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Ivory sometimes wished she could go back to the way life was before she found out she was a Siren, she wished she was able to go back to when she only had to worry about what dress she was going to wear to the pageants she attended in, or what order she was going organize her shoe closet in.ย  She missed all the little shit of what it was like to be a teenage girl, with teenage girl problems.

But that did not last for long, it was when Peter had broken into the Residence of the Van Der Woodsen women,ย  it was when the man had been on a killing spree while he was in full wolf form and killed anything his path.ย  The blonde had remembered the way her and her mom locked themselves in Laura's office.ย  It was the first time she truly felt fear in all of the years she had been alive.

In Ivory's opinion fear was to much of a weakness, if you were living in fear then you would be weak, and if something her mother always taught her is to not show weakness, because if you showed weakness then you were bound to fall and crumble.

Yet her she was locked in some cage that had mistletoe and mountains ash around it, two of a Siren's weaknesses that could potentially hold them hostage, and if Ivory was being honest she was scared, and it was rich to see the blonde terrified even though she was small Ivory had so much power and so much of a status that since she was known to be the merciless popular Queen Bee, their was zero to no weakness in her eyes.

But not this time, because for the first time Ivory Rosalie Van Der Woodsen actually had fear in her bones.


Kelsey had been wondering where the blonde had been, and to be honest the ravenette was getting worried, she sent the blonde a few texts multiple times to none of which she had answered and it was rare because Ivory never left her phone anywhere unattended, she was the social princess of Beacon Hills.

Kelsey had gone on a manhunt for the blonde asking any- and everyone had they seen the petite blonde, she had even gone to Greenberg who wouldn't say it out loud but had a major crush on the pretty blonde, trying to get her attention anyway possible but when greenberg said he hadn't seen her in class, that's when she started to worry a little bit.

Kelsey had been wandering around school like a headless chicken but soon the girl had bumped into Scott who for some reason had been looking for Liam.

"Scott, do you know where Ivory is?" Kelsey asked the older junior who had a confused look.

"No why, where is she, is she ok?" Scott said concerned for his friend. " I don't know Greenberg said he didn't see her when he went to his second period." Kelsey said, before Scott could respond his phone had started to vibrate in his pocket. The boy looked up at Kelsey who had been peering over his shoulder to see Ivory was calling him.

"Ivory, Ives where are you, is Liam with you?" Scott asked bombarding the blonde with questions. "Not quite." The voice Scott and Kelsey heard sent chills down the duo's spine it was Garrett.ย  "If you layed a hand on her head, I will personally rip your balls clean the fuck off." Kelsey said her voice was getting deep as she spoke into the phone.

"Calm down little beta, if you want to see your precious princess and beta again you'll do exactly what I say." Garrett said as he spoke into the phone his voice sounded serious making the duo look up at each other. "What do you want, the money I can give it to you." Scott had pleaded with the boy. "I know you are but that's not what's going to get you Ivory and Liam back, you're gonna have to put in a little more effort."

"What do you want?" Scott asked. "I want the money and Violet or you will never see Liam or Ivory again."


Soon enough Kelsey and Scott found the blonde boy near the school bus parking lot, Kelsey sending the boy a death glare, it was taking the girl every inch of her body not to rip out his throat with her teeth.

"Okay what do you want? You want me to go to Stilinski? I can do that. Or I can talk to my father. He's an FBI agent." Scott said making Garrett roll his eyes at the boy's sadness and poor offer.

"You think I want you talking to anyone with a badge. I'm not getting help from a werewolf because I want him to talk to someone." Garrett said making the Kelsey and Scott roll their eyes subconsciously at his answer.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Scott asked. "They are transferring Violet to a federal facility. You are not gonna let that happen." Garrett said with a menacing glare as he looked in between both of his raven haired foes.

"How?" Kelsey asked making the boys attention span turn to her for a second before turning back to the boy.

"They're going to put her in a car, we're going to follow it we get ahead of it, and you stop it." Garrett said pointing his finger at the boy. "You want me to attack a car? That's your plan?" Scott said to Garrett.

"You're an Alpha. If you can't stop one little car, then one little Beta is going to die. Stabbed your boy with a blade dipped in wolfsbane. Once it gets to the heart... Bad things happen and as for the little Siren I put some mistletoe and mountain ash around her and when a Siren gets too close to Mistletoe well I think you know what happens." Garrett said making Kelsey growl under breath, her eyes turning to the shade of yellow.

