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Ivory Van Der Woodsen knew she was more than likely going to be grounded till she was at least 30 years old, even after the argument and her telling off her dad. That same morning Ivory had last nights outfit along with her makeup that was very messy along with her hair all she wanted was to sleep.

"Ivory Rosalie Van Der Woodsen what were you thinking!?" Her mother's loud voice made her jolt awake.

"Are you even listening to anything I am saying?" Laura asked making the blonde roll her eyes and walk away.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked his daughter who continued to walk away before she was hit by a blue barrier, the blonde had looked confused snapping her head towards her parents who were already looking at the blonde girl.

"You're grounded." Tom had finally spoken up. Ivory mentally clapped her hands but it wasn't like she was going to listen to Tom she was too stubborn to give him the satisfaction of her listening to him. "You must be out of your goddamn mind if u possibly think I'm gonna listen to you, why are you even here?" the pretty blonde asked as she turned around.

"Because i'm your father." Tom said making the girl stop in her tracks, Ivory had been infuriated she could not believe he pulled the father card or he would even attempt to pull the father card.

"You are not my fucking father!" Ivory snapped/\.

Calling Ivory mad was definitely not the right thing to say, she was outraged he had left her and her mom he missed out on the pageants she won, all the cheer competitions and more.

"If you were my father you would have not left, you would have stayed and been there you would have came to all the pageants i won or to the cheer competitions, instead you couldn't man up and have the balls to take care of your daughter." Ivory said tears stinging and pricking her eyes from her outburst.

"Besides you can't ground me the Lacrosse game is tonight and I -" she said wiping tears from under her eyes."Then you just won't go."Tom finished.

"Your's guys stupidity is so fucking staggering, i'm head cheerleader I have to be there." Ivory said.

"Well too bad." Laura said making her daughter roll her eyes.

"You're both so unbelievable." Ivory said starting to walk off.

"You can't just walk back in here and pretend we're going to be happy father and daughter and go get mani -pedis and ice cream." Ivory finally finished making the trio stand in silence whilst the young girl sniffled at her tears.

"You could've been hurt."Tom started again.

"But I wasn't i'm standing right here ,aren't I?" Ivory said.

"But you had blood, I can smell it on you Ivory." Laura could smell the blood the moment the teenager spoke.

"Mom I love you but what the hell are you talking about?"

"Ives I can smell it." Laura asked giving her daughter a knowing look.

"Mom I didn't kill anyone if that's what you're thinking." Ivory said looking at mother who had her arms crossed.

"Alright, but give me your phone and get ready for school." Laura said as her daughter started walking towards her mother before handing her mom her phone and going upstairs.

Ivory had been exhausted from last night's events, she had finished her shower and soon enough got her outfit which consisted of a dark blue zip up tight hoodie, along with some simple black fitted bootcut flare jeans which hugged her curves and giant butt nicely she soon then grabbed her white bedazzled air forces, she also grabbed her I necklace and a dark blue headband. Ivory soon went to do her makeup after finishing she grabbed her backpack and walked downstairs to see her mother and father.

"Tom is taking you to school since I have things to do." Laura said making Ivory roll her eyes before heading to the door.


"Princess?" Tom called his daughter from the car window.

"What Tom?" She forced a smile, the only look she got was a glare. "Come straight home after school."

"Okay, I'm gonna go gauge my eyes out." Ivory said rolling her eyes as she walked off towards the doors of BHHS.

Today was the big game and Ivory was going to make her self the center attention even if she was the head cheerleader and had the hottest body in school she wanted to make sure that all attention was on her.

Ivory soon headed to the school's gym where all the boys worked out even though it smelled like axe body spray and sweat she didn't mind the view of shirtless boys. Turning her head around she noticed Liam lifting weights that were too heavy for any human to lift. Mason had told Liam they were going against his old school as those words were spoken Ivory saw the rage in Liam and she could tell he was really holding a grudge against his old school.

"Yeah, i'm not coming to the game tonight i'm grounded." Ivory said walking next to the boys spooking Mason who had noticed the petite girl next to him.

"Sorry your Ivory Montgomery. The most hottest girl in school. I'm talking to Ivory Montgomery." He said as Ivory could tell as the dark-skinned boy started to freak out. "Wait but aren't you the head cheerleader?" Mason asked the blonde beside him.

"Duh, but my parents don't give two shits and i'm sure the girls can survive one day without their queen but if they fuck up i will make cute scarfs out of their hair." Ivory said slightly frightening the darkskinned boy.

