the question

Venus's pov

James comes to my house a lot. He says his dads a prick and he doesn't understand him. I haven't met his dad before so I wouldn't be the one to ask about it. But I guess his company is nice, even though he doesn't talk much.

We were sitting on the big grey couch in the basement of my house, watching some stupid American reality show. He sat on the far right and I sat on the left.

"You never talk about your mum." I state, looking over at James. "What's she like?" I ask. I saw James's jaw tense up and I thought that if time travel were a thing, I would have gone back in time and erased what I had just said.

"My mums dead." He said, not taking his eyes off the tv screen. His face holds no emotion, almost as if his mum's death wasn't a big deal at all.

I quickly look back at the tv screen, while I feel my face turn a subtle pink colour. I decided to get up and sit next to him. I sit down awkwardly next to him, "wanna talk about it?" I ask quietly.

"No." He responds, almost instantly. I nod my head and don't push farther. I know how sensitive the subject can be.

I feel him moving his arms around, almost like they're looking for something that's on the couch. "Sorry." I say, as I scoot slightly farther away from him . I'm terrible at apologizing but sometimes you just need to do it. James grabs my hand and stops me from moving farther away.

"You don't need to apologize." He says. "I don't even remember her." He adds. I feel like he's saying this just to make me feel better.

James's pov

Should I do it now?

I can feel myself trying to grab the knife, but I can't bring myself to kill her. I don't know why, but she was starting to grow on me. I hated it. Her personality made my skin crawl. She was loud, annoying, rude, but she was also funny, and kind of stood up for me when someone would pick on me at school.

Venus's pov

James stayed quiet, which made me feel even worse about the question; even though he was normally this quiet. I could hear him shuffling around on the couch, I look up from the ground and see him standing over me.

"Are you leaving?" I ask.

"No." He says shaking his head.

"What the fuck do you want then?" I ask, a bit louder then the last time I spoke.

"Do you want to go on a date." He asked, though it came out as more of a statement then a question really.

"Sure." I reply back, nonchalantly.

James's pov

I'll get her to fall in love with me.

Then maybe I could kill her.

Also it would mean a lot to me if you voted on this and maybe commented something??? I just want to know if people like my fanfic so far since it's my first.
Yikes, so I'm sick and staying home from school like a baby ๐Ÿ˜Œ anyways. I'll probably be writing the whole time I'm sick so be prepared for some shitty writing!!!
