Chapter 51 | When They Got There

Uraraka's Pov.

ย  The bus stopped.

ย  "Okay, now get off the bus... We'll be getting back on eventually so you can leave your bags..." Mr. Aizawa sighed.

ย  Everyone got off the bus and left pretty much everything behind.

ย  "Okay... Your partner is the one that you must work with during your time here... We will monitor your teamwork from here on out... We know who you sat with, so you can't get out of it... You may work with other teams... There are supplies scattered everywhere... Class rep, you tell everyone the rest..." Mr. Aizawa's instructed vaguely, and then handed Iida a bunch of paper and a bag before zipping up his yellow sleeping bag and rolling back to the bus.

ย  "Okay, let me give you a better explanation," Iida started, "You must work with your partner through this whole exercise. If you do not, then both of you will fail. Throughout this week, you must survive... and..." Iida looked really pale, "sometimes, you do not have much on you, so during this trip, you will not have anything you brought with you..."

ย  And on that cue, the bus drove off.

ย  "Wait!" Uraraka started chasing it with Deku.

ย  Everyone started running after it but Iida.

ย  "No!" they yelled when it disappeared from sight.

ย  "Why didn't you chase it!?" Kaminari and Mineta tried shaking Iida, but failed and he stayed composed.

ย  "This is an exercise by the school, so we must do what it says!" Iida lectured them, "Let me get back to the instructions. There are ten tents randomly scattered through the forest if you need it, but each of them has a challenge to get them, so it may be easier to make a shelter or find a place to stay. You will share a tent or shelter with your partner. There are twenty wristbands, one for each of us. If we get a broken bone or something serious, we can press it, otherwise we cannot."

ย  Kaminari and Mineta started rapidly pressing the button.

ย  "And there are cameras in most places, so if you press it without need, they will know," Iida looked at them, and told them more guidelines, like there were marked boundaries and things like that.

ย  As soon as that was over the wristbands were all passed out and they all headed in there together.

ย  "I'm a little hungry..." Kirishima sighed, and you could hear his stomach growl.

ย  She could hear other empty stomachs growl too.

ย  "I have some trail mix on me..." Uraraka told them, taking it out of her pocket.

ย  "You had trail mix this whole time and you didn't tell us!?" everyone but Deku shouted.

ย  Uraraka put her hands up in front of her, "I didn't realize you guys were so hungry!"

ย  "We were!" everyone but Deku yelled in unison.

ย  She started dividing the trail mix into even pieces and giving it out.

ย  'Phew... Glad that's over...'

ย ย  "Do you have any more snacks on you?" Mina asked.

ย ย  "They're all in the bus..." Uraraka trailed off.

Deku's Pov.

ย  'I can't believe they just left us like that!'

ย  Everyone was yelling at Uraraka for food, and she handed out her trail mix.

ย  'Good thing we ate snacks on the bus..'

ย  As they were walking, they spotted a clearing with a river running near it.

ย  "We can stay here the week," Iida told them, and they all nodded in agreement, "Now lets assign some jobs."

ย  "We'll need a team to find the tents that are out there, we need at least five people," Iida thought out loud.

ย  About ten people raised their hands.

ย  "Kirishima, Sero, Bakugo, Todoroki, Sato, and I can go," Iida decided.

ย  Everyone nodded their heads.

ย  "Next, we need a couple people, maybe just today or so to build shelters," Iida proposed.

ย  Deku raised his hand.

ย  "Tokoyami, Deku, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and I guess... Mineta," Iida sighed when he said Mineta's name.

ย  "Why Mineta!?" Yaoyorozu moved away from the short boy.

ย  "I think that the sticky purple balls on his head might help support the shelters," Iida explained, "My apologies, Yaoyorozu."

ย  She sighed, "It's okay..."

ย  "Next, we need fishers," Iida spoke.

ย  "Asui, Hagakure, Jiro, and Shoji can do the job," Iida established, "And then Koda, Aoyama, Ashido, Ojiro, and Kaminari can gather things."

ย  "Why do I have to gather stuff?" Kaminari objected.

ย  "I did not see you raise your hand for anything," Iida explained.

ย  Everyone went off to do their job.

ย  People that were building shelters walked up to Tokoyami.

ย  "Can you tell us what to do?" Yaoyorozu asked.

ย  "Why me?" Tokoyami asked.

ย  "We've all seen you build before," Uraraka recalled.

ย  The rest of them nodded.

ย  "How do we get started?" Deku questioned.

ย  "Yaoyorozu," Tokoyami looked to her, "Could you start making two spears, one big blanket and large nails?"

ย  "Sure," Yaoyorozu started concentrating, "But what does this have to do with making shelters?"

ย  "You'll see," Tokoyami reassured them.

ย  Yaoyorozu turned around and started creating a bunch of things.

ย  Mineta tried to take a peak, but Tokoyami's dark shadow held him back.

ย  When she had created the materials Tokoyami had listed, Tokoyami started speaking agin.

ย  "Okay," Tokoyami started, "Stab the spear into the ground about here."

ย  He pointed at a spot and they did as asked and he started studying the blanket.

ย  "Now do the same to the other spear up here," Tokoyami pointed at another spot a little farther ahead and they did just that.

ย  "Lay the blanket on top, but make it even and so it won't move around much, and don't let go until I say so," Tokoyami instructed, and they did it.

ย  Tokoyami grabbed one of the nails and headed to Uraraka's corner first.

ย  "I'm going to put the nail in here, move your hand out of the way please," Tokoyami told her, and she probably did just that because he stabbed the nail into the ground, "You can let go now."

ย  She did that and then Tokoyami did the same for everyone, and nailed in Mineta's side last.

ย  "Okay, now lets make the other shelters," Tokoyami suggested, and that's what they did.


Author's Note: Guys, I just realized that the overall comment count is over 350...
