the idea

James's pov

My eyes fluttered open and was surprised by the fact that Venus was cuddled into me, and this was in fact, not a dream. My arm lay across her, and her hand was interlaced with mine. I tried to get up, and not wake Venus up in the process, but I was unsuccessful. Her eyes opened slowly and she looked at me. "Hello?" She mumbled, clearly still half asleep.

"Hey." I said back to her.

Venus's pov

Sometimes, James felt like a boy I could love. Then, other times, he felt like a total fucking stranger. I think that right now was one of the moments where I felt like I could love him. Just maybe.

As James slowly got up, I knew that last night would probably be a one time thing. A small part of me was kind of sad about that, but I pushed the feeling away.


After checking out of the motel, James and I were back on the road. But this time we were on foot, it seemed like there was no civilization miles from here. "We should catch a train." James says, "or a bus." He mumbles to me as we walk down the winding road.

"We should try to lay low, we just stole a car, stole food from that restaurant we went to, and I assaulted someone." I said to him, "oh yeah, and we stole his wallet." I say, ticking the different things off on my fingers.

James nodded, but I could tell he wasn't really listening to me. "We don't have anywhere to go." He said when I finished speaking.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I said as I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful shove. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, and it really was brilliant. "James." I say to him quietly.

"Yeah." He asks.

"We could find a house to stay at." I say, telling him my brilliant idea.

"We don't know anyone here though." He said with a perplexed look on his face.

"I'm saying we should break into someone's house dumbass. We can stay there for a night and then continue on, we don't have enough money to stay in another motel, do we?" I ask.

"No we don't." He said.

"Exactly. We just need to find a house that someone hasn't been living in for a while." I say, and continue walking down the long winded road with a smile on my face.

Sorry that this chapter was so damn short, I've been super stressed and had no motivation to write anything, lmaooooo
Also I changed up the cast page so you should prolly go check that out to see what Venus looks like now, I'd dint think the faceclaim i was using for her matched her personality:/
