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ย  ย  Ivory was still a little traumatized from seeing the wendigo die in front of her eyes. But the blonde was the queen bee, so instead of freaking out the blonde went home soon pulling up to her house to see darkness no lights were on so she assumed her mom was asleep by now. The blonde opened the door sneakily trying to get upstairs and it was going successfully till the light turn's on.

"Hi mommy." Ivory said innocently to her mother, with a soft but sweet smile.

"Hi Princess, um there's someone i would like for you to meet." Laura said and Ivory couldn't believe it her dad, the man who missed out on pageants, cheer competitions, birthday's and more Ivory had so much anger in her, so much anger that her eyes started to glow pink with anger.

"What the fuck, is he doing here and why is he here?" Ivory looked in between the two in confusion and anger she was so angry that her eyes started to glow its pink color. "You know what, don't tell me because I don't care, i'm going to bed." Ivory said walking upstairs tears threatening to come out her eyes but she shook it off and just went to bed.


The blonde woke up to the sun in her face she groaned in annoyance and before getting up and doing her morning routine and put her outfit on which consisted of a tight fitted brown zip up hoodie, black skin tight baggy jeans that hugged her curves and butt well, white af1's, her brown head band, her diamond encrusted I necklace and silver hoop earrings. She soon did her makeup, deciding to go a little cuter today she wanted the attention on her today and wasn't like it never was she just wanted it to be a little more attention then usual after looking in her mirror nodding at herself in acceptance of her look. She soon walked downstairs to see her mom and dad downstairs not even acknowledging them and ignoring their calls to her she got on the bus and sat next to Mason who was near Violet and Garret the two sitting in back of them.


Associating with Garrett and Violet was the most short lived thing ever for the couple, While Garrett was hot she had to admit, it was still obnoxious when Violet decided to suck his face every two seconds. Only Ivory was allowed to do that with the guys.

The four freshman stepped off the bus, Ivory leading of course; she needed some fresh air before she came to smell like one of the pubescent idiots. The rest of the students followed in suit, and Garrett was currently complaining about something the queen bee could honestly give two shits about.

She was ready to wander away and find Kelsey whom she actually spoke to on a regular basis, but Liam then approached the group. Ivory would usually take this as a sign to leave even more, but something about him was what made the blonde have a confused look on her face. The bloodied bandage was covering his arm, and Ivory was very much there when he was being treated for his injuries in the hospital and when the wendigo tried to eat him.

"Did you get attacked by a wolf or something?" she scoffed, glancing him up and down lying threw teeth."A fake smile curved on her lips and she patted his shoulder, causing the boy to wince and flinch.

Mason, meanwhile, looked suspicious. "Why weren't you on the bus today, man? Ivory had to fill in your seat." Great. The girl internally rolled her eyes. She was now Liam's replacement for the day. She'd rather choke and die.

"I - uh - ran from home." Liam said. Him being reluctant with his answer, causing his friend to grow even more wary and worried.

"Home, as in, three miles away home?" Mason questioned Liam. Liam looked paranoid and pale like he felt like he was in danger and Ivory knew he was going through the change but once again knowing this was not her problem did a swift hair flip and walked to her class and once she got there and sat down the class seemed to go by quickly, and somehow she didn't have anymore important classes since she had straight A's which was now why she stood just behind where the school buses parked with her pack discussing the new Beta whom the blonde had only saw in the morning.

"I'm not sharing my basement," Malia growled out when the alpha reminded everyone of the full moon that was that night - and now with a new Liam being a new beta running around and about this was sure to cause trouble. It was once a small disagreement between teens started, Ivory decided to space out of the conversation and just look at her nails.

It wasn't that the blonde didn't care what their plan was, but the teen had a short attention span, and somehow her mind went to the boy they were currently trying to help. Liam Dunbar in Ivory's eyes was cute but not her type. Sure the girl had crushes before on guys, but only ever on older lacrosse players who were all assholes anyway and she really only had hookups and only two real relationships.

"If he doesn't trust us, then let's be smarter, we tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia said offering her idea.

"Your going to ask out a freshmen?" Stiles asked. "No I'm done with teenage boys. "Or, we could get the freshman who everyone in their grade has a crush on to ask him out, and she is the hottest girl and most popular girl in school. "Lydia pointed out to Ivory's direction who was admiring her new manicure.

"Do you guys like the color pink on me?"

"So, Ives you'll do it?" Stiles asked the blonde making her roll her eyes.

"Why can't Kelsey do it?"

"Because i'm not the queen bee or the it girl and besides i'm gay." Kelsey stated looking at her 4'11 bestfriend.

"Okay Kelsey that's a lie because you had the fattest crush on Jackson." Stiles said making Kelsey look at him with a glare. "Okay but I had my reasons you dick." Kelsey rolling her eyes at the raven haired boy.

"Come on Ivory, be a Siren." Lydia said as she persuaded the girl making the blonder roll her eyes and give in.


Every successful seduction had two key components and Ivory was a seduction queen. The Look and The Act. The first part Ivory had down no problem. Her outfit was gorgeous always.

Her makeup was cute but minimal, since it was unnecessary cause she was already gorgeous, and her hair was curled to perfection not one strand out of place.

The easy part of the situation was The Act. Of course, flirting was Ivory's thing; how do you think she scored such hot boyfriends and made out with Scott? But flirting with someone who you know as a crush on you was a little to easy and it was because she was IVORY MONTGOMERY.

After a unnecessary mini pep talk from the banshee, Ivory quickly exited the bathroom and went on her way to find Liam, however, due to her mini makeover it seemed to attract most of the students around her as she walked down the hallways. It did make Ivory feel more confident when a random boy catcalled her, but she soon remembered that she was a Montgomery and didn't take anyone's shit.

But when someone wrapped their arm around her from behind and said "Hey babe" was when the girl snapped "Call me babe again and i'll make your life a living hell." The blonde then started strutting down the school hallway again. Her hips moving side to side as did her hair. Liam and Mason had left their class and watched as most people made way for the Siren. Liam couldn't take his eyes off her to the point where he couldn't hear anything Mason was saying to him.

Ivory walked up to Liam and he had an amused look on his face. "You wanna go to a party? My party, I promise i'll make it worth your while." She asked feeling up his arm and chest.

He nodded as his mouth hanging down. Mason hanging down to, Ivory then giving the boy a cheeky wink before turning on her heel and smirking as she walked away.
