Chapter 1 | Butterflies

Deku's Pov.

ย  Uraraka skipped over to Iida and Midoriya to plop down next to Deku. She smiled that cu- He meant cheery smile. She was so close... he blushed a light pink, thank goodness... Deku had learned to control his out of control blushing around her (even though on the inside, he knew that he really didn't control it...) , but it didn't completely fade away no matter how hard he tried. Hopefully no one noticed that... someone would comment and then Uraraka would find out and then he would die of embarrassment and then-

ย  "Deku..?" Uraraka tried to get his attension by waving her hand in front of his face.

ย  He blushed a deeper color and put his hand behind his head. "Uraraka- um- I... what happened..." Deku stuttered.

ย  'Did I say all that out loud? Did she hear me? What if she heard me?! She would probably hate me and then never want to talk to me! And then won't even be my friend and then-'

ย  "Deku!"she said louder.

ย  "Sorry..." he apologized.

ย  'How is she going to think of me now...'

ย  "You were muttering to yourself," Iida commented before eating more of his food.

ย  "Yeah," Uraraka agreed her expression soon turned light and happy, that nice smile that made Deku turn a light pink, "As I was saying, Mina's going to host a pool party on Saturday! I'm going, do you guys want to come?"

ย  "A-A pool party eh..?" Deku fretted. He was awkward around girls... and now he was getting an invitation to a party with them, well not just him, but with them? What would they think of him? Uraraka was going to be there though... He didn't really see her out of school hours besides bumping into each other and walking home together...

ย  He was going to say no, but his lips moved automatically and "Yeah, I can go," slipped out. He didn't even stutter it.

ย  'What am I thinking?"

ย  "Great!" she exclaimed, then her tone got serious,"Oh and don't tell Mineta or Kaminari, ya hear me?" Of course he wasn't going to tell them! They would literally ruin it with their perverted minds... That he didn't have to overthink.

ย  "I swear I won't!" Deku promised, holding his hands out so she knew he wasn't crossing them. His face reddened more as she looked under the table to see he wasn't crossing his legs. When she poked her head back up, she smiled again.

ย  "I will not be able to go," Iida told them, "personal business to attend to."

ย  "That's okay!" Uraraka assured him, "Maybe next time!"

ย  Uraraka was always so happy, Deku wished he could be as carefree as her! Then he might not be so flustered easily... if Uraraka found out he didn't know what he would do at that point...

ย  "Midoryia," Iida broke his deep thinking, "I apologize for breaking your thought process, but you seem to be muttering again."

ย  Deku's face flushed red, "O-Oh! Sorry!" he shouted louder than needed.

ย  "Deku, are you okay?" Uraraka asked with a concerned face, "I mean, you normallyย  mutter to yourself, but never this much around only us, you're usually only like this if you're taking notes."

ย  His crush on Uraraka had grown much more than he expected. More blood rushed to his face. This is where his life ended. "Y-Yeah, i'm fine," he covered his face with his arms.

ย  "Are you sure?" she prodded deeper to find the truth. She frowned.

ย  "I'm fine..." Deku trailed off. He didn't really want her to find out.

Uraraka's Pov.

ย  Was Deku alright? He was acting strange... Seeing him so flustered made her stomach churn, it was actually kinda cute... 'Wait, did I actually think inside my mind he was cute?'ย 

ย  A little pink crept up on her face, but it quickly faded. She could control her emotions completely around him if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

ย  "Well, okay," she stopped bugging him for an answer.

ย  Deku sighed him relief. She was about to question him further, but decided it was best she didn't because he seemed less flustered after. His blush died down to a soft pink-peach.

ย  She was excited for Mina's party. The only thing was... she had no bathing suit to dress in... she needed to go shopping at the mall. Maybe she could go with some of her female friends.

ย  "Yeah..." she told herself softly.

ย  "What was that?" Iida questioned her.

ย  "Nothing," she smiled, "just thinking."

ย  "Alright," Iida respected her privacy while Deku continued muttering.

ย  "Deku," she poked his shoulder with her finger.

ย  "W-What?" he snapped out of it.

ย  "You were muttering again," Uraraka explained to a crimson Deku. She blushed back a little bit, but it faded fast.

ย  "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again. He was really acting strange today.ย 

ย  "Of course!" he exclaimed anxiously, "Why wouldn't I be?"

ย  "Mmhmm," Uraraka sounded. Something was definitely wrong... and she was going to get to the bottom of it one way or another.

ย  Uraraka thought back to a couple of days ago, Deku was acting kind of like this before too, except not as much... What was going on? Did she do something wrong?ย 

ย  "I need to get to class now," Iida told them, already standing up.

ย  "But it's still ten minutes before class starts," Deku spoke.

ย  "I decided to go to class early every day," Iida explained.

ย  "Well, bye then," Uraraka waved goodbye as Iida left the table.

ย  Iida left the two of them alone.

ย  'Was that his goal?' her mind spoke, 'To get us alone? Probably not.'

ย  "I'm excited to go to Mina's party," Uraraka started a conversation, "I bet it will be fun!"

ย  "Y-Yeah," Deku agreed.

ย  They talked to each other for a little longer until the lunch bell rang.

ย  "Let's head to class now," Uraraka suggested. Deku nodded andย  they walked and talked together.
