the car

James's pov

After the date, it seemed like she was avoiding me. I hadn't seen her in three days.

After the date, I couldn't get her out of my head. Venus made me feel things that I haven't felt in a long time. I was supposed to kill her. But now I can't hear her name without feeling a smile pull at my face.

I stayed home today, it wasn't anything new. I felt even more bottled up then usual. I laid on my bed and stared up at my white stucco ceiling, waiting for something to happen even though I knew nothing would.

And just as I thought that thought, something did happen. I heard the doorbell ring frantically from downstairs.

Venus's pov

I sat in my dull beige room, boxes were still on the floor even though me and my mum had been living here for a few months. I heard my mom yelling at someone on the phone downstairs, though I couldn't make out what she was saying. I was used to it though, she was always on the phone. Or off on work trips. She always gave me pocket money though, so I guess that was nice.

I could hear rain dropping down hard on the roof, I heard a dog barking loudly at a nonexistent thing, I heard my mums yelling get louder and louder by the second. Things were always like this, and they were getting less and less bearable by the second.

I wanted to get out of here. I didn't know where I would be going, but I just wanted to leave. The sounds of rain, a barking dog, and my mums yelling seemed to bounce back and forth in my head, the sounds hitting harder on the inside of my skull each time.

I knew I needed to leave, and James was the only person I knew who had the access to a car.

I knew I had been ignoring him for the past few days, but I just needed time to think. I'm sure he understood. All he ever did was think.


I stood in front of his house, and rang his doorbell a few times. I was hoping that James would answer it and not his dad. The door was thrown open and a small gust of air pulled at my short green hair.

"Hey." I said, his eyes were on me, but he didn't say anything.

"Why're you here?" He asked after a long pause.

I didn't say anything and pushed past him and into the house. I stood in the foyer of the house, with my arms crossed. After what seemed like years I finally said something. "I need your help James." I sighed.

He looked at me, still not saying anything.

"I can't live here anymore. My mums never around, this whole town is a fucking shit show." I said angrily, my voice becoming more and more intense by the second. "Your dad has a car right? You said you hate this town just as much as I do don't you? Let's say we take... a little vacation. You in?" I ask, practically begging him to go.

"Sure." He says.

James's pov

We both walked out of the house right as my dad pulled up in the driveway with the car. This was how I was going to kill her, it was perfect.

I walked up to him before he could ask any questions and punched him right in the face and stole his car, and that felt like a good place to start.

We drove away from home, is don't even know where we were going to be perfectly honest. Venus sat in the passenger seat and was looking out the window at the scenery. I could get used to this, though I didn't want to admit it.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter for some reason. I know this is annoying but please vote! I mean like, only if you want to I guess. Bye for now I guess!
