Chapter 30 | The Secret Program

Deku's Pov.

ย  'Love Birds!? Why do they keep calling us that!?'

ย  He felt his face go red. Deku looked over to Uraraka and her face was pink.

ย ย  Deku turned away and rubbed the back of his head with his hand and his blush only got pinker and redder.

ย  "What took you guys so long to get here?" Yaoyorozu asked, "I let you in my property an hour and a half ago."

ย  'I can't believe we spent that long taking pictures...'

ย  "They were probably-" Ashido looked like she stopped herself, and then she giggled, "I won't say what I'm thinking just this once."

ย  The acid quirked girl winked at them.

ย  'What did she think we were doing!?'

ย  "What were you guys doing, ribbit?" Tsu asked as she walked over to them. She brought her pointer to her cheek.

ย  "Well, I think we probably took a wrong turn or something and ended up in this whole zoo and garden thing..." Deku explained.

ย ย  'This place was like... a maze...'

ย  "I don't believe you..."Ashido looked at them quizzically.

ย  "Fine..."Uraraka took out her phone, still blushing a bunch, but continuously getting redder.

ย  Everyone else looked confused until she showed everyone the pictures.

ย  He realized what was going on when everyone said, "Aww."

ย  (Besides Kacchan, he just scoffed. And of course the quiet ones didn't say anything, but he thought he saw Todoroki smile slightly.)

ย  'By showing them this, we're only making it worse for truth or dare...'

ย  "You had an entire zoo on your property and you never showed us!?" Hagakure exclaimed.

ย ย  Yaoyorozu looked away and pushed her index fingers against each other.

ย ย  'Now I'm really curious...'

ย ย  "It was supposed to be a secret endangered species breeding program in hopes that some day we will be able to release them," she told everyone nervously, "And the flowers are there for decoration, but some of them are also endangered and they're part of the program too."

ย ย  "Now that we know about it... Can we look at it tomorrow instead of coming back to the pool if we want?" Uraraka asked.

ย  Koda didn't say anything because he doesn't talk much, but he was nodding his head in agreement, as if to say he wanted to go to the zoo instead of the pool, and Deku didn't blame him.

ย  "But you guys already spent an hour and a half in there, didn't you see it all?" Ojiro commented.

ย ย  "I didn't get to see all of them... I probably only saw half of the place with Deku..." she didn't look at them, just pushed her pointers together like Yaoyorozu had.

ย ย  "Half the place!? What you just showed us could have been a zoo on its own!" Ashido shouted.

ย  The males had literally nothing to say, mostly that whole time the girls were talking except for that one time Ojiro said something.

ย  "Okay, tomorrow whoever wants to come to the zoo, I will give you a tour unless you want to split up on your own," Yaoyorozu sighed, "But don't tell anyone or share your pictures with anyone, through texting or just showing someone next to you, got it?"

Uraraka's Pov.

ย  'This is actually happening? This isn't a dream?'

ย  Excitement filled her. She was actually going to be able to see the whole zoo!

ย  "Yay!" she pumped her left arm in the air and grinned.

ย  Mina pulled her aside from the group.

ย  "Are you sure that's all that happened?" her friend interrogated her.

ย  Uraraka's face went red.

ย  "No! Of course not!" she whisper yelled.

ย  "Then why are you blushing?"ย  Mina countered.

ย  "Because you think other things happened!" she whisper yelled again.

ย  "Hmm, okay..." Mina started walking back to the group and Uraraka followed her.

ย  Deku came next to her and asked, "What was that about?"

ย  Her face got pinker and she started waving her hands in front of her face.

ย  "It was nothing!" she insisted.

ย  "Well, okay then," Deku shrugged and put on a confused face.

ย  "But I can't wait to go back to the zoo tomorrow!" she squealed, "We can get to the animals and plants we didn't see before!"

ย  "I know!" Deku smiled, it made her blush more, "I'm excited too!"

ย  They both blushed for a minute while looking away.

ย  "Well, anyway," Deku started, rubbing the back of his head, "I hope that tonight doesn't end up like last time, but I know that it will anyway, so I'm not going to try to drag you into anything, but that might happen, so I apologize in advance."

ย  "No, It's okay... I'll probably be the one dragging you into the truth or dares..." Uraraka trailed off.

ย  "Well, while the peace keeps up, lets enjoy it!" Deku tells her.

ย  "Yeah!" she agreed, she had her bathing suit underneath her clothing, so she found a chair to put her stuff on, and Deku took the chair beside her.

ย  Because she already had her Easter pink bikini underneath her clothing, she started taking her shirt off.

ย  "W-What are you doing Uraraka?" Deku turned away.

ย  "Oh, I have my bathing suit underneath my clothing," Uraraka explained, and she took her shorts off.

ย  Once that was over, she jumped into the pool and waited for Deku who was already running to the pool.

ย  His shirt was off...

ย  She turned away and blushed hard until she felt a splash coming from the back of her head.

ย  Uraraka turned around only to be splashed all over again.

ย  "Deku..." she pretended to whine as she turned to face him.

ย  "Oh, sorry..." he looked like he felt bad.

ย  'I'll use that!'

ย  Uraraka pushed her hands into the water as fast and hard as she could to make the biggest splash she could.

ย  As soon as she did that, she swam under the water as quick as she could manage so Deku couldn't splash her back and started swimming away.;

ย  That's when Deku pulled her leg so he could get payback.
