the diner

Venus's pov

I was actually enjoying the ride, I got a rush of adrenaline from stealing the car. I felt more alive then I'd ever been.

I stuck my head out the window and felt the wind rush through my hair. It smelt like freedom. I guess freedom smelled like manure and pine trees. Not ideal.

I pulled my head back into the car and looked at James, his eyes were glued to the road and he was silent.

James's pov

If I was going to kill her, I needed to do it somewhere quiet and away from most people. I turned to see Venus looking at me, her hair was a bit messy and she was smiling. That's something you'd don't see too often from her. She usually looked angry or bored. I looked down at her to see she wasn't wearing a seatbelt. "Seatbelt?" I said, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Fuck seatbelts." She said with a smirk on her face.

The way she smiled made my hands sweat and made me confused.

"James?" She asked. I looked over to her, "let's do something fun." She said with a smile that I couldn't quite decipher. It looked like she wanted to set a house on fire for fun but also like she just wanted to get ice cream.

Venus's pov

James and I stopped at a laser tag place. Man, I hadn't gone to one of these since I was eleven or something. I was still pretty good at it though, James on the other hand could use some work.

"Die!!" I yelled, as I shot at James. His vest glowed red as I shot at it, James didn't move at all.

Sometimes I wonder if he's even alive in there.

James's pov

Ironically, I was not in my element.

Venus's pov

"James!" I said, raising my arms in the air and then dropping them back at my sides. "For fucks sake, you gotta play!" I sigh.

I walk up closer to him and drape my arms over his neck and lean in. I kiss him right on the lips. I run my hand through his hair. I didn't expect him to kiss back, but he did. Suddenly a loud voice sounds from the intercom. "Right. Stop that now." It says. I flip the intercom off and pull away from James, a small smile on my face.

James's pov


I kissed her back.

Venus's pov

After the laser tag place, we drove for a while longer. We stopped at a diner along the way, it was filled with those stupid vintage neon signs. I dug into my sandwich, as I watched James barely touch his food. "You okay?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry." He replied.

I put my sandwich down and take a sip of the milkshake I had gotten. "I can't believe that we just stole a car." I said with a laugh.

"My dads a prick but he's an optimist. He'll just wait for us to come back." James said nonchalantly.

"Anyways, we should get outta here." I said, standing up.

"Aren't we going to pay?" James said.

"Used all my money at the laser tag place." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Listen, we didn't eat everything so technically we don't have to pay..." I said, looking around the diner to see if anyone was watching us. "Now let's get out of here." I hissed at him. I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out of the diner.


We sat in the car in silence. "I can't believe were actually doing this!" I exclaim. James doesn't respond but u can tell he's listening to me. I crank the music on the stereo 'taking off' by the beach fossils is playing, which is like, one of my favourite songs ever. I smile to myself and start to tap my foot along to the beat and lip sync along to some of the lyrics. I can see James start to tap his hand on the steering wheel along to the beat.

This was nice, dancing in the car, without a worry in the world. Everything was fine, until I noticed the fuel gauge was empty. Finally the car stopped.

"Fuck" I said.

I loved writing this chapter and I hope it was as fun to read as it was to write! :) this book has been really fun and I'm hoping to write more fanfics in the future! Give me some suggestions on shows/movies/books to write some fanfics on. Anyways see you in the next chapter I guess. Stay tuned!
