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ย  ย  After the call Stiles had made himself, Ivory, Derek, Stiles and Kelsey had taken Brett to Deaton the wolfsbane had been spreading to his body rapidly he was coughing and choking, he had coughed yellow foam on Ivory's uniform making the girl disgusted and apalled.

Soon enough the group managed to get Brett inside the clinic, laying him down on the table was definitely a workout seeing as he was pretty heavy and the werewolf part of him wasn't helping either of them. Soon the four got him on the table but it was a big trouble he had been shaking like he was having a seizure the four had a hard time holding him down.

"Uh what the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles said struggling told hold Brett down as he squirmed and moved around.

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible." Deaton said as he walked towards the group with a scapel in his hand, Ivory had gulped she was never a fan of blood and gore, so when Deaton had walked with a tool in hand Ivory could only think of the worst.

"Hey, Derek, how about use a little werewolf strength?" Kelsey said as she looked at Derek whom struggling to hold the boy.

"Yeah, I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength." Derek said.

"If you can't hold him still, the incision might kill him." Deaton said as he tried to get closer with the scapel.

"Derek, he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him." As Stiles said, Brett shot up pushing all four of them away. Brett looked around confused, looking for a way to leave Brett soon attempted to make his escape but was knocked out by Peter. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." Peter said as he looked at his knuckles, his usual eye color shifting to the ice blue color.

"Yeah, maybe more than a little." Derek says as Ivory, Kelsey and Stiles walk towards Brett who had been passed out on the floor, it looked like he wasn't alive at all but something caught Ivory's attention- he wasn't breathing. "Um guys I don't think he's breathing." Ivory said as she got on her knees putting his head into her lap.ย  Deaton kneels down to the floor with his scapel in hand, he soon makes the incision Brett gasping for air as the yellow smoke emerges from his chest. "Is he gonna be okay?" Ivory asked as she looked at Brett her gaze soon turning towards Deaton.

"I think he'll be fine, but probably out for a while." Deaton said as he looked at the blonde whom seemed worried for the tall boy. Ivory had been pretty paranoid from tonight but she could have sworn that she heard Brett speaking. "Guys, can you hear that? I think he's saying something." Ivory said making everyone squint their eyes and turn their heads to try to hear what the boy was saying.ย 

"The sun... The moon... The truth... The sun... The moon... The truth..." Brett was saying a mantra and Ivory was feeling like their was a lump in her throat she couldn't speak and she was pretty nervous but Kelsey and the rest of everyone else were very interested.

"Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth. It's a Buddhist mantra." Deaton started as he looked around at everyone.

"Satomi." Peter said making everyone turn to look at him as he mumbled the name.

"Who the hell is Satomi?" Kelsey asked as she looked at the older wolf. "She's one of the oldest Alpha's in Beacon Hills, we have history." Peter said as he looked at the raven haired girl who looked confused yet intrigued.

"Okay, so where the hell is she when we need her, does she even know where her own beta or what happened to him?" Ivory said as she tried to fix Brett's head and slipping her hand into Brett's.

"If she's not here and we can't find her i'll have Kelsey and Malia help me find her and her pack tomorrow." Derek said making Kelsey look at him with a glare. "Um what I didn't agree with that?" Kelsey said. "You did now." Derek said making the raven haired girl roll her eyes.

"Wait someone needs to stay here with Brett, just in case he wakes up." Deaton said before making eye contact with Ivory who had not noticed because she was busy looking down at Brett. "I will stay, I don't have anything too important to do tomorrow and besides I don't wanna be home right now my dad's there." Ivory said making Kelsey send her a look but Ivory just shrugged it off trying to indicate that they would talk about it later.

"Ives, are you good with this I can stay and you can go with Derek." Kelsey said as she kneeled down to put her hand on best friend's shoulder. "I'm sure, he needs someone he knows to be here when he wakes up." Ivory said looking down at the boy her manicured nails gliding across his forehead wiping away the tiny pieces of hair strands that were in his face.ย 

Kelsey knew how Ivory was like she never got too attached to anyone and when she did she made sure they would stay around, she remembered when Issac and her first got together that Ivory did not once leave his side she stood by him regardless, when he was on Derek's side she stood by him and when he was going through a tough time she stood by himย  but when he left after Allison's and Aiden's death she felt pieces of her leave along with him.ย 

Ivory looked around at everyone reassuring them that she would be fine alone with him, soon enough they give in and everyone says there goodbyes.

