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ย  ย  AFTER THEย outbreak at the school Ivory's mother and father had been keeping a very close watch on her, not letting the young queen bee out of her sight till the time being. Laura was protective of her baby girl and now that her dad was here so was he, they wouldn't even let her get something off the top shelf without them each freaking out.

Once, Ivory made it home from the school all she wanted was rest, just rest, rest, rest and more rest, almost dying for the hundredth time took a toll on you, the blonde scrolled through instagram to pass the time, but when Liam's name popped up on her phone screen, the blonde rolled her eyes with annoyance before answering.

"You have five seconds to tell me why you're calling me right now or I will block you." Ivory started as she answered her phone. "Look, I don't have time to explain, but we need your help with something." Liam admitted.

"What do you need my help with?" Ivory asked as she sat up, now intrigued in the conversation.ย 

"Scott came up with an idea, to catch the benefactor." Liam told the blonde through the phone.

"Okay, so what the hell does that have to do with me?" Ivory asked rolling her eyes for what seemed like the a millionth time. " We need your help monitoring, to help catch the benefactor." Liam said as he waited for the blonde response.

"Okay, let me get this straight, you want me to try and help find the benefactor whom probably is some psycho, that could potentially kill me and maim my head as a souvenir, isn't the whole point of this whole thing were doing is to avoid the psycho." Ivory said making Liam go quiet, maybe the blonde was right, maybe this was a stupid ass plan and they could potentially all get killed if they went though with this.

"Okay, when you put it that way, it is a stupid ass plan, but you're the only one I can think of so far and besides Kelsey and Brett said they'd only help if you would." Liam said.

Ivory mentally thought of this possibly, she could potentially catch the benefactor and stop an end to this deadpool or could be killed in the process and would fight for nothing,but if it meant protecting the people she loved, then she would do it.

"Fine, but you owe me, Dunbar." Ivory gave in.

"Okay, thank you, now please hurry up and get here." Liam rushed.

"Hey, you called me so i'm gonna take my sweet time and if i'm gonna die, i'm gonna die hot and sexy." Ivory said making the boy groan in annoyance as she hung up her phone.


Ivory mentally slapped herself, why did she walk knowing damn well Scott's house was almost far from hers. But on the bright side with the outfit she was wearing it was meant for walking which had consisted of a light pink long sleeveย t-shirt along with a pair black flare leggings that hugged her curves and fat bubble butt well, she then paired it with a pair of black and white low top nike dunks. Her blonde hair was all the way down to her back, a light pink headband resting on her head with two strands of her hair resting in front of her face.

Ivory made it to the McCall Residence bursting through the door with exhaustion seeing as her walk took her a very long time.

"Is three enough?" Ivory heard as she walked into the kitchen of the McCall residence, making everyone turn to look at her.

"Finally, you get here I swear if i had to spend one more minute with Stiles nagging I would have killed myself." Kelsey said making the older boy flick her off as she gave him a fake smile.

"Okay are we really doing this." Liam asked as he looked at the group, his eyes soon landing on Ivory and Brett who were cuddling up to each other a little too much for Liam's liking his eyes glancing between the short blonde and the tall blonde.

"We're doing it. Tonight." Scott declared. "But isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam asked as he looked at the older senior.ย 

"It's incredibly dangerous. And borderline idiotic." Stiles said.

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam asked as he looked between the group of teenagers.

"Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?" Stiles questioned.

"I think it's a yes to both." Kira answered.ย 

"Oh, it's a hundred percent a yes to both." Ivory said making Brett chuckle and look down at her, making the short blonde blush.

"You don't have to be part of it if you don't want to-"ย 

"I'm not scared!" Liam said defensively as he looked at Scott.

"Then you're borderline idiotic," Stiles told the younger boy,ย  "If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?"

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira said.

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required." Scott told the group.

"Simon said the same thing." Stiles mentioned as he recalled the PSAT. "He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." He finished.

"Wait, what happened at the PSAT, and what does he mean until you guys were dead?" Brett asked looking down Ivory who was looking down at her hands in guilt. Ivory hadn't told Brett about the whole PSAT assassination attempt, so with his eyes currently on her the queen bee could not come with a legitimate excuse as to why she did not tell him about her near death experience.

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof-"

"You don't get paid." Kira finished for her boyfriend.

"But how does that get us any closer to The Benefactor?" Liam questioned.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead." Scott answered, "Especially if it's someone high on the list." Stiles finished for him.

"So, if he wants visual confirmation..."ย 

"He's going to have to come get it himself." Scott finished off, making the group of teenagers all look at each other.


When Scott was pronounced 'dead' he was moved to the morgue, a place Ivory hated with a passion. To her the place was just not cute nor classy, and looking at Scott's pale ass skin was a trigger to her. Brett took notice of this and sneakily but lovingly slipped his hand into hers. Ivory looked down to see their hands intertwined, his bigger hand overtaking her smaller ones as they looked at Scott.

"I still hate this plan.ย  I mean this is pretty significantly terrifyingly. He looks dead." Melissa said looking down at her son. Noshiko looked at the woman, "Give me your hand." Melissa looked at the group with fear in her eyes, only for Stiles to just nod his head in reassurance.

Melissa let Noshiko take her hand, guiding it over Scott's chest. "Wait for it." Noshiko reassured her.

The quietness of the room worried Ivory a little it made her squeeze Brett's hand a little harder, but hearing Melissa's sigh of relief made her ease a little. "Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?" Melissa asked.

"Enough for an Alpha." Noshiko spoke as Melissa removed her hand from her son's chest, " How much time do we have left?" Melissa asked.

"Forty-five minute." Kelsey answered.ย 

"And what happens after that?" Melissa asked.

