Pillow Fight

(A/N I am sick right now, also contains somewhat spoiler from Doctor Who... that if you do not know... then you are hella slow)

Sick days are fun when you don't have to go to school. Sick days are not fun when you cant breathe out of your nose and have searing pain in your head.

I was sitting home alone in my living room, my parents had just left for work and there's no one home to make me soup... depressing. 

I turned on some Doctor Who because why not I got to that Bad Wolf Bay scene.

"Oh god" I said out loud because I realize there is nobody home

"Rose Tyler-" the 10th Doctor said as he vanished going back into the TARDIS showing him crying. 


"Y/N PLEASE CHILL OUT" I heard, I turned around and saw my best friend Bart with flowers in his hand standing behind me. 


"I figured you had been watching this so....." He pulled out a box of tissures "I also heard you were sick....., so good news we do not have any homework" 

"YAY, okay come on watch with me" I said

"Heh alright this will be crash" He said

"Still have no idea what that means" I said

He grabbed a chair and put it in front of me and wrapped me in a blanket. Then he went to his backpack and took a pie out.

"Bart tell me that is my favorite flavor.." I said

he laughed for a bit

"Of course it's your favorite flavor", he walked back to me and set it on the chair and grabbed two forks from the kitchen. Then he came back into the living room and got under my blanket bundle with me and stuck his tongue out at me. Then he took one of the forks and cut it evenly in half.

I fake gasped

"Bart Allen you make it even?!" I said in a very sarcastic voice

"You're sick...other days no" He laughed 

So we started digging into the pie and Bart tried rushing in so fast he got whipped cream all over his face. I laughed so much and grabbed a tissue.

"Bart you have so much whipped cream on your face" I laughed while taking off some of the whipped cream. While doing it he decides to lean in and kiss me, thus him getting whipped cream on my face... which I probably shouldn't have been focusing on. But I did enjoy kissing him. Then we both let go of the kiss and stared at eachother.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said 

"Of course I am" I told back to him.

So I grabbed the pillow behind me and smacked him in the face. 

"This. Is. War" He laughed.