Liam soon rushed up and grabbed the blonde dragging her away ignoring her protests to let her go. He had eventually led her to the locker room.

"Ok first off never grab me like that and second offย  WHAT THE HELL?!" Ivory scolded the boy who had been towering over, Liam standing at 5'6 whilst she stood at 4'11.

"Look I just wanted to say i'm sorry for potentially hurting you and i just wanna say please don't hate me." Liam said looking at the blonde with puppy dog eyes.

"Liam I don't hate you, it was just the full moon so just blame that, but the next time you tackle me on the dirty floors at least make sure i'm naked." Ivory said leaving the boy starstruck before kissing his cheek and walking off towards the door she knew what she had been doing.

Ivory soon entered the class making the class turn their heads to look at the blonde rolling her eyes she walked to her seat not into the the mood to listen to her teacher ramble so she decided to pick at her nails.

Class was boring to say the least, but Ivory got a putrid smell of something that didn't sit right with her. She smelt blood and as the stench got stronger and stronger her eyes started to glow pink and her fangs shot out. Ivory had grabbed her things rushing out the classroom and as soon as she left she was fine no more smell of blood.

Soon enough Ivory time had been interrupted by Devenford boys and Liam angrily clenching his fists. Ivory would not lie the boys were cute and one in particular was Brett Talbott, he and Ivory had a thing for a while until he had gotten caught by Ivory making out with some other girl.

"Scott what is that smell?" Ivory asked. "It's Liam's blood." Scott had told the blonde.

The trio soon rushed over towards Liam who had been enraged. Soon enough Stiles had introduced himself to the Devenford students but something caught Brett's eyes.

"Ivory Montgomery is that you?" Brett said eyeing the blonde up and down with a smirk as his teammates pat him on the back.

"Well hello Brett how nice to see you again." Ivory said sarcastically.

"You know my bed has a spot made for you and my floor has more room for those clothes you're wearing." Brett said in a flirty tone reaching around to grab the waist's as his dumbass friends oohed and whispered about the blonde the Devenford boys knew about Ivory she was a goddess around Devenford and BHHS not only for her body but how she was able to bag Brett and have him coming back for more.

"Oh well handsome I might come by but for now-" Ivory then pulled the boy down to her height his hand still around her waist as she whispered something in his ear making his body stiffen up all the girls watched in awe and envy while the boys watched in awe and spite, as they both stared into each others eyes like they done before but more seductive and evil.

"Well hope your boys are ready goodbye handsome." Ivory blowing kisses at the boy before walking off as everyone's eyes followed the blonde.


The scrimmage came faster than Ivory thought it would. When Ivory got home her time was fulfilled by her doing chores, watching makeup tutorials , reading magazines or listening to music since she couldn't get past the barrier at the door.

"Hey princess." Laura knocked on the girls bedroom door and entered, Ivory was turned away from the door watching an empty wall while she layed in her pink bed surrounded by pink and white pillows three of the pillows where which fluffy with fur.

"What do you want to come gloat?" Ivory had turned to see her mother and Tom following closely behind her.

Ivory room was exactly like Tom imagined for starters the entire room was pink with hints of white. There was so much girly stuff around such as the stuffed animals, pink items of clothing, makeup, nail polish, hairbrushes, magazines and art supplies surrounding the floor, but there was one thing in particular he noticed a rack full of crowns and sashes from all the pageants she had won.

"Are you ready for the scrimmage?" Tom asked knowing the girl was forbidden to leave the house this made the girl turn till she was facing the wall.

"Okay we know you're mad but we're here to take you to the scrimmage." Ivory couldn't tell if the older blonde woman standing at her bedroom door was lying or telling her the truth.

"Wait what but I thought-"

"No but's since your head cheerleader and they you need for the performance we can make this one exception." Tom said as his head became more in the frame of Ivory's vision it made her feel a tiny bit warm inside knowing Tom was exceptionally trying.

"Thank you." the younger blonde said giving a sweet smile. "Just so you know the barrier goes back up when we get back." Laura said making her daughter roll her eyes.

"Way to kill the mood." Ivory said before grabbing her cheer uniform and throwing her maroon crop top cheer uniform shirt which wrote BHHS that was plastered on her left boob area and her matching skirt which was also maroon along with white along the ends of the hem lines she then grabbed her maroon bow and putting her hair up in half up and half down style. The blonde put on her white cheer sneakers before walking downstairs where her parents where waiting.


