Skies and Stars

Third Person POV

She sat in the grass, she just finished watching the sunset and and she could do was take a deep breath, she just loved the everlasting beauty of a sunset. She was alone, it was sad that no one really ever looked at the world the way she did. This world was going to crap with pollution and global warming.

She laid her sweatshirt on the grass and laid down on it. The stars began to appear, It was a perfect night to start stargazing.

"Beautiful" She sighed.

At that moment her phone started to buzz. She was annoyed, because her peaceful time was ruined because of that phone. Man, technology ruins this generation sometimes. She was a good person so she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

"Hey, it's Bart, what are you doing?" He said

"Stargazing, what do you want Bart?" She said annoyed.

"Can I stargaze with you?" Bart asked

"Yeah, fine, I'm at the park by Big Belly Burger" She replied.

She hung up the phone and watched the stars, if you looked very closely, the stars would move. That's what she loved. About 10 minutes later when she was trying to identify the constellations, Bart arrived. He thought she looked so peaceful. He sat down next to her, and neither of them had said a word in a very long time.

"What's the point of this Y/N?" Bart said

"Bart, ugh" She facepalmed.


"Look up" She said "Don't you love the stars, the nature. People these days see them as dots in the sky, and just try to take a picture with their smartphone, they never really appreciate the world for the natural beauty it is"

As she rambled on, Bart looked at the sky, he thought it looked beautiful. Oh boy, then he looked at Y/N,

She looked at the world, she loved it so much, she couldn't live without it

he looked at the world, he loved it so much, he couldn't live without it,

she looked at the world that she loved

he looked at the world he loved, she was his world.

"Isn't it beautiful Bart?" She said

"Sure is" He said faintly staring at Y/N
