Chapter 42 | Beginning of The Zoo Time

Uraraka's Pov.

ย  Deku and Uraraka walked out of their sleeping area.

ย  Everyone else was playing Twister.

ย  "Glad we avoided that one..." Deku whispered to her.

ย  "Yeah..." she agreed.

ย  They walked up to Momo.

ย  "Momo, do you think we could go ahead to the zoo right now?" Uraraka asked her.

ย  "Sure, but I don't think Tokoyami is done building the surprise yet..." she trailed off.

ย  "Oh, so that was where Tokoyami went," Deku commented.

ย  "Tsu was really worried," Uraraka told her.

ย  "Of course she was," Momo went down to a whisper, "she has a crush on him."

ย  'SHIP!'

ย  "Oh my god!" she squeaked.

ย  "Aw, that's cute," Deku muttered.

ย  "But anyway, don't tell Mina or else the same thing that happened to you will happen to her," Momo ordered them.

ย  "Okay," they promised at the same time.

ย  They blushed.

ย  "Here, take this," Momo gave them pretend money with herself on the front of them.

ย  "What is it for?" Deku asked as he accepted his stack.

ย  'I wonder...'

ย  "You'll see, but don't blow it all off before getting food," she suggested to them.

ย  "Well, alright then, see you later Momo!" Uraraka waved before she and Deku walked away.

ย  'I can't wait!'

ย  They got to the building and walked inside together.

ย  "Maybe we can start over the zoo again," she thought, "except we won't take pictures in front of the animals and plants that we already took a picture in front of.

ย  They came across a tent, it looked almost like a little gift shop...

ย  "This wasn't here before..." Deku noticed.

ย  "That's because I just set them up this morning," a voice came from behind.

ย  It was Tokoyami.

ย  "There you are! Tsu was getting worried," Uraraka told him. She could see he blushed a little bit, "And anyway, what do you mean?"

ย  "Yaoyorozu paid me again for me to do this..." he explained, "I built little stalls and gift shops everywhere along the zoo."

ย  "Cool!" the pair exclaimed in unison.

ย  "And I'm guessing we pay with these?" Deku held out the Momo-bills. She was still working on the name...

ย  "Probably, anyway, see you guys later," Tokoyami waved goodbye.

ย  They waved back.

ย  "Do you want to go in the gift shop for a little bit first?" we don't have to buy anything right away, and anyway," Deku told her, "there might be different things in different stalls."

ย ย  "Sure!" Uraraka pumped her right arm in the air.

ย  They went under the striped tarp overhead and looked to see what was there.

ย  It was mostly clothing and other little things.

ย  "Lets see... We have about a hundred of these..." Deku paused, "what do you want to call them?"

ย  'Oh! I got it!'

ย  "What about Yaomomo-bucks?" she suggested.

ย  "Why not?" Deku smiled at her, "So we have about a hundred of these Yaomomo-bucks, and everything here is priced like any normal zoo merchandise... so we should use this a little carefully..."

ย  "Yeah!" Uraraka agreed.

ย  She came across some jewelry.

ย  "Wow!" she had stars in her eyes, but then they looked like the stars fell, and she looked kind of sad.

ย  "What is it?" Deku asked.

ย  "Well, it's just kind of expensive is all..." she told him.

ย  She took another look at it.

ย  They really were beautiful... A little half hoop, and a gold big cat hanging on it as if it were on a tree branch. A little stone hung from the base of the half hoop (It was a marbled white stone), it was in a tear drop shape.

ย  Uraraka flinched at the price... fifty dollars! That was half of the amount they were given!

Deku's Pov.

ย  "Maybe we can stop by later and see if we have enough money," Deku stood beside her.

ย  "Y-Yeah..." she looked a little sad...

ย  'Maybe I can surprise her if she doesn't have enough!'

ย  "Should we continue our journey?" Deku smiled at her.

ย  "Yeah!" she spoke in an excited voice.

ย  They walked out of there and continued walking to the first enclosure: the jaguars.

ย  "I love the little one so much!" she giggled and pointed at the baby jaguar, "It's just so cute! So small!"

ย  Deku smiled at her in agreement.ย 

ย  'It's so nice to be alone with her... Even if it's not a date and we're just friends. Wait, a date!? When did I start thinking that!?'

ย  He blushed a bunch.

ย  "Um, are you okay Deku?" Uraraka asked him.

ย  "Oh, um- yeah," Deku got flustered.

ย  They continued to the next enclosure, it was in the water and they were watching from a bridge.

ย  The crocodiles!

ย  "Cool!" Deku looked over the edge.

ย  The crocodiles were laying right down at the point that if they just looked directly down, you could see them.

ย  "I know!" Uraraka smiled.

ย  Deku tried to get a better view of them and leaned over the edge.

ย  More... More... More... Too much!

ย  He started falling right over the edge!

ย  "Agh!" he yelped as the crocodile under him looked hungry and he started

ย  He felt something touch his leg, and instead of falling, he floated.

ย  "Uraraka," he turned back to see her.

ย  She started pulling him back.

ย  Uraraka helped him so that he wouldn't fall flat on his face.

ย  "Release," she put her hands together.

ย  He fell back down on his feet.

ย  "Deku!" she yelled at him, "You could have hurt the crocodile!"

ย  'The crocodile?'

ย  "You would have used your quirk on it and then ruined the whole program!" she continued, "I knew you would be okay, but did you think about what could happen to the animal!"

ย  'True...'

ย  "Sorry..." he apologized, "I guess I really didn't think about that..."

ย  "It's okay," she sighed, "You were probably more afraid of it hurting you."

ย  "Yeah..." he said truthfully.

ย  They walked along to the next enclosure.

ย  'Gorillas!'

ย  "Now don't be falling in there again!" she put her arm in front of his chest so he couldn't go past it.

ย  "Yeah..." Deku rubbed the back of his head.

ย  They watched them for a while... There was even a baby gorilla! It was being cradled in what looked like the mother's arms...
