Chapter 67 | A Normal Dose of Early Morning Embarrassment

Deku's Pov.

ย  Where was he..? He was sitting up instead of laying down...

ย  Deku opened his eyes. He was outside, and his right side was really cold... but his left side was really warm and there was weight there...

ย  He looked down at his left side, Uraraka was there! Deku blushed. He was never going to get used to this...

ย  Deku didn't want to move so that she didn't fall over.

ย  There was a soft smile across her lips. She looked so peaceful...

ย  He took his gaze away from her, and looked around. Everyone there was looking at them, giggling, whispering, or doing all three.

ย  It made Deku blush more, but he couldn't get away or Uraraka would fall over...

ย  He couldn't really move at all, really... But his heart felt like it had ran a marathon!

ย  They weren't on a couch where there was a back, she could fall backwards straight onto the ground if he moved, and quite easily too. Deku was pretty surprised they didn't fall over already.

ย  "Boo!" Ashido whisper yelled next to him.

ย  He felt like his sole jumped out of his skin. His heart sped to, for that second, but then slowed,

ย  Uraraka started falling over!

ย  Before she could fall backwards farther, Deku put his left arm out to catch her. After she fell on it, he pulled her back up to his side so that she was leaning on him again.

ย  He looked back up to Ashido.

ย  "What is it?" Deku sighed.

ย  "You guys look so cute together, but why were you sleeping outside instead of your tent?" Ashido asked a question that wasn't weird for once.

ย  "Uraraka... had another nightmare," Deku admitted, "She wanted to sit near the fire with me and then I guess we fell asleep..."

ย  "Oh, okay then," Ashido nodded. But then smirked a little

ย  "You didn't tell her yet, did you?" Ashido interrogated.

ย  Deku nearly dropped Uraraka again, but still caught her.

ย  "N-Not right now," Deku stuttered.

ย  Uraraka stretched and rubbed her eyes.

ย  Deku blushed and wanted to cover his face, but couldn't because he didn't want Uraraka to fall over.

ย  He still had his arm around her shoulder still!

ย  Deku covered his face with his other hand, but it didn't help that much...

ย  "Is it... morning already..?" Uraraka yawned.

ย  She was still leaning on him, and it made him blush more. She seemed to be really groggy though, so he didn't say anything.

ย  Ashido stood in front of them, and smirked even more than before.

ย  "Huh..?" Uraraka rubbed her eyes again, "Why... are you smirking..?"

ย  A flash of surprise seemed to speed through her.

ย  She stood up so quick he didn't realize it at first.

ย  Her face was a bright red.

ย  "S-Sorry!" Uraraka apologized, then she ran away hastily, grabbing a basket before heading in the direction of the mulberry tree. She crashed into one of the thin trees not far into the undergrowth.

ย  'Is she okay?'

ย  "What was that for?" Deku asked. He was so confused.

ย  "You'll find out sooner or later," somehow, Ashido managed to smirk even more.

ย  He just felt confusion.

ย  Deku wanted to go after Uraraka, but she seemed like she wanted to calm down by herself.

Uraraka's Pov.

ย  She felt herself falling, and thought she was about to wake up. But then... she stopped falling and something warm was there. Something or someone... It was a really nice familiar warmth, she really loved it. Of course it was warm on her on side before, but now she wasn't as cold on her left. She didn't feel like she was going to fall again, but that was because something was holding her up, it was nice...

ย  Uraraka started falling again, but was caught sooner than last time. This time, she started to wake up.

ย  She woke herself up more by rubbing her eyes and then stretching her left arm...

ย  "Is it morning already?" Uraraka asked groggily. Waves of drowsiness washed through her. Just when she thought she wanted to wake up more, the wave came back, and she wanted to fall back to sleep on the spot with this familiar warmth by her side...

ย  She leaned into it more, it was so nice and calming... and reassuring...

ย  Mina was standing in front of her. She had a smirk painted across her face.

ย  'Mina usually... only smirks when...'

ย  "Huh?" Uraraka questioned drowsily, and rubbed one of her eyes, "Why are you smirking?"

ย  Uraraka woke up a little more.

ย 'What is this familiar warmth anyway?'

ย She looked up to see Deku's face.

ย 'Wait what!?'

ย Uraraka stood up as quick as she could, suddenly snapping awake. Her heart was pounding, she hoped Deku didn't hear it before she sat up.

ย  'What do I do now?'

ย  She quickly noticed the baskets over toward the path with the mulberries, and ran that way.

ย  Uraraka grabbed one on the way, still running, and looked back from the corner of her eye.

ย  Deku was blushing still, but watching her.

ย  She felt herself impact with something... It was a tree...

ย  Uraraka fell backward. She wasn't fazed by it at all though, so she started running again, watching the path ahead this time instead of what was happening with Deku.

ย  Uraraka was definitely awake now, so she was better off just picking some mulberries at this point.

ย  When she got there, she just took a breath. She needed to clear her mind a little bit. Think things through...

ย  Uraraka took another breath.

ย  She couldn't get over these feelings with Deku, but she couldn't tell him either. Uraraka just didn't know what to do...

ย  'Pull yourself together, just worry about your job right now.'

ย  She started picking the sweet red purple berries.

ย  When she was done filling the basket, she ate a few.

ย  Uraraka loved the taste. It was so perfect, just the perfect balance of sweet and sour...

ย  'Y'know, camping isn't that bad, we've been having an okay time for the most part...'

ย  She smiled a little bit, feeling the soft breeze blow her hair to the side a little.
