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There was never a party without the Queen Bee but this party was just full of horny freshmen who had no impulse control. After the two wolves had zero control over their shifting they had to be removed from the party before they could rip anyone to shreds and Ivory would not be the one to clean off guts of the walls.

All three girls had been their way around the house for what seemed like the 100th time and Lydia had finally insisted that the Blonde should join the party. Ivory had walked into the kitchen pouring herself a drink before she was approached by Garrett.

"Well hello Ivory." Garrett approached the blonde who had been sitting on the countertop.

"What do you want, if you want to makeout with me, not gonna happen." Ivory snapped her head to look at the blonde boy who had been leaning towards her.

"Whoa, chill princess that's not what i need from you." Garrett said to her.

"Everyone needs something to make them stop and stare." Violet said coming up on the other side of the Queen Bee.

"Come you should join the party, this party seems more dead than fun." Garrett said making Ivory turn her head to look at the blonde boy once again.

"What's in it for me?" Ivory asked jumping off the counter turning to the fafe the couple.

"You'll get something that'll most definitely shock you." Violet said making the blonde roll her eyes before nodding her head yes and before she knew it Garrett had come back with drinks handing one to the blonde. Soon after the blonde girl had many drinks and by this time she was walking towards the living room pushing her way through the crowds of drunk and horny teenagers.

The blonde had turned her head to look at the raven haired lightskin girl, the lightskin giving the blonde a wink indicating it was her time to shine.

Ivory had known the arts of seduction and this was one of the times she knew that no matter what girls or guys would have turned their heads to look at the blonde. Her hips had moved side to side as she touched from the midlength of her thighs all the way to her head as the song party monster by the weekend blared through the speakers. Everyone had turned to look at the petite blonde they looked at her with lust and awe. Ivory had raised her hand up indicating that she wanted Violet to join her soon making the lightskin walked towards and place her hands on her hips and the blonde put her hands on her shoulders.

Afterwhile she had danced with everyone in the room including Garrett but she had soon grown tired. She went to find Lydia who had been wandering around the house like a maniac telling people not to touch certain things the blonde had told her she was leaving for home.

Soon enough Ivory pushed through the teenagers and walked towards the door before opening soon enough the blonde had realized Kira had been her ride groaning in annoyance she had turned her head to the woods and started walking, pulling out her phone the girl had many missed messages from her mom and her dad she knew after this night her Mom would grown her for eternity.

The blonde had felt a presence behind and before she knew it, footsteps had been heard and something had been on top of Ivory tried to push whatever was on her but it was to heavy. Soon enough the blonde had opened her eyes to see a fully wolfed out Liam, his glowing yellow eyes staring into her warm brown eyes.

"Get off of me!" Ivory yelled her eyes turning pink as the sound of her voice sounded dreamy like, making the beta go into a trance like state. The newly bitten beta quickly sprinted off not aware that he could have harmed the popular girl who he thought was gorgeous.

Scott soon runs up out of nowhere soon noticing the blonde girl that was on the floor and perfectly fine without any harms done. Soon both supernatural's ran to where they heard Liam's scream in pain.

Ivory watched and listened Liam explain to Scott what happened in his last school and how everyone viewed him, how he didn't want to feel like a monster. The blonde girl felt bad for Liam knowing he couldn't control it, his anger and being a wolf on full moons she had gotten an idea of what it must have felt like knowing her bestfriend went through the same thing.

Ivory spotted Chris Argent standing by, she gave him a tired smile, he noticed her makeup was slightly out of place and gave another small smile. Soon the blonde turned her head to listen to Scott's words towards Liam.

"You're not a monster. You're a werewolf like us." Scott said making Ivory smile.
