde hesitated on going but once Scott told her that Parrish might have been something supernatural and he was burned alive and still survived she rushed out of her home, with the courtesy of Brett of course who had driven her to the loft.  The two teens had gotten closer as they went through the obstacles together, and Ivory wouldn't say it out loud but she was slowly falling for the boy.

His protectiveness and the way he cared for her brought out a side of him that she loved tremendously. Once the two made it to Derek's loft, the pair had seen that Scott, Lydia and Kelsey had beaten them there.  Derek was examining Parrish's hands looking for any marks, bruises or scratches on his body. 

"He burned you alive." Derek asked with confusion as he flipped his hand over to the other side.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead." Lydia stated looking at Derek.

"Well they should be gone." He said.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone." Parrish exclaimed as he looked at the group of teenagers. "Not if you're like us." Scott said as he looked between Ivory, Brett, Kelsey and Derek whom all returned the same stare.

"I don't think he's like us." Derek said looking at the group, "Then what is he?" Kelsey asked.

"Sorry, but I have no idea." He said.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira." Scott mentioned looking at the werewolf. 

"This is a little out of my experience. There might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?" Derek questioned looking between Scott and Lydia who shook their heads.

"I don't know where he is." He answered.

"Okay, hold on. What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just... Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?" Parrish asked, at this Ivory and Kelsey made eye contact with each other before bursting into fits of laughter making everyone look at the two, Brett soon nudging her too stop laughing as held in his laughter.

"Psychic?" Ivory asked as she looked at Parrish before her gaze fixated on Lydia who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah. Not exactly." Scott said.

"Okay. Then what are you?" Parrish questioned looking at the group, Scott turned his head to look at Derek who raised his eyebrows and gave a slight head tilt. Scott's eyes now turned to Ivory, Brett and Kelsey the three now catching on to what he meant. The four soon turned to Parrish flashing him their glowing eyes, Scott's eyes now glowing red, Ivory's eyes now glowing pink, Brett and Kelsey's eyes now glowing yellow.


Scott had explained to Parrish what the besitary was and all the creatures they have fought and interacted with. "What's a Kanima?" Parrish asked as he looked between the teenagers.

"We'll get back to that. Just know that everyone like us, everyone with some kind of supernatural ability is on the dead pool." Scott explained to him.

"But I don't even know what I am." Parrish explained. "I'm pretty sure they don't care." Kelsey said as she looked up from her nails. "How many professional assassins are we talking about?" Parrish asked.

"We're starting to lose count." Lydia answered as she turned to look at him. "But is it still just professionals?" Scott asked. 

"I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this." Parrish informed the group. "I think he was taking a chance." 

"That means anyone with the deadpool could take a chance." Ivory said as she looked up from her nails. 

"But if Haigh had it, then who else does? How easy is it to get this thing now?" Parrish asked.

"Meredith was only at my grandmother's lakehouse once. But I think once was enough," Lydia explained,it was obvious she felt guilty because of Meredith's suicide.

"How did your grandmother know her?" Brett asked as he frowned tilting his head.

"She didn't. She found her. Because of another woman named Maddy. The woman she loved. I never met her, but I saw her name everywhere. She used to be part of a yacht racing team. There were plaques and trophies in the lake house from all the regattas she'd won." Lydia told the group.

"How did she die?" Ivory asked.

"How's not the story. It's what happened right before. My grandmother, Lorraine, used to work in San Francisco for IBM. She was there on a weekend, catching up on work. She started hearing this sound like rain... But when she looked out the windows, all she saw was blue sky." Lydia explained.

"But she kept hearing the rain?" Scott asked.

"And it just kept getting louder. Rain and thunder cracking like a gun in her head. So loud.  Till she finally just screamed." 

"Like a Banshee." Derek said as he put the two signs together.

"She called Maddy who was planning on taking one of the boats out on the lake. But Maddy said that the sun was shining there too. So Lorraine didn't say anything." Lydia explained.

"There was an accident?" Parrish asked but also giving a guess.

"It took them four days to find Maddy's body," she explained more througly.  "And then it took decades to figure out how Lorraine knew. She started with parapsychologists, like the PhD in their name made it more scientific. They built the study in the lake house according to every pseudoscientific theory they could find. None of it worked. So then she started going to more extreme occult. Things like mediums and psychics All of them were failures. Until she found Meredith. They found her in Eichen House. This fragile girl who didn't understand the things she heard. They brought her to the study. And they almost k*lled her. She was hospitalized for over a year. She... never really recovered."

"My grandmother drove her insane I drove her to suicide." Lydia's voice started to crack as she reminisced about Meredith's death. "And all she ever wanted to do was help. My grandmother created the code for the d*ad pool. They think she's the Banshee who put the names out in the first place. She left me this message in the same code."

