Chapter 26 | Taking Care

ย  Uraraka's Pov.

ย  Deku brought her inside from the rain. She felt so warm... It was because she was wearing Deku's hoodie.

ย  Uraraka blushed. Deku gave her his hoodie even though he knew he would get soaked.

ย  Her hand also felt warm... She was still holding Deku's hand!

ย  She blushed more, but tried to stay calm.

ย  Deku put his hand on her forehead. It only made her blush more...

ย  "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" he asked her while keeping his hand there.

ย  "I don't think so," she told him while her heart raced. He took his hand away and her blushing died down.

ย  "I'll still take your temperature," he told her.

ย  "O-Okay," she nodded.

ย  The warmth on her hand went away, and it made her feel kind of sad that Deku's hand left hers...

ย  He brought out a thermometer and she opened up her mouth.

ย  Deku took out his phone, and it looked like he was texting someone.

ย  "Okay, everyone knows we found her," Deku muttered.

ย  'Oh, he posted on the group chat.'

ย  The thermometer started beeping and he took it out of her mouth.

ย  "You do have a fever..." he spoke guiltily even though he didn't have anything to be guilty about.

ย  "Honestly... I'm fine," she told him, and then sneezed.

ย  "And you said the same thing when your head was bleeding," he remarked.

ย  Uraraka sighed. There was no getting out of this one.

ย  "I'll go make you some soup," Deku volunteered, and then he walked to the cabinets of the kitchen area.

ย  Everyone burst through the doors and started talking to her, though it sounded more like yelling.

ย  Her head throbbed with the headache from before, but this time it was worse because of the talking.

ย  "Stop!" a voice that was louder than the rest of them yelled.

ย  Everyone stopped yelling.

ย  Deku spoke quieter, "Talk one at a time more quietly, she's sick right now."

ย  'Thanks, Deku.'

ย  They nodded and turned back to her.

ย  "We were so worried," Mina whisper yelled for all the girls, "and we have to talk later."

ย  Uraraka nodded.

ย  A lot of the others also said something to her.

ย  Bakugo just said, "I'm glad the crying stopped."

ย  It was really quick. Mostly everyone had gone back to their dorms.

ย  The girls sat down next to her.

ย  "Is that Midoriya's hoodie!" she spoke in an excited voice, but not so loud that Deku could hear.

ย  "Y-Yes..." she responded.

ย  "What happened?" Momo asked.

ย  They all stared with expectant faces.

ย  "Well..." she started, "He found me and walked me back inside."

ย  "Details," Jiro summed up for all of the females, who had matching looks on their faces.

ย  Uraraka sighed, "He was calling my name, and then eventually found me. I was soaking because of the rain and he offered me his hoodie. Then right before leading me back, he held out his hand for me and I accepted it. Then he brought me back inside."

ย  "OOooOOOoooOOh," the girls squealed in unison.

ย  "S-Stop it..." she protested against it.

ย  Deku started coming back from the small kitchen with the soup.

ย  "I'll leave you alone with your future husband now, goodbye!" Mina winked at her. The girls left leaving her a deep shade of crimson.

Deku's Pov.

ย  Everyone was trying to talk to Uraraka at once. She looked really uncomfortable and it was probably because she was sick.

ย  "Stop!" he shouted to get everyone's attention.

ย  Everyone looked up at him.

ย  'I didn't think that would work so well...'

ย  He spoke quieter so that he didn't give Uraraka an even bigger headache.

ย  "Talk one at a time more quietly, she's sick right now."

ย  Everyone did as told. Even Kacchan, though he scoffed.

ย  They all started talking to her one at a time.

ย  He finally found the chicken noodle soup in the pantry and poured it into a bowl. A put it into the microwave for it to heat up, and he just sat there and waited patiently.

ย  Deku looked over to Uraraka and noticed the other girls were still talking to her in an excited way for some reason. Everyone else had already left.ย 

ย  'I'll just stay over here... I don't really want to get involved in whatever they were talking about...'

ย  The microwave beeped, signaling that the soup was done heat up. Deku took the food out of the microwave. He got a spoon out of the silverware drawer and placed it inside the liquid. After, he put a cloth underneath so she wouldn't burn herself.

ย  He started on his way back to Uraraka and noticed as the other girls were leaving, her face went a bright red.

ย  'I wonder what that's about...'

ย  "Here you go Uraraka," he handed his friend the chicken noodle soup.

ย  "Thanks, Deku," she thanked him, "I appreciate it."

ย  "Of course," he nodded his head.

ย  Uraraka started eating the soup and everything was silent.

ย  "Do you want me to put a movie on?" he asked her.

ย  "Sure," she replied.

ย  Deku went on Netflix. The options for accounts were: Anime lovers, Mineta & Denki, For the girls, For the guys, and Guests.

ย  'Definitely not Mineta and Denki... I guess we can't really watch from either of the male or female's accounts because we're opposite genders... I'll have to ask Uraraka if she likes anime, but if she doesn't, we can just go on the guests profile, and-"

ย  "Deku?" Uraraka called his name.

ย  "Yeah?" he responded.

ย  "Are you seriously overthinking on what profile to go on?" she smiled jokingly.

ย  He chuckled awkwardly.

ย  "I guess..." he tried.

ย  "Do you like anime?" she asked.

ย  "I don't recall ever really watching it that much..." Deku trailed off.

ย  "Then today is the day you do try watching anime," she told him.

ย  Deku clicked on the "Anime lovers" account.

ย  "What movie do you want to watch?"

ย  "Eh..."

ย  It looked like she couldn't decide, and every time she was about to, she blushed up a storm and stopped mid-sentence.

ย  "Sorry...ย  usually watch anime alone..." she confessed.

ย  "It's okay, I'll just watch it on my own time," he nodded understandingly.

ย  Deku went off that profile and they just watched out of the "Guest" profile.