"I think it's better if you hurry Scott times ticking and I put them away from each other so hurry because not both can be saved in time." Garrett said with a smirk.


Ivory' pleads and calls for help had been heard throughout the forest of Beacon Hills. The pleads for anyone to come save her had been slowly starting to drown out as the wind had picked up, she reached for the bars but was shocked with the blue barrier that the mountain ash had emitted.

The blonde had been pretty bruised up due to being hit by Garrett' truck, the mistletoe that was put around the girl had started to affect her, Ivory had begun to form a rash on her side due to the mistletoe' affects her powers had seemingly started to act up, her eyes would randomly glow pink or her canines would flare out for a short period of time.

Ivory in her head was thinking how the hell would she let herself get caught up in this situation. She wondered if she stayed with Brett, maybe she would not be worried about whether she was going to live or not.ย 

There was so much that blonde had to live for, she wanted to be able to model around the world, get famous, have kids and grow old but even she had doubts about whether she was going to live. But even if she was worried the blonde was giving up she would fight to the end until she couldn't because Ivory Van Der Woodsen was a bad bitch.


Scott and Kelsey had eventually met up with Garrett, both the two boys and the girl had been waiting for what seemed like hours the trio waiting in Garrett' pick up truck. "This dumbass plan isn't gonna work." Kelsey said making the two boys look at her who rolled her eyes at their stares.

"All you two have to do is stop the car, I'll take care of the rest." Garrett said his eyes now fixated on Scott' face, but as he said that the truck had passed the latter Garrett soon started his truck up and following behind it. Kelsey was hardly fighting of the urge to rip the boy in front of her throat out, he had taken her bestfriend, the girl who helped Kelsey through much of the bullshit she went through the two were like yin and yang. The two could not function without each other, not even two weeks ago both girls were in her room painting each other nails, gossiping about all the bullshit in Beacon Hills and talking about boys or in Kelsey' case both boys and girls. But here they were helping the psycho that harmed both their packmates.

"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead." Garrett said making Scott and Kelsey jump up in realization. "So what do you want us take out the tires with our claws?" Kelsey said rolling her eyes at Garrett' request. "Teeth, claws, heat vision, whatever. Just stop them. You ready?" Garrett asked but as they got closer towards the truck, they noticed it was flipped over.

"Stop. STOP THE FUCKING CAR!" Scott yelled out making Garrett stop his truck and come to a halt. Kelsey and Scott jump out the car and run towards the flipped vehicle. "DAD, DAD!" Scott yells as he attempts to wake his father up. "Scott listen to me, they're still here, they're still here." Noah says before closing his eyes.

Growling, deep growling was all that had been heard, Kelsey and Scott looked up both sets of eyes meeting with a figure that had bones for armor, and an animal skull that encased the head. Garrett had noticed the Berserker watching them from afar. "You want me, you want me, come and get me." Garrett said swinging his staff in an intimidating manner.

"Yeah that's your right you're not so big, you're not so bi-" Garrett stopped but not because he wanted too, it was because he had been killed. There were two Berserker's, his body had fallenย  limp after he was released for the claw that killed him. Kelsey watches this, fear seemingly taking over her body but the girl wasn't going down without a fight. The ravenette' eyes started to glow bright yellow and her teeth were starting to get sharper along with her claws flaring out.

She let out a battle roar, soon running towards the Berserker, Kelsey started swiping her claws against the Berserker, the Berserker dodging some of them, but still being hit with her claws one or twice, Kelsey had been putting up a good fight against the armored being, but soon was knocked out. Scott attempted to run towards the girl who had fallen to the floor, but was stabbed in the leg by the Berserker and eventually it stalks its way towards him and hit's headย  knocking him out cold.


All Scott saw when he woke up was a bright light, but as Scott blinked his eyes open he saw Deaton standing over him. "Hey there, I was actually you'd be out for a few more minutes." Deaton said as he looked at him, Scott soon had regained full awareness of where he was, but what caught his eyes was the knife that was in his leg.