Lydia handed Scott the paper that was put in her purse, "But she didn't leave a cipher key, did she?" 


When Lydia explained everything that happened with her grandmother Lorraine and Meredith Ivory thought her family problems were belittled compared to hers. After the whole conversation the group still could not figure out what Parrish was and with Lydia now getting emotional, Brett and Ivory decided it was their time to depart and head home. The pair made jokes as they drove home together, the two felt like the weight had been lifted of their shoulders and felt like actual normal teenagers.

Brett pulled up to Ivory's house, the two had been enjoying their time together for the most part and Ivory was sad to see it cut so shortly. As she got out the car, something sat on her mind, something she needed to say, "Brett, there is a bonfire tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would wanna go with me, if you're not busy." Ivory asked as she looked at him leaning on the car as she looked through the window.

"Is thee Ivory Montgomery asking me out on a date." Brett exaggerated as he put a hand to his chest in a mimicking manner, Ivory rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Oh my god." Ivory said with a chuckle, "I would love to go with you to the bonfire, Ives." Brett said with a smile as he looked at the girl who's smile now got bigger.

"Okay then, I will see you tomorrow, night handsome." Ivory said with a wink before walking up to the Montgomery residence, Brett didn't want the girl to leave but he sure did enjoy the view as she walked away. Ivory gave a small wave before opening the door to her home, Brett smiled to himself, giving more glance at the big home before he sped off.

Once Ivory made it into her home, she quickly ran up the stairs to her bedroom and started squealing with excitement, something the girl has not done in a while, well not over a boy at least. 


Ivory loved partying she was the party queen,  night had come around faster than she had expected, the girl was blasting music on her speakers as she got ready for the bonfire, her cheerleading uniform layed on her bed as she did her makeup in her vanity, the cheerleaders had been required to wear their uniforms to show 'school spirit' along with the lacrosse players wearing their jerseys.

Ivory looked at herself in her vanity mirror, feeling confident in her makeup today, she smiled at herself with confidence. Her mother had came and did her hair in a half up- half down smile along with curling her long blonde hair, two strands sat in the front of her face. 

The blonde moved on to grab her cheer uniform off her pink comforter, the blonde started to change into her uniform, it was pretty short, okay it was really short but she didn't care hell she actually liked it. It was a tight fitted maroon colored crop top, with white and black stripes on the straps, the Beacon Hills Logo plastered on her left boob, the skirt was maroon also with white and black stripes on the ends of the skirt.

Ivory gave one more glance at herself before grabbing her black converse, and heading downstairs. When she got downstairs, the doorbell to her home rang. 

When she opened the door Brett stood there, wearing a nice longsleeve black dress shirt with his leather jacket over it, a pair of blue jeans and black boots.

"How do I look?" Ivory asked as twirled around to give the boy a better view, his eyes landing on her behind as she turned around.

"Gorgeous, as always of course." Brett said taking Ivory's hand, her face turning red as she smiled at the boy.

"Shall we?" Brett asked the blonde.

"We shall handsome." Ivory flirted as she walked out of her home closing the door behind her before departing for the car, to her surprise Brett opened the door for her, "Wow what a gentleman." Ivory joked giving Brett a small smile. 

The two then departed for the bonfire event, blasting music in Brett's navy blue convertible as they drove down the streets of Beacon Hills.


When they arrived at the event, Ivory greeted her cheer friends before departing to the dance floor, Brett had seen Liam and Mason,  he had told her that he was going to hang out with them even though him and Liam were practically rivals She saw Malia and Kelsey dancing, Malia and Kelsey both having flasks in their hands as they danced.

"Bitch, you're finally here." Kelsey said running up to her bestfriend, her breath reeking of vodka as she spoke, Ivory took the flask from Malia's hands taking a few sips, even though she didn't like alcohol and couldn't really get drunk because of  her healing.

"Come on dance with us, dumbass." Malia said grabbing her hand, the three girls started dancing to the rhythm, Malia's hands now on both Ivory and Kelsey's waists. People were turning their heads to look at the three girls who swayed their hips, and touch their bodies in a way that made people feel a way.  

Brett, Liam and Mason watched the three girls dance seductively, Brett and Liam mostly watching Ivory as she danced in between Kelsey and Malia, their eyes roamed her body practically undressing her as she danced.  After a few minutes of dancing with the two girls the blonde sauntered her way through the crowd, her hips swaying as she walked towards the three boys.

"Hey boys." Ivory beamed with a smile as she looked at the three. "There's my favorite HBIC and wow I think I might be straight because of you." Mason joked making Ivory laugh.

"First, I'm the only HBIC and secondly thank you Mason I'm flattered." Ivory said making the three boys laugh.

"You look great, Ivory." Liam said as he looked at the blonde up and down, earning a glare from Brett who nudged him in the side.

