Chapter 23 - Truth Almost Revealed

*Narrator Perspective* 12:00 p.m., Saturday

With the spare time they had this weekend, Wendy and Mina decided to go shopping.

"Hey, I have something to ask you." Mina asked Wendy while they were looking for the next shop.

"Sure. I can see a lemonade stand not so far away. Let's sit down there for a while."

They headed toward the lemonade booth, ordered their drinks, and sat down at one of the outdoor tables.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Wendy sips her glass.

"You know how I sleep really easily?" Wendy nods in response. "Well, I'm also a light sleeper. So last night when I was tossing and turning and I heard Dahyun and Irene say some weird things."

"Like what?" Wendy was now intrigued.

"Dahyun was asking if the person at the door was Taehyung and Irene got really worried. Then, Dahyun reassured her that all of us were asleep. Irene then relaxed and confirmed that it was Taehyung." Mina said.

"Hold on, I have some questions." Wendy interrupted.

"Go ahead. Not like I would know the answers." Mina told her.

"Well, why did Irene get so nervous? And what did Dahyun know?" Wendy was now thinking.

"I know right! But also, why did she have to make sure that we weren't listening?" Mina was also extremely confused.

"She does know that she can tell us anything, right? I mean, we were her best friends since as long as we can remember. We were the ones protecting her. We were the ones that kept her happy. What is it that she would have to hide from us?! We have to ask her about this." Wendy was now frustrated.

"Even if we do ask her, we won't get any answers, she'll just keep denying everything we ask." Mina explains.

"Well, why don't we just ask Dahyun then?" Wendy sips her drink again.

"We can try, but don't you think if she wasn't to tell us, she wouldn't want us to know?" Mina looks toward her. They exchange a serious look, and then burst out laughing.

"Ha! As if. Let's find out some more." Mina calms down and then they continue shopping.

After the day was over, they got back to their dorm and found Dahyun eating on her bed.

"Dahyun! Sweet, innocent Dahyun!" Wendy dramatically says, making Dahyun look at them confused.

"Come!" they direct her towards them and Dahyun shakes her head hard. "Ugh! There's ramen out here!"

Dahyun then jumps out and goes right out of the room in a hurry. After cooking Dahyun her ramen, the pair began asking her questions.

"So...did Irene tell you, you know, anything that we should, I don't know, perhaps be informed of?" Wendy extends her words. Dahyun shakes her "no" and the others sigh.

"Come on! We know something is up! I didn't want to bring this up, but I heard you guys last night! I know something is up with apparently Taehyung of all people!" Dahyun widens her eyes as Mina says that.

"Ha! You do know something." Wendy exclaims.

"Fine! Um, Irene and Taehyung were, um, were, I give up." Dahyun sighs in annoyance.

"Why won't you just tell us?" they both stare at Dahyun.

"Well, Irene begged me to keep this a secret and I can't just betray her like this!" she slurps the last of her ramen. "Why don't you just ask her yourself though, I'm sure she'll tell you."

"I guess so." Wendy replies.

The next day, as they were packing for their break, Mina and Wendy found the right time to ask Irene about whatever was going on with Taehyung.

"Hey, Irene. Can we talk to you for a second?" Mina asked her.

"Um, sure, but what for?" Irene was worried that they had figured it out. They went out into the other room of their dorm that didn't have their beds and sat down at the table.

"So, um, Mina overheard you and Dahyun talking last night about who was at the door. And apparently it was Taehyung. Nothing wrong with that, but we just wanted to know if something was up or why you were so nervous about that." Wendy explains.

"Well, I mean, the situation right now, I frankly don't even understand. But please don't think I betrayed you guys. It's just that Dahyun was there at the right time and I couldn't just keep it to myself. Please just let me have at least until the end of break to think about it." Irene begs.

"Sure. Take all the time you need. But just know that one, don't force yourself to tell us anything, and two, even if you don't tell, we have our own ways." Wendy says and they all chuckle.

"Thanks, you guys." Irene hugs them across the table.

"No problem." they smile softly.
