Chapter 8 - A Misunderstanding

"Um...sure?" Irene said uncomfortably.

Β  Β  Jin started settling down and pulling out his laptop to get ready to take notes. Irene's friends looked away uneasily with their eyebrows high up their forehead and continued their small chatter before the instructor silenced everybody.

Β  Β  "Hello everybody. My name is Park Jin Young, but you may just call me JYP or Mr. Park. To start off my speech for the day, physics class is a pretty easy class as long as you understand the material. Rarely any participation is needed except for taking notes. You will have to take very good notes so that you will be able to pass the four main assignments you will need to complete this year. Halfway through the first semester and through the second semester, you will have to conduct a project with the person sitting next to you based on what you learned; I'll go into depth when the time comes. Whoever you sit with now, will be the one person you will sit with for the rest of the year. Then, at the end of each semester, there will be an assessment making sure you understand the units." Mr. Park said while continuing on with his speech.

Β  Β  For the rest of the class, Mr. Park was taking questions and going over the basics of the class, and by the time he finished, there was a minute or two left, and everybody was just staring at Jin.

*Jin's Perspective* 9:00 a.m. (30 minutes before first class)

Β  Β  "Jin. Jin! JIN!" Chanyeol screamed in my ear.

Β  Β  "What? What!? WHAT!?" I screamed back half asleep.

Β  Β  "There is only 30 minutes left before first class starts. What are you still doing in bed?" Chanyeol explained.

Β  Β  I didn't reply, and by the time I opened my eyes fully, Chanyeol was already gone.

Β  Β  "What time is it?" I said, yawning.

Β  Β  I was completely alarmed to see that the clock said 9:20 and since the class was farther away, I quickly threw on some clothes to be able to arrive at the class on time. By the time I got there, everybody was starting to settle down, and from where I was standing, I could only see that one seat was open, and of course it just had to be the seat next to Irene, the girl I bumped into yesterday.

Β  Β  How awkward would it be to just ask her if I could sit next to her? She'll think I'm some creep! Whatever. I'd rather sit than just stand around like a psycho. I thought with some regret as I was walking one step closer at a time to asking her. I couldn't help but cringe when I was about to ask her, so I tried my best to just keep a straight face when I asked her.

Β  Β  "Can I sit here?" I asked Irene poking at her shoulder.

Β  Β  AGH!!! I can't believe how cringy I just was. My mind wandered.

Β  Β  A few seconds went by and she finally replied.

Β  Β  "Um...sure?" she said, kind of with a hint of disgust. I honestly wouldn't blame her.

Β  Β  I sat down and quickly unpacked my stuff before she could change her mind about me sitting next to her. The whole class, I could see from the corner of my eye, that Irene kept on checking the time, and tried to scootch as far away as possible from me, but that was only a few inches since we sat literally right next to each other at a mediocre sized table. Apparently, Mr. Park had already finished his speech and realized that the whole class wasn't listening at all, but instead staring at me, but I didn't notice it. I heard whispering coming from classmates nearby, and finally decided to stop daydreaming and look around. As soon as I did, everybody started putting everything back into their backpacks, while starting to leave the classroom. Me, not knowing what had happened, began to pack up too, and as I did, I found Irene sleeping on the table.

Β  Β  "Hey," I started. "Time to wake up, you don't want to be late for the next class."

Β  Β  "What? Oh, was I asleep?" Irene jumped up and started to run out of the class with her stuff starting to fall out of her half opened backpack.

Β  Β  Later on, as I was walking to my next class before lunch, which started in a few minutes, my phone started to make hundreds of noises. Ding! Ding! Ding!

Β  Β  "What is this? WHAT?!" I screamed out loud, that the whole campus started staring at me in a troubling look.

Β  Β  As I went through the various posts that were shared to me, I saw photos of me staring at Irene. Not only that, but I also saw both of us sleeping, with her head on my shoulder.
