the date

The two of us sat in the old diner, it was a few blocks away from our school. I looked over the menu as James looked blankly out the window.

"Can I take your orders?" A waiter says, with a sweet smile. I hate her already. I hate when people are too nice. I hate people like that, like, what the fuck do you want from me?

"Is this true?" I ask, pointing to the menu. "One of the top ten greatest American dining experiences." I read to her.

"Yeah!" The woman says, with a smile. "I can take your orders now!" She says with enthusiasm.

"Umm..." I mumble, looking over the menu. "I'll have a... banana split with extra cherries, some blueberry pancakes, and a hot chocolate with cream." I say.

"You're hungry!" The waiter says, staying the obvious.

"And an extra fucking spoon." I add.

"Excuse me?" The woman asks, with a disgusted expression on her stupid face.

"For him." I say, nodding towards James.

"You can't use language like that. Or I'm going to have to ask you and your boyfriend to leave." The woman says, looking a lot less friendly then before.

"Okay. Sorry." I say back. Man, is this going to turn into a shit storm. I think with a smirk. "I'll have... a great big banana shit, with extra fucking cherries all over it..."

She cuts me off, "okay, I'm sorry, that's it." She says, waving her hand at me. "Marvin!" She yells to someone who seems to be working behind the counter.

I get out of my seat and grab James's hand, pulling him along with me. "Oh no! Not Marvin!" I yell mockingly. "See if Marvin can make me a fucking banana split. You fucking cunt!" I yell behind me as I slam the door.

Oh my god this chapter was so fucking short. It was kind of just a filler :/
Anyways, it would be great if you could leave a vote !!! It means a lot to me !!!
