Chapter 55 | It Was Cold

Uraraka's Pov.

ย  The ground had a blanket so they didn't have to sleep on it, and there was a folded blanket in the corner. It wasn't that cold at the time. It was actually really warm at the moment, but you never know. In the morning it could be freezing...

ย  That blanket wasn't huge...

ย  Uraraka laid on her back, and Deku took the blanket and put it over them.

ย  "Good night Och- Uraraka," Deku spoke.

ย  "W-Were you about to call me O-Ochaco?" she stuttered, and she blushed a little.

ย  "Yeah..." Deku admitted, rubbing the back of his head, "S-Sorry..."

ย  'He was!?'

ย  "I-It's okay," Uraraka blushed harder.

ย  Soon, she drifted off to sleep...

ย  Uraraka was walking around a dark area. It was very dark though... She could only see the dead grassy ground a foot around her... Everything else was pitch black...

ย  She shivered as wind circled her... Uraraka hugged herself, but it didn't help. It felt like... It felt like the wind was blowing through her, like directly in her body, and everything was just cold...

ย  Uraraka felt fear creep through her sole... It was... so dark... so... lonely... She was on her knees... How did she get there..? When did... her teeth start chattering..?

ย  A face... When did it appear..? Are... they okay..?

ย  'Their face... is so...pale... when was... the last time... they saw the sun..?'

ย  A smile... grew on their face...

ย  Laughing..?

ย  "Your pain brings a smile to my face," the face chuckled.ย 

ย  Villain Deku... stepped forward... so she could see him...

ย  Tears were... pouring from her eyes... except... they... froze before... hitting the ground...

ย  She... could... hear them shatter...

ย  "You are the most pathetic useless being in the world..." Villain Deku continued, "All you do is cry, I see Toga as a much better option as a girlfriend..."

ย  Toga appeared next to him again... out of no where...

ย  The ground... started to turn pitch black... and she started to fall again...

ย  Tears... continued to pour...

ย  There was... water awaiting her fall... Black water...

ย  It was... so cold... colder than anything she had ever imagined...

ย  She looked at her right arm... It was... was... solid ice...

ย  The rest of her was too...

ย  She gasped for air... but couldn't breathe...

ย  Her eyes... started to blur...

ย  Her left arm... was still reaching...

ย  Familiar warmth was grasping her left hand, and it pulled her up.

ย  Deku was there. He was in a hero costume!

ย  "Deku!" Uraraka smiled at him.

ย  "I'm here for you," he told her, and smiled. It was his signature reassuring smile that she fell for. She knew everything was going to be okay...

ย  Tears still poured from her eyes, but they were no longer tears of sadness.

ย  Villain Deku jumped down and landed away from them.

ย  The Deku's started fighting all over again.

ย  That's when her eyes blinked open.

ย  She sat up.

ย  Deku was holding her hand... just like in the dream.

ย  "Are you okay?" Deku asked her. His eyes glistened with concern, and he was frowning, but it wasn't from anger.

ย  "I am now," she told him, "You saved me..."

Deku's Pov.

ย  Deku woke up to the sound of crying again.

ย  'Uraraka...'

ย  He looked over to her.

ย  She looked... so sad and she was shivering and her teeth were chattering...

ย  'It is kind of cold...'

ย  "Uraraka," he called her name softly, and poked her shoulder.

ย  She didn't wake up.

ย  'This isn't going to work... Last time... Nothing worked except me being there for her...'

ย  "Uraraka!" he shook her, just to be sure before sitting there for a moment.

ย  'I'll be here for her then.'

ย  Deku took her hand, and Uraraka smiled a little bit.

ย  "Deku..." she mumbled in her sleep.

ย  It made him blush. Did she know that he was the one holding her hand?

ย  "I'm here for you," Deku whispered to her. He even smiled softly.

ย  Tears poured from her eyes, even more so than before, but something changed. Uraraka had a soft smile painted on her face still, and she seemed to get calm even while she was crying.

ย  Soon, her eyes opened, and she sat up almost immediately.

ย  Uraraka looked over to the hand he was holding and blushed a little bit.ย  It made Deku blush more that she noticed so soon.

ย  "Are you okay?" Deku asked her.

ย  "I am now," Uraraka told him, letting go of his hand, "You saved me..."

ย  She hugged him.

ย  He hugged back.

ย  "Did you..." Deku tried, he pulled away a little bit, but kept his hands on her shoulders, "Did you have another nightmare?"

ย  "Yeah," she admitted, not looking into his eyes.

ย  "What... What was this one about?" Deku asked.

ย  "It-It was pitch black at first..." she started, she seemed so shaken like last time,but in a different way, "I could only see a little bit ahead of me... And... It was so cold... So unbearable cold... I didn't know when I got there, but I was one my knees... and then, I saw a face, but I wasn't sure who's..."

ย  Deku froze.

ย  "...then they started laughing, and said they liked seeing me in pain," Uraraka continued, "It-It was..."

ย  'Please don't let it be-'

ย  "...Villain Deku..." she sighed.

ย  He hated it... He hated the idea of villains, and before her first dream, he had never imagined that something like that was even a thing...

ย  "...He told me that I was pathetic and useless all over again... and then Toga appeared out of no where again... and then I started falling again... there was water this time awaiting my fall, but it was pitch black... It was cold... Colder than anything I've ever felt in my entire life... I was turning to ice... And then... You came, in your hero costume again," her face turned a little bit pink, "You took my hand and pulled me out of the water, You said, "I'm here for you,"."

ย  'She heard that through her dream?'

ย  "But then the villain version of you jumped down and then you started fighting yourself again..." Uraraka finished.

ย  'No wonder she was crying... I wish these dreams would stop so that she could sleep normally...'

ย  "The hero version of me is right," Deku said to her, blushing.

ย  She looked up at him.

ย  "I'm here for you," Deku smiled at her, and then she smiled back before they went back to sleep.
