Young Justice P.2

Me: Guess who's back???!!!?!

Jaime: Angel stop, let's do this.

Me: Jaime, shut up, you're going last.

Jaime: Damn it


Bart: Please stop using my real name, so not crash!

Me: Go.

Bart: Okay, I think that Y/N is so crash and beautiful. She lifts up my spirits when I'm feeling the mode. *Sigh* She's gorgeous and I would love to have her and call her my own.

Me: That is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, anyways Tim, AHEH *cough* Robin?

Tim: *blushes* What?

Me: What do you think about Y/N

Tim: Uh, eh. She's smart, beautiful, she'd be wonderful to have as a best friend-

Me: Woah, what?

Tim: What?

Me: I thought- I thought I was your best friend?

Tim: Y-you are its just

Me: *starts sobbing* 

Tim: No! I meant I'd love to have her as a girlfriend!

Me: *stops crying* Heh, could've just said that

Tim: Wait what?

Me: You just said you wanted to have her as a girlfriend. Anyways GAR!

Tim: Why you little b-

Garfield: Nuh-uh-uh language. Anyways I think Y/N is the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. She's got a great sense of humour.

Me: So her laughing at your jokes counts as a great sense of humour?

Garfield: Yes , anyways, she's one of the smartest people I've ever met! She can outsmart any of the guys, I bet, even Robin!

Me: That's adorableeee! Okay fine, Jaime?

Jaime: Thank you! But I think she's one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever met. And you know I've met a lot of girls. She's sweet and smart and super badass, you should've seen her during the Black Beetle fight. She can throw quite a punch.

Me: Well that's, I wanna say cute.

Date Night-

Tim: Probably would take you to go laser tagging, probably play first two games on each others team and Tim would like take a shot for you if you ever got tagged, then when you guys were on opposite teams, things got intense and aggressive. Neither of you would let each other win. You would always end up winning.

Bart: Every Saturday Bart would take you bowling if you weren't busy, He would take you to a bowling alley by his house. You would play bowling for about three hours and snack for two, Bart would pay for himself because he ate so much he would feel bad if you payed for it. He would always buy fries and pizza and buy you whatever you'd want to eat.

Garfield: He would always take you on picnics on top of a building in Blüdhaven where you would watch the sunset. Then Gar would walk you home, which took a long time. He would always be dressed nice. Then you guys would walk along the sidewalk and stare at the stars. Then after he got to your door, like the cliché maniac he is, he would kiss you, but then he would run away after.

Jaime: You would always go to his house and say hi to his mom, then Jaime would take you to a fancy restaurant and buy the most expensive things for you that would taste good. You would always feel bad so you both split the check. Jaime would always persist on paying the entire thing, but he would always give in on paying half the check.
