the escape

venus's pov

i heard the door to the room i was sleeping in open up, i assumed it was james so i stayed laying in the bed.

"what the hell." someone said from behind me, but it wasn't james's voice. it sounded like an older man, not like 95 or anything though, maybe in his late 30s or mid 40s. i jumped up from the spot i was laying in and whipped my head around to where the unknown persons voice was coming from. the man standing in front of me.

i would say he's about above average height, he has dark brown hair that's parted down the middle, it really doesn't suit him to be honest... he also has a moustache that's a slightly darker colour then his hair. he's wearing a white button up long sleeved shirt and a black vest over top of it, he looks absolutely ridiculous in my opinion.

he looks like some type of professor or something, one of the ones who likes Shakespeare and is really fucking boring. he looks kind of familiar, i tack my brain for the place i've seen his face before, then it comes to my mind. i've seen his face all over his house, it looked like he's written a bunch of books, and he had pictures of himself all over the walls. jesus chris, he must be really full of himself.Β 

the man and i stare at each other for a few moments before one of us speaks up.

"how'd you get in here?" the man asks in an overly sweet tone. i can't tell if he's actually being genuine or is just really fucking creepy, like the guy who gave james and i a lift. i shudder at the idea of him.

"i- i had no where else to go?" i say quietly, almost not loud enough for him to hear me.

"it's ok." he says with a sigh. "it's ok, you just... gave me a shock that's all." he looks up from the ground and looks at me.

"are you in trouble or something? needed somewhere to go?" he asked with a concerned look on his face, this time i can actually tell what his intentions are, and it doesn't seem like he's actually being genuine about it. "are you on your own?" he asks.

"yes." i lie to him, i don't really know why i did that, it just kind of came out.Β 

"okay," he says, looking as if he's taking a mental note of what i had just said. he was starting to come closer to me. i can see the faintness of an almost sinister smile pulling at his features.

"you made quite the mess downstairs didn't you?" he asks with a smirk. i forgot about the mess that james and i made while exploring the whole bottom half of his house, james had dropped a huge bottle of wine in the process of searching through the cabinets of the mans house, and he hadn't bothered to clean it up.

i don't reply to the man, i don't even know what i'm supposed to say to that. "you've been eating all my porridge as well goldilocks?" he says, laughing at his own joke. it wasn't even that good.

"what?" i say, the man is really close to my face right now and i'm really not liking it at all.

he pins down my hands and puts his knees over top of my legs so i'm pretty much immobile at this point. "shush, shush, shush, just stay still." he says, his sinister grin now fully taking hold of his facial features.

"oh my fuck," i say. i know what's happening right now. and i really don't want it to. "please, please don't.." i whimper.

"now, don't make this difficult for me." he says, i feel like i could throw up right now. i let out another whimper, i'm now getting actually scared.

"oh? are you a virgin?" he asks in an absolutely sick tone.

"no." i state, this time i'm not lying though.

the man pushed his hands down harder, but now moving them a bit further down this time. his face is less then an inch away from mine now, i lift my head up from the bed and head butt him right in the face, i hear a satisfying crack as my head hits his nose. he rips his hands away from my arms and brings them to his face, clutching his nose. a heavy stream of blood begins to drip out of the cracks of his hands, and drips onto the white sheets of the bed. "now you're really going to get it." the man said, with an absolutely wicked grin spread across his face while the blood from his nose dropped down onto his lips and chin. he came back to the bed and pinned me down, now reaching for my shirt.

james's pov

*flashback to earlier*

i opened my eyes, the sun shone through the curtains of the bedroom, though it still looked like it was pretty early. an idea popped into my mind; this would be the perfect time to kill her. she was probably still asleep right now, and it would be so easy to do it. i slid off of the bed i was sitting on and crept over to the room venus was sleeping in, my knife in hand. i opened the door ever so quietly and tried my hardest not to wake her up. when i came into that room, the first thing i saw was her, and as much as i hate to admit it, she almost looked... pretty when she slept. oh god. i sound like a total creep right now.

since the whole house was so quiet, i heard the front door of the house open from downstairs. i panicked, and i couldn't think straight. we were about to get caught. maybe it was the police, maybe they had seen or heard up break the back door to get inside. the only thing i could think of right now was to hide.

i got down on the ground and crawled under the bed venus was still sleeping on. i heard footsteps get closer and closer to the room the two of us were in, it was stupid of her to sleep in the master bedroom. this would be the first place they would check.

*flashback ended*

i could hear venus still struggling with the man that had come into the room, i was assuming he was the owner of the house.

i didn't really know what to do, i didn't really want venus to know i was under the bed. i could hear and feel the bed creak under the weight of the two and the struggle going on.Β  i began to panic as i hear venus whimper, almost on the verge of tears. i just had to do something. i made a move without thinking, i grabbed the knife that i had placed down beside me and rolled out from under the bed.

it all happened in a matter of seconds; i stood up, and looked at the man, i recognized him from the many pictures he had around his house. the two of them didn't notice me as i grasped the knife in my sweaty hands tight. i stabbed the knife deep into the side of the mans throat, and pulled it out almost just as quickly as it went in.

a dark and thick crimson liquid began to pour from the fresh wound in his neck, and it began to gush all over venus. i took a few steps back and looked at what i had just done, my hands had started to shake intensely.

in that moment, i just knew i wasn't a psychopath.

venus's pov

it all happened so quickly; a hand darted out from the side of my view holding a sharp and glinting knife, it stabbed deeply into the mans neck who was on top of me. i felt as the hot, deep red, and thick blood gushed out of his neck and all over me. it was horrifying, but almost seemed unreal at the time. it was scary yet beautiful, the blood was such a gorgeous colour and it was coming from such a horrible person. i was almost happy about it.

holy shit, i'm beginning to sound like a fucking psychopath or something. i knew i wasn't though, i had always cried whenever animals died, even in movies. i had just never felt the same way about people if i was being perfectly honest about it.

blood began to drip into my eyes, nose, and mouth, it blocked my vision momentarily and tasted metallic in my mouth. i began to cough on the blood that had gone into my nose and mouth. the man who was on top of me collapsed, and i felt the heavy weight of his body press down on me. i pushed him off with a bit of a struggle, and sat up on the bed. i still needed to process what had just happened to me. i looked to my left and saw james, knife in hand. his fingertips were covered in the blood of the man.

"what the fuck james." i said, almost breathless.

he looked up at me with pure terror in his eyes, "venus?" he said to me softly.

"yeah?" i asked.

"what did i just do." he asked, though it came out as more of a statement then a question really.

"i have no fucking clue..." i said.

i could see tears begin to gather up in the sides of james's eyes, but he held them back as best he could. his whole body began to shake as he looked down the the man in a pool of his own thick, crimson blood.

this chapter... was quite uhhhh interesting.
it was pretty fun to write, but i just didn't have a lot of inspiration to write, like even though it's a fanfic and i don't really have to come up with a plot or anything like that lmao
i just wasn't that motivated πŸ’€πŸ’€
lol kinda patheticccc
hope y'all are doing great!
make sure to vote, comment and maybe possibly follow me??? 😳