"Scott." Chris Argent said as he came into his vision, along with Brett who had been under strict orders by Satomi to stay there until she said to leave. "This is gonna hurt." Chris said before he wrapped both of his hand around the blade taking it out making Scott scream in agony.

"Where's my dad and the sheriff, is Kelsey okay?" Scott said as he sat up grabbing his leg in pain. "Kelsey's fine, and your dad and the sheriff are at the hospital." Scott then looked to his right to see Kelsey still out cold.ย 

"It was Kate, it was her and the Berserkers." Scott said as looked at Chris as he held his wound. "We know but they're fast, and they don't leave any tracks." Chris said to him as he laid a hand on his shoulder. "We have to find them, she has Violet and if anything Violet would know where Ivory and Liam are put." Scott said and with hearing Ivory' nameย  Brett jumped up off the wall.

"What happened to Ivory is she okay?" Brett' eyes locked in with Scott' the junior wondering why he seemed worried for Ivory, but shrugged it off once he realized that Ivory had protected from being killed. "Garrett took her and Liam, and I don't know where they are but what I do know is that he stabbed Liam with wolfsbane and put Ivory somewhere with mistletoe and mountain ash surrounding it." Scott explained to the boy who's expression had only seemed to get even more worrisome.

"He had put them in places away from each other, and I have to save only one but I know I can save both there just has to be a way."Scott said, as Brett watched the words fall from his lips he was shocked to say the least, it was hard to think all that could happen to Ivory in just the span of a few hours, it was hard for him to think that she could be on the verge of dying, but when Brett' face had seemingly lit up Scott had gotten more intrigued.

"Wait, Ivory left something here, I know for a fact she's still in her cheer uniform but she said she took out her bow because it was too tight, I can find her with her scent." Brett said as he grabbed the bow that was on the desk soon attempting to run out before he was stopped.

"Find her, please just find her." Scott said making Brett nod at him and run into the woods.


Hours and hours passed and within the time period it was already night, she had been weak lying there feeling her body grow ever weaker as she just sat there. The mistletoe had been affecting her mentally and physically making her feel insane. Ivory had looked up to see her mother standing there right there in her eyesight.

"Ivory what the hell are you doing, do you see yourself and how weak and sad you look." Ivory had seemingly heard her mother's voice but this wasn't Laura this was an illusion. "You're not my mother." Ivory spat as she looked at the version of Laura.

"Oh but I am princess, I am what you fear, and I know for a fact that your biggest fear is disappointing her." The Illusion said as she looked down at the blonde who's back was against the wall as she clutched the side with her rash.

"Go away, that isn't my biggest fear." Ivory said as she struggled to stand up. "Oh but it is tho you might not say it out loud, but you're afraid and you think scared women get out of things no they stay stuck and they die, and that's what gonna happen you're gonna die here all alone." Ivory breath hitched at the words that came out of the woman's mouth.

"You're lying." Ivory said in a rebuttal, some part of her wanted to believe but the other part shrugged it off. "You say that, but we know it's true and too be honest it would be for the better you're mom wouldn't have to be stressed out about how much of a spoiled brat you can be, Tom wouldn't to try so hard to make a relationship with you, face it Ivory your just a spoiled little weak princess who can't hold her own."

The woman finished, and in Ivory' head she was right, she was a spoiled bitch and she was stubborn, the blonde looked straight ahead she wasn't listening to the woman's words anymore. Her rash had been getting a little worse and worse by the minute but that wasn't stopping her, she knew she was strong and she wasn't dying.

Her eyes fixated on the cage, she was using all her might to push through the barrier using all the strength she could muster she pushed and pushed as much as she could. But her strength had given up and the blonde fell backwards her body colliding with the hard concrete floor.

Ivory prepared to hit the floor but didn't, all she felt was a strong warmth and heavy hand laying on her waist. Her eyes fluttered open, only to see Brett Talbot, he moved her hair with his hand to look more at her angelic features, her doing the same studying his facial features when she saw him again.

"Thank you Brett." Ivory said as she snuggled into his chest more.

"I got you princess, don't worry I won't let you get hurt no more." Brett said and with those words Ivory snuggled into his chest even more, letting a few tears fall from her eyes making the boy squeeze her tighter and reassure her.

For the first time Ivory Montgomery felt warmth, she felt happy, she felt loved.