ย "I bring him back the same way." Kira answered. "No, I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than forty-five minutes?" Everyone went silent at Melissa's question, the woman gazed at each person as no one answered her question.

"No one's told her?" Noshiko asked the teenagers.

"What? What happens after forty-five minutes?" Melissa asked aggressively looking at everyone else once more.

"He dies."ย 


Even though Scott was presumably dead, Ivory could not have been happier to be out of the morgue, Chris Argent had shown up to set up the cameras using their laptops. Ivory stood in between Brett and Liam both boys towering over her as she looked at the laptops, her eyes becoming droopy as she looked at the security footage. Ten minutes passed and Ivory could not take it anymore, her head started leaning over as she started to get weak due to the lack of sleep.

Before her head could even touch Brett's leather jacket, she was shook roughly. Ivory's eyes jolted awake sending a glare to the hands who shook her, which belonged to Kelsey's. "Sorry princess but if I can't get sleep you can't either." Kelsey said with a smirk, and before Ivory could even throw in a snarky comment, a camera feed cut off.

"It's from the roof." Kira said as she looked at the computer screen, "Someone's gonna have to check it out." Stiles said eyeing the group of supernatural teenagers, his eyes mostly fixating on Brett.

"What the hell are you looking at me for?" Brett asked confused as he arched an eyebrow.

"I'm waiting for your little werewolf ass to go up there and check it out." Stiles said as he looked at Brett who shot him a menacing glare.

"Why me?"ย 

"Because, you're the most muscular and not to mention the tallest here big guy." Kelsey said making Brett shoot her a sarcastic smile.

"Hey what about me?" Liam asked.

"No offense, but you're not that experienced." Stiles said, before Ivory knew it the group of teenagers had now been arguing about who should go up.

"I'll go." Ivory said as she was up straight, no hesitation heard in her voice, all the teenagers stopped arguing as they turned their head to look at the four foot eleven girl.ย 

Everyone's eyes had seemingly widened as they looked at Ivory the tremendous amount of courage that now radiated of the girl shook them to the core, it was a shock for them to see the girl who would literally throw a tantrum over the most stupidest shit, like if her shoe closet was not color coded the way she wanted, or if her characters in gossip girl Serena and Blair were not showed enough in the episodes she wanted them to be in.

"Well you're not going alone." Brett said as he walked up towards next to the small blonde, Kelsey, Kira and Liam following actions.

"Okay. And you're all coming right back. Immediately." Stiles called out as each one of the supernatural's walked out of the hospital room, even though they had each other he was still worried, he hoped that whatever happened up there was just a short circuit.

Once the five made it on to the rooftop, Ivory got an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu, she hadn't been up there since Liam had almost been killed. Shaking off the feeling, Ivory began to look for what caused the disruption. "What the hell are we supposed to be looking for?" Ivory asked.

"Stiles said to see if there are any types of wires that are cut?" Kelsey said, as she finished her sentence the electrical box had exploded, Brett shielded Ivory with his body as it exploded.

"Looks like someone did something to it." Liam said, as the boy said that, growling came from behind them, the hairs on Ivory's neck begun to stand up in fear as she looked at what growled.

A creature with bones for armor, a skull that was on the top of its head covering its face. "I think somebody did..." Kira said as she pulled out her sword.

"What the hell is that thing?" Brett asked as he put his hand out in front of Ivory's body as the group slowly backed up.

"Berserker." Kelsey growled, her facial features now changing into that of a wolves, her eyes now glowing golden along with her claws shooting out, Brett and Liam followed the same steps as the other beta werewolf. The three of them growled at the creature, before attempting to attack the Berserker, Liam had tried clawing at many times to only be punched in the face knocking him to floor, Kelsey had attempted to claw at it, using her feet and fists as much as she could but to only be lifted up by her throat and thrown into the gate. Brett managed to land a few hits, but ended up getting thrown into a wall.

Kira raised her sword in a now defensive manner as she began to swing in a elegant manner, her katana landed a few hits, but with the her laast swing the Berserker caught her sword and throw a punch to her face.

The Berserker's eyes now fixated on Ivory who was now scared for her life, she wasn't tall like Brett, or muscular like Liam, or flexible like Kelsey, nor was she good at using a sword like Kira, all she was is pretty, but the blonde sucked down the lump in her throat and leaned back on her heels, narrowed her eyes and balled her fists. Ivory's ice blue eyes started to glow pink, her teeth starting to sharpen, letting out a ferocious growl, Ivory charged towards the Berserker, the Siren clawed at the Berserker only for the ferocious beast to grab her by the throat and throw into a wall.ย 

The Berserker stalked towards the girl ready to deliver the final blow, "Stop." Ivory commanded, her voice now echoing with a lace of seduction, her eyes still glowing its beautiful soft pink color, the Berserker's eyes now had a pink ring around it's eyes as it stood still, Brett, Kelsey and Liam had managed to get back on their feet.

"Guys, run. Get out of here, go now!" Kira screamed.

Ivory's legs began to weaken and her vision became blurry as she pushed her limits, before she knew it, the girl fell to her knees.

Brett crawled to Ivory whom had been weak due to her extending her powers, this made him angrier, the three wolves looked at each other before nodding their heads towards each other, letting out a ferocious roar, the two boys climbed the gate that surrounded the transform both boys letting out a roar as they both attacked from above whilst Kelsey went low.

The last thing Ivory saw before she blacked out was the three wolves fighting the armored monster, the werewolves using all their might to defend the now weak Kitsune and Siren that layed on the ground with their weaken states....

authors note: almostt done with SEASON 4 eekk, can't wait to finish this season, MWAH thank you guys for readingggg, love you guys kissess <3
