Chapter 13 - Only Two Days

*Jin's Perspective* 5:00 p.m.

I wanted to stay behind and watch the sunset fall, so I said goodbye to my siblings for the day. Just as I was turning around, I see Irene and her group of friends with this guy who looked really pissed off by their conversation. I overhear that his name is Vernon or something and I head for the exit not thinking much about it until I hear one of her friends, who I think is Dahyun, and the guy scream for the whole subway station to hear.

"Look, do you want the directions or not?!" I hear the guy scream.

"Not from you!" I hear Dahyun scream back.

The guy looks really pissed off at this point and I see that he is about to lift his arm and slap Dahyun, so based on reflexes, I dash towards the group and grip Jimin's arm. However, I also realize that there is a smaller wrist underneath mine, and while wondering who it is, I hear them before I see them.

"Shut up!" I hear the familiar voice shout.

I look over at the same time and see that Irene is there saving her friend.

From my surprise, my grip loosens, and she slips her hand out of the reach of mine.

"JIN?!" I hear, while she pulls her hand away.

I ignore her shocked expression and focus my attention onto the guy that I was still currently gripping in my hand.

"Yo, watch what you're doing bro!" I say, my grip tightening from fear of what is to happen next.

"You watch who you're talking to!" he fires back, trying to get his wrist out of my reach.

"Just leave or else." I say, a little bit annoyed.

"Or else what? Your weak little hands are going to punch me?" Jimin says in a babyish voice.

"Probably, yeah." I say, kind of admitting I am a little weak.

"Whatever. Y'all just wasted my time anyways." he says while leaving.

Irene goes over to comfort her friend who was probably frightened by what just happened. All of a sudden, Chaeyoung (I think) asks a question directed to me.

"Anyways, Jin, do you know the directions to the Night Market?" she asks me.

"Uh, yeah. After exiting through there, take a left and keep walking until you reach a stoplight. Then, take a turn to your right and after walking for around 10 more minutes, you'll reach it." I say, trying to remember if it is the correct directions that I just gave away.

"Thank you so much. We owe you next time." Wendy says.

Um...I don't think there is anything to owe me for giving you probably fake directions. I think to myself.

"No problem." I say, not knowing what else to say.

I completely forgot about the sunset that I wanted to see, and boarded a subway train without thinking about it. I also am pretty sure that Irene had forgotten about everything that happened just a few hours ago. I got back to my dorm around ten minutes later. As Suga was sleeping, Jungkook was looking at his phone, and Chanyeol and Daniel were nowhere to be found, I sat on my bed, replaying the same scene over and over again. I remembered Irene's soft hands and thought about her line again and again.

"JIN?!" I replayed.

I couldn't tell if that was a surprised happy shout, or a surprised annoyed shout. I lay down on my bed and sigh.

"What a day!" I scream.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks, looking up from his phone.

"Nothing." I answer.

"It probably isn't just nothing. Seriously, what's wrong?" Jungkook questions, looking back at his phone.

"Well, it's only the first day and I already have people thinking that I am dating someone, I saved someone from being punched, I forgot about the sunset pictures that I wanted to take today, and apparently the friends of my speculated girlfriend owe me something because I gave them less than correct directions." I reply while getting up on my elbows.
Β  Β  "That's not too bad. Could've been worse." Jungkook says, making a "not too bad" face.

"Can you guys just shut up!? I'm trying to sleep!" Suga says, scoffing at the end annoyed while he throws a shoe in our direction.

"Hey!" Jungkook shouts.

"SHUT UP!" Suga screams.

With that, we all just shut our mouths and Jungkook starts opening a bag of chips to eat.

Whatever. I think.

The next day, I was so tired and just wanted to go back to sleep, but I decided to go to the campus cafΓ© and get a cup of coffee to energize me again.

As I enter the cafΓ©, the bells attached to the door ring. A group of girls turn around and I see that Joy is part of the table.

Oh no. Here we go. I think, while preparing myself for what is to happen.
