
Venus's pov

For a week straight, I sat with James at his table. Most of the talking was done by me. As I said earlier, he doesn't talk much. Only the occasional "okay."

Today we were walking home from school, and as usual I was doing the talking. "Did you know that the longest movie in the world is like, 48 hours?" I asked James as we walked.

His eyes dart to me and then back i from of him. "Okay." He says.

"It was made in 1968 and it was called 'the longest and most meaningless movie in the world' and it's like just people doing a bunch of random stuff like pouring a glass of water and shit." I add, kicking a rock in front of me.

"And why should I care?" He snapped.

I look up at him in astonishment and feel heat coming to my cheeks. I look down quickly so he won't notice my embarrassment.

I keep my mouth shut for the rest of the walk home even though I want to yell back at him. I could feel James looking at me every once and a while, but I kept my eyes ahead of me. We reached my house, "thanks for walking me home I guess." I mumble and turn my back to him, unlocking the door with a creak. I begin to walk in but I feel a hand grasp my wrist tightly. I whip around to look at James.

"Sorry." He stated, looking at me with his big blue-green eyes. "Rough day." He said, as if he was trying to use the least possible amount of words.

I felt a slight smirk creeping across my face and I tried to hide it. I took my wrist out of his hand and leaning forward, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. I felt heat creep up to my face and quickly skipped into my house, closing the door behind me and leaving James on the porch.


James's pov

I watched as Venus walked into her house and slammed the door shut. I felt my face turning red. What the fucks happening. I thought to myself, I had never felt anything like this before. And I couldn't tell what emotion I was feeling at the moment. I blinked a few times before beginning to walk to my own house.

I had thought about killing her from the moment I met her. Would she try and run away? What sound would she make when I killed her? Somehow I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how many chances I had to do it. I would reach for my knife and she would make some stupid comment and I would put it away.

Jesus Christ. Venus had practically taken over my mind.

Ugh this chapters so damn short,,,,
And it's really poorly written, but hey. That's what I get for writing at 5 in the morning. I have to go to school in less then four hours 😎
I'm hella smart. Anyways stay tuned for my next update for this story which will probably be tomorrow 😌🀚