Before the group left the boys had lifted Brett back onto the table so he could be comfortable. Ivory had grabbed a chair and propped her feet up onto one of the tables and leaned back into the chair before passing out, Ivory had taken one more look at the boy who had been passed onto the table, she smiled to herself and closed her eyes letting the darkness take over her vision as she went to sleep.


Sunlight had been shining through the windows of the Animal Clinic, Brett's eyes squinting due to the bright light, he could hear the wind, the birds singing songs. But his eyes landed on the pretty blonde who was asleep in what looked like a seemingly uncomfortable position. Her feet on the desk and her back on the chair as she squirmed in her sleep indicating she was uncomfortable.ย 

Brett soon got up and walked towards the blonde taking in her appearance, her blonde hair was in a half up- half down style with her maroon bow in her hair, he noticed her tight fitted cheer uniform that had a yellow stain which he had assumed was from him when he had been poisoned, her makeup was seemingly messed up from last nights events but too him she still looked drop dead gorgeous.ย 

It wasn't too long before the petite blonde opened her eyes to see a tall figure above her. "How long have you been standing there?" Ivory asked as she took her feet off the desk.ย  "Not that long." Brett said, slowly he had begun to move around in a way that seemed to freak the blonde." What happened, where's my pack- my sister?" Brett asked in a worrisome way before, Ivory had grabbed his arm in a comforting way.

"It's okay, Derek, Kelsey and Malia are gonna find them, they're gonna make sure they are protected from the deadpool." Ivory reassured the boy. "What the fuck is a deadpool?" Brett asked in a confused tone.

"It's a list that has the worth of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills, that was the reason that Violet's psycho ass tried to kill you." Ivory said as she looked at him. "How much am I worth?" Brett asked with a curious tone. "1 million." Ivory said making his eyes go wide and his face turn pale. "What about you, how much are you worth?" Brett asked as he looked down at the short blonde.

"No clue, but I know Scott, Liam and the pack can figure it out." Ivory said making the boy look at her deeply in her eyes. "So what are you and Dunbar a thing?" Brett asked making the blonde chuckle. "No I'm not dating, Liam sure I flirt with him but trust me we are not together." Ivory said as she folded her arms and chuckled.ย  Brett had felt stupid, he didn't know why he was attached to the blonde, they only hooked up a few times and there was no strings attached so why did he feels a ping of jealousy.ย 

"Hey um, what was that scream in the locker room, when you were fighting Violet?" Brett asked out of curiosity. "It's called my "Siren Scream" it happens when i'm angry or if I feel the need to protect myself or people I care about." Ivory explained. "So you care about me?" Brett said as he looked down at her with a soft gaze, Ivory's cheeks flushing with a pink color as he looked at her.

"I mean I guess I do, even though you were kind of an egotistical dickhead, no one deserves harm like that ." Ivory said as she looked up at him, Brett gave her a soft smile before turning to look around. "I got to go, my mom's probably worried about where I'm at." Ivory said as she went to grab her white sneakers and slip them on.

"So um I guess l'll see you around." Ivory said as she walked away from the tall boy. "Hey thank you Ives, for protecting me I owe you big time." Brett said scratching the back of his head in an embarrassing way. "Yeah you sure do handsome."ย  Ivory said as she walked towards the door but stopped in her tracks and walked towards the tall boy, she got on her tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a wink before walking out leaving Brett a little starstruck and nervous his face turning pink from the kiss she gave him.


Walking home was a workout indeed and Ivory only ever worked out at the gym or cheer practice but as she walked home the blonde had felt a presence behind her and before she knew it a black pickup truck hit her making her fly forward. She felt weak and when she looked up it was Garrett and he had a spear in his hand that had been laced with mistletoe one of a sirens weaknesses.

"Hey Ives, sorry about this but if you weren't a killer who knows we probably could have the best couple ever." Garrett said as he struck the blonde with his staff and knocked her out, Ivory tried her hardest to fight the mistletoe but it seemed like it was amplified and she couldn't hold it off forever, so Ivory just let the darkness consume her consciousness and take over her mind.ย 