The Quinn man and Van Der Woodsen women managed to make it to the school on time for Ivory to get her girls all set up. The two parents sat down on the bleachers, Laura had tried to give an attempt at small talk lead to her encouraging her to talk to her friends before the match, especially when she spotted Liam and Mason and began teasing her, she stopped once the crowd stopped to see Ivory walk down the bleachers and head to Liam and Mason.

"Boys how do I look?" The blonde said from behind both boys, the two stared at the girl in awe, especially Liam of course. Of all the cheerleaders she stood out the most like a sore thumb her bow had been decorated with rhinestone along with her makeup being more flashy than the rest of the girls.

Ivory stood next to Mason and Liam as Brett changed into his shirt Ivory had to admit he was very good looking with or without clothing. Mason couldn't take his eyes off of him either.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me I think I can take him." Liam says as he glares lasers into Brett.

"Yeah." Mason said as Ivory continued to stare at Brett."What do you guys think you're doing?" Liam says to them as Ivory is finally brought back. "What us? We're not doing anything just agreeing with you. We're being agreeable." Mason said as Ivory nods eagerly directing her eyes back towards Brett who was staring back at her with a slight smirk to his face.

"You guys think he's hot don't you?" Liam asks them in disbelief.ย  Ivory didn't miss the slight jealousy in his voice though. "No!" Mason says. "Yes!" She says as Mason looks at her wide eyed and she realized she was supposed to say no too. "He wants to destroy me." Liam says to them. " I think you could definitely take him and then give him to me-" Mason says before Ivory interrupts him.

"Even though i've already had him multiple times make sure to give him to us, to us." Ivory said looking at Mason as Liam's face had scrunched up in disgust.

"No man just go out there and kick their smug prep school asses." Mason says to them as a final goodbye. Liam and Mason did their handshake and Ivory was about to leave and talk to Kelsey as she walked across the field she could still see Brett staring at her seen as everyone on the fields eyes were on her, laughing as if he could hear their conversation.

She was finally knocked out of her daze when Kelsey ran up to her hitting her lightly with her arms. "Come on the games about to start." The raven haired girl tells the Queen Bee as she grabs her hand leading her to the field." She looked back one more time to see if Brett was still staring and low and behold he was. She gave a wink before turning back to Kelsey, following her best friend onto the field.

The first half of the cheerleaders performance was going well and Ivory yet again stood out like a sore - thumb, within anything she did flips in mid air, the way she swiftly moved her body like the way only she could would was memorizing and the way she was moving her hips in a sexy way helped but one thing that stood out most specifically her pink glowing eyes, unsure whether anybody had noticed it Kelsey had took notice so she rushed over to find her mother just as she did, both Tom and Laura watched as the Blonde sprinted off the pitch once the cheerleaders finished their performance.

"You guys got a match to start, I'll look after her." Kelsey wanted to help Ivory along with the rest of the pack but, Laura didn't give them a choice when she looked beside her the older woman disappeared with a gush of wind.

The older Montgomery couldn't remember the last time she stood foot in the Beacon Hills high-school or any high school. It pretty much looked the same just with new furniture,

Ivory loud sobs and her screams sounded like they could be heard from the entire building. That's when the older blonde picked up the pace nearly tripping in her heels.

Ivory stood there, her teeth had been baring and her eyes still glowing a pretty pink. She was in pain and didn't know what to do.

"Princess." her mother came rushing into the bathroom pulling her away from the mirror. "It won't stop." Ivory sobbed, digging her claws into the palm of her hands as her eyes shined a bright pink.

"I don't want to hurt anyone." she managed to let out. "Just relax. Calm down sweetheart." Laura spoke soothingly.

"Someone else here knows that your Siren." the mother whispered to herself. "I learned the hard way but you'll get through this i know it's one of the toughest things." Laura helped her up grabbing a tissue and helping her clean up.

"You need to go back out there and pretend everything is fine, I know it isn't, but fake it till you make it.ย  We can't have people getting suspicious." Laura explained.

"What do you want me to say Mom?" Ivory said as she threw her hands up.

"You don't have to tell them anything, You don't need to explain yourself to anyone" Laura played with her daughters hair in an attempt to make it look better than before. "You're popular, you're gorgeous you've got the power, don't take shit from anyone." Laura said making her daughter look at her in awe.

Laura looked at the blonde girl nearly like a prized possession. Pulling a pink matte lip gloss from her bag, Laura brought the wand closer to Ivory mouth placing it on her lips. "Pink is your color, like Red is mine." Laura said as she admired her daughter.

And with that Laura sped out of the school building, leaving a confused Ivory in the girls bathroom.

