Bird Block

School was over. FINALLY! But only for the week. 

I felt someone tap my shoulder, so I turned around and looked behind me. My friend Damian was there. 

"Hey there, you wanna come over and play video games?" Damian asked

"Pshhhh, I've never been to your house before but sure....." I said

"trust me, you'll love it" he smirked

His laugh was an amazing sound, he never really laughed or smiled much, but when he did, it was amazing. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I was trying to spot out which car was his.... Then I saw a limo, I mean I know people at this school are rich, but I didn't know that they're THIS rich. 

"Damian where are we going?!" I shouted as he was pulling me towards the parking lot. Then I saw that he was pulling me towards the limo

"Over there" he said pointing to the glossy black limo

"How rich are you?!" I asked

"Well my dad is the CEO of Wayne Enterprises" He laughed

"Are you kidding me?!" I said as he pulled me into the limo, I strapped on my seat belt, I was actually pretty intimidated by Damian right now.

"Alfred can you please take us back to the Manor?" Damian asked the driver.

"You have a butler?" I whispered.

"family friend" He whispered back. 

Once we got back I saw Damian's house, it looked seventeen times bigger than my house. Big enough to cover an entire neighborhood block. Damian got out of the limo and went to my side and opened the door for me. 

"Such a gentlemen" I said sarcastically

"I know I am" He smirked

We walked up to the front door which was like 3 times bigger than mine. 

I walked in and was basically awed by how  big it was, then a kid with short black hair walked in the living room eating a bag of chips. 

"Hey Wayne" He said in a monotone voice "who's your friend?" 

"Y/N, Tim - Tim Y/N, Now if you can excuse us" Damian said walking away, I followed

"Hey by the way, Jason's here so just a heads up" Tim shouted

Damian took me into the kitchen and asked me what I wanted to eat I just responded with chips an water. Then another guy with black hair with some gray streaks walked in, he looked a bit older than Tim, I'm guessing it was Jason.

"Hey baby bird" He said "Who's your lady friend?" 

"Y/N" Damian said "This is Jason" 

"Nice to meet you" He said kissing my hand.

"Uhh let's go" he said pulling me somewhere, he started pulling me upstairs and into a room which im guessing that's his. He left the door open, which was odd, because I would have pined him a guy that would have locked the door. 

"You never told me you had brothers" I asked

"They're adopted" He said

"Ha ha very funny" I said

"No I'm serious, they're actually adopted" He said


"Yeah there's another one, his name is Dick, he's not so bad but he is the oldest"

"Wow, alright"

"Yeah, so...let's play video games"



"No, I am just really good at this game" He said

"UgHAAAAA" I screamed

"Ugah?" He repeated 

I looked at him and he had been staring at me for a while so I finally asked

"What?" I smiled nervously "Why are you smiling at me like that"

Then he leaned in and kissed me very unexpectedly, I don't even think he planned on doing that himself. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back. 

Then I heard people clap behind us, so we both turned around when we broke from the kiss and saw Jason and Tim.

"Aww our little Dami has grown up" Jason said

"I am going to murder you Jason Todd and Tim Drake" Damian said as he got up and chased them, I didn't get up but I did hear a bunch of clatter and such.