"Thank you love," Ivory said with a wink making Liam blush with excitement, her gaze now turning to Brett. "Wanna dance with me." Ivory said seductively, as she looked at the boy who had a big smirk on his face. Ivory reached her hand out, Brett grabbing it, letting Ivory drag them into the crowd.

Ivory felt risky right about now, when they stopped Ivory turned around and put her arms around his neck, Brett following her movements moving his hands to her waist, as. Ivory hips moved seductively, the two looked into each other's eyes with lust filled eyes, both looking like they wanted to rip each other's clothes off, Brett let out an silent moan against Ivory's ear making the blonde pull him closer as they danced.. 

This did not go unnoticed by Liam, who had been observing the two with a jealous look in his eyes as he watched the two. "Not gonna tell me to slow down?" Liam asked trying to take his attention of Brett and Ivory.

"Actually, I was gonna say, "Keep drinking". I think you should get drunk. And I mean stumbling down, fall on your ass, passed out with your face in a toilet drunk." Mason as he looked at his friend who was staring at Brett and Ivory glaring daggers at the back of their heads as he looked at the two dancing.

"Why?" He asked. "Maybe then when I ask you what's going on, you'll be too drunk to lie. I'm not asking this because I want to know. I'm asking because I want to help." Mason explained looking at his bestfriend.

"I'm gonna get another drink. Yeah... I'm getting drunk." Liam explained dropping the empty bottle on the ground, leaving Mason to scoff at his actions.

Ivory and Brett danced, now Ivory felt a wave of nausea hit her but shrugged it off, as they danced more and more Ivory stumbled almost falling to her knees. "Ives, Ives are you okay?" Brett asked worriedly looking at the now disoriented blonde. Brett soon started to feel the same effects, Scott noticed this and ran over to grab the pair setting them on the bench with the others who seemed to be having the same effects as them.

Ivory started leaning over Brett her head throbbing as she continued to stay awake, "How much has he had to drink?" Scott asked directing towards Liam who's head was now laying on Ivory's lap.

"Not enough to get him like this." Mason stated. Scott's eyes directly fell on Brett and Ivory who looked drained, "What about you two?" Scott questioned. "We had a few sips but not a lot to get us this shitty." Ivory stated.

"Something's happening. We need to get them out of here. I think we're gonna have to, um..." Scott started to stumble, his legs buckling the same effects of the other supernaturals starting to get to him too. 

"How much did you drink?" Mason asked.

"Nothing. Not even a sip. It's not the drinks. It's the music." Scott came to realization as he looked over at the DJ booth, "I have to... I have to turn off the music. Don't let them out of your sight." Scott said as he walked over towards the DJ booth stumbling as he made his way over.

As Scott left, security guards grabbed the five, and started to drag them from the bonfire and towards the inside of the school. "Wait... Stop. Hey, what are you doing? These are my friends." Mason argued. 

"Your friends are overly intoxicated. They need to be escorted out." The security guard states as he grabbed the group except Mason.

"Okay, I'll go with them."

"That won't be necessary." The security guard said.

"I said they're my friends..." Mason exclaimed, before he knew it he was pushed to ground hard by the man. Ivory attempted to use her Siren abilities but failed as the music continued to play loudly. By the time Ivory regained consciousness her eyes looking up to see herself, Kelsey, Brett, Malia and Liam all against the lockers as they sat up.

"What is that? What are you doing" Scott asked as the man began to pour a liquid on the group, "It's gasoline. Haigh says we gotta burn you." The security guard said as he poured the gasoline on them. Ivory felt a liquid hit her face, making her jolt up, "Gasoline, really? Do you know how much it cost to get my hair done?" Ivory spat out, who kneeled down in front of Scott, taunting him as he waved the lighter in his face. Brett grabbed Ivory's hand, comforting the blonde who had started to tremble in fear.

Before Ivory knew it the music stopped, and the thumping in her head stopped, she heard grunts and the cracking of bones, Derek and Braeden soon barge in, taking out the assassins who attempted to murder the five supernatural teens.

"What happened to the gun?" Scott asked. "You're covered in gasoline." Derek chuckled as he looked at all the teens. "Oh yeah." Scott said.

"Hey, are you okay Ives?" Brett said as he helped Ivory stands, bringing his fingers to her face as he wiped the smudged mascara under her eyelids.  Ivory smiled up at the boy, nodding her head with a smile. Brett pulled her into a tight hug, pressing his lips on her temple in a loving manner not caring about the gasoline taste on his lips.

"Okay can we please go, I need a shower like right fucking now." Ivory snapped as her face turned to a scowl making everyone chuckle, she knew that she would have to wash her hair millions and millions of times to get it back to it's silky state. 

God why couldn't the deadpool end already.

authors note: just three more, only three more to go.
