Chapter 19 - Lost Book

Β Irene made it to her door and when she entered the dorm, she noticed everyone was already fast asleep. She made her way carefully around the room; trying to get from place to place without making a noise. As she exited the bathroom after completing her night routine, she was about to jump into bed, check her phone for like 20 minutes, and then go to sleep, but out of nowhere, one of her roommates woke up.

"Hey there, where were you?" Mina, the one who woke up, asked as she rubbed her eyes gently.

"Oh, I was just finishing up an assignment that took a really long time to complete, why?" Irene asks back.

"No reason. It's just that before we fell asleep, we wondered if you hung out with Jin again." Mina jokes.

Irene throws Mina a "are you serious?" look and starts to get comfy in her blanket.

"I'm kidding. Hey, are you blushing right now?" Mina asks, half-asleep.

"No." Irene extends her one word answer. "Shut up."

Before Mina can ask anymore questions, she fell asleep without realizing.

Irene turned off the light and wondered to herself. Was she blushing? And if she was, was it because of the thought of Jin, or the kind of disturbing, but at the same time enduring encounter she had with Taehyung?

It was probably none. My face was probably just underneath the heat from the light for a little too long. Irene thought to herself.

She kept on reminding herself that it was just the light's heat and nothing else until she fell asleep.

*next day*

"Today was exhausting." Dahyun told Chaeyoung on the way to one of the computer labs.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Chaeyoung reasons.

"Trust me, it was." Dahyun replies.

Just then, they run into Jin.

"Oh hey, have you seen Irene? I've been trying to look for her to return this book she dropped in our first class." Jin asks.

"I don't think so. We haven't seen her since lunch. But at this time, you might find her at one of her clubs or at the library." Chaeyoung says, looking at the time on her phone.

"Ok, thanks." he says in a hurry.

"That was weird." Chaeyoung tells Dahyun after Jin rushes off.

"And random." Dahyun adds on.

They nod their heads and continue on with their day.

back to Jin

Jin didn't know why he was running or was in such a hurry, but he didn't care. He didn't like Irene or anything, trust me, but he just felt the sudden urge to return her book to her as soon as possible. Perhaps he wanted to ask to hang out again, maybe he just wanted to see her again, or he might've just wanted to get the burden of having someone else's book in his possession off his back. Whatever the reason, he was running. He first went to the library since he didn't want to disrupt any ongoing clubs at the moment. No one was found though. He barged through a bunch of clubs, asking awkwardly if they had seen Irene, but nobody knew, and most of all, nobody knew who she was. He had grown tired of running and started to walk slowly, sighing as he closed his eyes and just let the rest of the universe control which direction he was walking in. As he opened his eyes, he just coincidentally saw Irene passing by with her cheeks puffed up from the air she kept in her mouth.

"Hey!" Jin shouted, as soon as he realized it was Irene.

She couldn't hear him though because her earbuds were in her ears and she was blasting the music so loud that Jin could even hear it.

"Hey!" he shouted again.

"Oh, what? Were you talking to me?" Irene turned around and asked before seeing her new friend in front of her.

"Oh, hey! What'd you need? You look really tired." Irene asked, looking disgusted by the amount of sweat all over Jin's face.

"I searched around the whole campus for you. You know, turns out Dahyun and Chaeyoung are not correct. Not at all." Jin said, looking off to the side.

"What do you mean?" she looks really confused.

"I asked them where I could find you right now so that I could return this book that you dropped." he explained.

"You went around the whole school premises, just so that you could return my book that you could've returned tomorrow, in first period?" Irene asked, kind of laughing.

"I guess so." Jin says, smiling, while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Whatever. Thanks. You know, usually I am disgusted by men, but I oddly find you comforting and as someone I can talk to. Even if we only started talking like two days ago." Irene tells Jin.

"Thanks...I guess. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that?" Jin chuckles.

"I don't know. But I should get going, I'm going to be late for my club. Thanks again, bye." Irene said to Jin in a rush.

"Oh, ok. See you later." Jin said, a little sad, but not too noticeable.

Jin didn't know why, but when Irene had to leave, he turned a little sad. But he had only gotten a little closer to Irene just a few days ago. So, why did he feel this way?

A/N: i should've clarified this at the beginning, but none of the characters depicted in this fanfic are in any way, shape or form, how they actually act in real life. this story is purely fiction, and it will stay that way. that being said, there are some traits that may be nonfiction, but that does NOT mean their character is completely accurate. thank you for listening to my tedtalk.