Time has passed and it looked like the school was losing the match. like always. Throughout the game The pack was worried about the girl who sprinted off the field prior to the game. They would constantly glance over at bleachers trying to find her long blonde hair and sparkly brown eyes.

Ivory returned to their seats on the bleachers,ย  Ivory was asked questions such as "Are you okay?", she gave no obvious answer receiving glances and glares from the pack. Ivory was greeted by Mason and Kelsey who gave her a recap of the match.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom." Ivory rose from her seat. Her mother and Kelsey insisted on one of them going with her but she said they should stay and watch the game.

Ivory had been walking away from the bathroom. But something made her stop in her tracks she heard gasping like someone seemed to be getting choked.

From the boys locker room part of a man's body could be seen from afar, this only made the blonde run faster towards the locker room.

Once she made it to the room she checked if the man was breathing, she saw Brett on the ground slightly shifting. She was on her feet as soon as possible rushing over to him.

Ivory immediately grabbed his face in her small hands, slapping him lightly in an attempt to wake him up."Come on wake up."She says shaking the boys face."Please.....please wake up love ...you can't die like this."

This seemed confusing to Ivory she had only sex with the boy a few times and yet here she was, begging him to open his eyes. However it was what Ivory was seeing that was the real heartstopper. Her mind flashes to the events that had occurred a few months before.

Ivory pleads with the boy almost hyperventilating.Her mind still flashing with memories of the night she would never forget. The memories flooded her head of Aiden dying would forever be embedded into her mind. She was taken back however when the boy took a deep breath of air finally opening his eyes.

Ivory exhaled in relief that she had been able to save the boy in front of her. He grabbed her face in his hands, his body shaking as he stared into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Come on handsome, let's get out of here" She lifted his arm up and placed it on her shoulder attempting to lift him. "She's still here" he let out in a series of breathes.

"Right, breathe Brett, Tell me who's still-" Ivory a felt cold wire touch her chest before it could come any closer to her neck she pulled it with her hand. The wire only burned her hand but she managed to pull it off her.

"Bitch." the blonde muttered turning to find Violet holding the wire necklace. "Surprise" the brown skinned girl said whipping the wire.

Violet made the first move by kicking Ivory in the stomach landing right beside Brett, the blonde tried lifting him again and dragging him before accidentally dropping him.

Violet put the wire necklace around Ivory's neck again, but she got a hold of it again. "Violet, you can stop and do this the easy way or we'll do this the hard way." the blonde girl warned flashing her pink eyes.

"I prefer the hard way."

"I hope you enjoyed that drink earlier, Gareth spiked it with blood."Violet told the blonde menacingly that would have explained the blood Laura could smell that morning.

"Do you know how much you're worth? Do you know how much your parents are worth? Violet and Ivory got up at the same speed both of them circling around. "You're worth millions, that's crazy. If this was the other way around, I know you would've killed me by now."

Ivory proceeded to kick Violet multiple times before she finally fell back. "You mom's worth a good amount too she should watch her back too." Violet held her stomach, her word's sparked anger in the girl she didn't want anyone to hurt her, she only got her back.

Ivory grabbed the necklace and walked tauntingly towards the girl and placed it around her neck and tightening it.

"You can't hurt anyone if your head isn't attached to your body. " Ivory gritted the words falling off her tongue as, her eyes slowly turned pink again . "You're a monster just like your mother..." Violet said gasping for air.

"I like this version of you, Ivory , it's a lot.. sexier" Violet commented with a smirk.

Violet finally managed to elbow Ivory off of her, once both girls stood in front of each other, Ivory's eyes still glowing pink, Violet ran for the girl intending on tackling her before Ivory let out a piercing scream that sent the girl flying far into the wall as Violet hit the mirror hanging on the hall glass pieces falling all around her.

But the blonde girl wasn't done she was on top ofย  Violet sending swift punches to her, she felt like she was in power or possessed.

It wasn't long before she felt herself being pulled off the girl who Ivory noticed was knocked out. "That's enough." Scott growled the girl who slid down the closest wall.

She gently placed her head against the cold wall. While Scott checked on Brett.

Violet started moving, The blonde was the first to notice. "Scott" She yelled. The Alpha turned and got a hold of the burning wire showing his red eyes, Ivory could her the fierce growl as he looked at Violet snapping the wire Scott then grabbed her and slammed her head against the wall.

It wasn't long before the sound of two footsteps were heard running down the hall Stiles,Tom, Kelsey and Laura found Ivory and Scott in the lockeroom.

Tom was quick to run for Ivory holding her close. The young girl held her father closer than life.

"Stiles I think you better call your dad."
