the motel

Venus's pov

James and I sat outside of the diner on a brown wooden bench. I sit with my hands in my lap, thinking about what had just happened.

"He put my hand there." James said, breaking the silence.

I look up from the ground and look at James, "you know that you don't have to let people do things to you. Right?" I ask him, "if you don't want them to do it to you then just say no."

"I know." James replies.

I let out a big sigh and shuffle closer to where he sits on the cold bench. "I saw a motel down the road, and I'm tired." I say, grabbing his hand and standing up.


After a short walk, we get to the motel, it's fairly nice. Could be better. James and I walk inside, "just get me a room." I say, slapping a wad of cash on the counter.


James's pov

Venus hasn't talked to me since we arrived at the motel, I don't know why. Maybe she's mad? I sat on the edge of the single bed in the tiny room, and Venus sat with her back against the headboard of the bed. She reached for the remote on the side table beside the bed, flicking on the tv. "What do you wanna watch?" She asks, finally saying something to me.

"I dunno." I say.

Venus sighs, "Jesus fucking Christ! Do you know anything James?" She asks, she sounds tired and annoyed by me.

I don't say anything back to her.

"Fine then, I guess I'll just choose something." She says, flicking through the different channels, finally picking one. She chose some old slashed movie, I can't say I liked it, but it would do.

"What's this." I ask, though it comes out as more of a statement.

"Scream." She says, "never seen it?"

"No." I say back.

"Really?" She says, her eyes glued to the screen, "I thought you would be someone to like horror movies to be honest." She gets up from the bed.

"Where're you going?" I ask her.

"Bathroom." She mumbles. She walked into the bathroom and closes the door behind her with a click.

I lift my eyes back to the screen. I watch as the movie plays, but I'm not really paying any attention to it. All I can see is blood. Blood. I think about the knife I have with me. I act quickly, this would be the perfect time to kill her, I take the knife that was hidden under the bed and walk up to the door. I press my body against the door and get ready to finish what I had been planning to do in the beginning of the trip. But I stop, I can hear the muffled sounds of crying coming from inside. I drop my arms to my sides and walk back to the bed and watch the movie as if nothing happened.

Venus walked out of the bathroom quietly and sat back down where she was sitting before, though she hid her face from me. It was obvious that she was crying. I almost felt bad for her. After a few more minutes of watching the movie, she reached for the remote and flicked the tv off. All I can hear is the rain outside and the Venus breathing.

"Everyone I know hates the fact that I exist." She says suddenly. "Probably because I'm useless, even I don't know why I'm still here." She lets out a  quiet laugh, though I don't find it funny. "I don't think I can ever go back there. It just reminds me of how much of a failure I am."

An awkward moment of silence hangs in the air.

She shuffles down the bed and is now sitting next to me. "James?" She says. "Do you like me? Or am I just another thing you just went along with?" She asks. I really don't know how to respond to that question, I don't think I even know what the answer to that question was.

I look at her, and quickly kissed her. It's not like I wanted to do it, it just kind of happened in that moment. I pulled away from her, and took a big breath in. I could feel my face flush.


Venus's pov

What the fuck had just happened.

It's not like I didn't like it.

It was okay I guess.

"I'm tired." I state, looking at James. "We should probably get to sleep anyways. We're gonna have to get up early." I said, trying not to make it even more awkward then it already was.

"Okay." He says, as if nothing had happened.

"Okay." I repeat, like I was just learning the word or something stupid.

I moved back to the top of the bed; where the pillows were, and pulled the covers over myself. And James did the same. The bed was pretty small, so we were pretty close together, plus it was really cold so we were extra close. I could feel James's arm drape around me, I felt safe with him for some reason. He made me feel more like myself, and like I could do anything. He pulled me closer into him, we stayed like that for a while in a comfortable silence before falling asleep.

ugh this chapter wasn't that good tbh, it was kind of just a filler or something but at least James and Venus are getting a bit closer! I think that her character really goes well with James's. Hopefully the next chapter will be a lot better then this one and a lot more interesting then this one haha.
Give me feedback on my writing please! I'd love to know how to improve! I'll probably go back in and edit most of the chapters in this book (or maybe just re write the entire thing lmao) anyways make sure to leave a vote, comment, and maybe even follow me??  All that regular stuff, so far none of that has happened 😳 yes I know it's kind of pathetic. Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter lol
