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"Maybe we should just walk." Lydia offered the black haired boy who was working on the engine.

"Hey, I will never abandon this jeep you understand me ever." Stiles said in rebuttal to her offer ofย  leaving his car.

"OK first of all i'm not walking anywhere in this outfit, second of all this jeep is a piece of shit Stiles just get rid of it already." Ivory said with annoyance laced in her voice the black haired boy giving a glare to the short blonde.

Malia starts walking out in front of the jeep Kira following closely behind the brunette, Ivory watches this interaction looking confused. " Work faster, Stiles there's something out here with us." Malia said making everyone turn around and look at each other with worry filled eyes, this also makes Ivory look up from her nails and confident expression changed to a worried filled expression and in her head she knew this was gonna be one long ass night.


"Lydia could you please hold the light still for a second, it's really hard to see if you keep shaking every few seconds." Stiles said with annoyance laced all throughout his voice.

"I'm shaking it like this because we were in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster and i'm terrified." Lydia said with fear.

"Well, just try to be slightly less terrified." Stiles said before going back to the jeep.

"Stiles she has point this place is gross and disturbing and we yet have only one flashlight." Ivory says looking up from her manicured turning her head to the boy.

"Ok yeah we get it, you don't wanna be here because your outfit we get it Ives." Stiles said annoyed with the blonde making her roll her eyes and send a glare.

"No maybe because i'm rich and pretty and i'm to cute to die in the desert spaz." Ivory said before walking away from the blue jeep.

"Anything?" Kira said asking the tall brunette hoping she would have caught a scent by now.

'It's too hard to see, we should've bought another flashlight." Malia said making Kira turn her head and walks to the headlights putting her katana in front to reflect the light, Ivory and Malia had looked around and both of them saw something crouched down behind the rocks.

"Did you guys see that?" Kira asks them, both of them squinting their eyes to get a clearer view and Malia roars starting to run towards the beast."Malia wait!" Ivory screams before her and Kira start to run after her.

"Hey Malia!" Stiles dropping the tool he was using.

"Guys go, you fix the jeep." Lydia said before both girls ran off to Malia's direction.

"Malia?" Kira said wielding her Katana in a defense stance whilst Ivory had her fist balled up, it was very quiet they both heard footsteps running towards them making Ivory and Kira get ready to fight what was running towards them.

"It's me, it's me." Malia tells both girls while clutching her right side. "What happened, what's out there?" Kira asked the injured were coyote. "I don't know but it is big and fast and it cuts deep real deep." Malia says clutching her side more. " Ok now let's go i don't think i wanna find out what it does to pretty blonde girls." Ivory says before they turn their heads to hear the jeep engine start and start running towards the car's direction.

"You, you please don't do that ever again!" Stiles said to his girlfriend as he lectured her.

"Do what?" Malia asked obliviously which made Ivory roll her eyes at the girl's stupidity.

"I-I just thought you just took off, i thought were running." Stiles explained to her.

"I was running." Malia said trying to state the obvious.

"No, I mean like i thought you were leaving." Stiles said to her as he drove.

"I wouldn't leave without you." Malia told him turning her head to look at hm .

" Really?" Stiles asked her with a shocked and surprised tone.

"No, I would never leave without you, them I would leave well maybe not Ivory if I was in good mood and besides she's hot." Malia said turning her head towards the back. "Yeah it's progress." Stiles said trying to apologize for her actions.

"That doesn't look good." Lydia spoke up emphasizing on her scar.

"It's ok." Malia said shrugging it off.

"Are you sure, it looks deep." Kira said making sure.

"Yeah i can feel it healing." Malia said leaning her head against the window.

"You didn't see anything?" Lydia asked her.

"Barely, it had a strong scent though." Malia said.

"Like what?" Stiles asked the blonde/brunette who had been mindlessly looking out the window.

"Like death." Malia said.


Soon they all pulled up to the church to see Braeden and Scott carrying a man who Ivory thought was Derek, they then all proceeded to get out the jeep and walk to the three as they got close they looked confused.

"Is that him, is that Derek?" Malia asked facing towards Stiles.

"Uh, sort of." Stiles said shocked, soon then Derek raises his head up and to Ivory's shock it seemed Kate had turned Derek back to his hot teenager self.

"Ok now that we got him can we go home my feet are killing me and i need beauty sleep." Ivory said walking towards the blue jeep.
