
I heard a knock at my door, I had a bright idea on who that might've been. So I walked up to the door and opened it. I saw Damian standing outside of the door wearing a red hoodie on. He had this big grin on his face. 

"Hi Damian" I smiled

"Hello Y/N, are you ready to go to the movies?" He asked

"Sure, what are we watching? I said walking outside and closing the door.

"This movie called Finding Dory, I heard it was good" He responded

"Yes!!" I exclaimed "I have been wanting to watch this movie for ages!" 

"Ages?" Damian said confused "The movie had just came out" 

"I know, but it's a sequel to this movie called Finding Nemo, and I never thought that there would ever be a sequel, but now there is, I can't wait to see it" I explained

"Oh okay" Damian laughed "Well let's go" 

I wrapped my arm around his and walked towards his limo. I looked at him and his face turned a light pink tint. I thought it was adorable. 

"You're really rich, huh?" I said

"I'm not rich, my father is" Damian explained

"How come?" I asked

"He's the CEO of Wayne Enterprises" 

"Wait wait, your dad is Bruce Wayne?!" I shouted

"Didn't you figure that out after learning my last name?" He asked

"I never pieced that together..." 

"So, you're actually going on this date with me because you like me?" He asked

"Of course! Why else would I go on this date?"

"Well I thought you went on the date with me because of my money.."

"I would never!"


During the movie, we were kind of quiet the entire time, except for a little laughs. After the date, Damian took me to this diner, it didn't look too expensive, I was glad. We talked for a while, I learned he had three brothers, and that he hated the 2nd youngest one for some reason, he didn't really go into full detail, didn't matter really. He has a lot of pets that he apparently loves more than his brothers, it was cute. Then he offered to walk me home, which was a bit weird considering he had a butler who escorted him everywhere up until now. I didn't question it.

I'm glad I didn't, when we walked to my house, we saw the sunset, and then when the sun set, the night sky came up and it looked absolutely beautiful, I'm glad he walked me home. We talked about me for a bit, I wasn't really as interesting as him, but he was interested. When we got to my house, he was sad that the date was over, I was sad too, it was an amazing date, I've never actually been on a date before so I wouldn't imagine what an amazing date was. I would say that this was an amazing date. 

When we walked up to my door step. It was kind of awkward.

"Great date, don't you think?" He asked

"Cinematic worthy" I laughed

"We'll I guess I'll see you on Monday" I said

"Yeah, I guess" he said. So I grabbed my keys and tried to unlock my door.

"Good ni-" I was cut off by Damian kissing me, after he did that he ran away and was gone by the time I blinked, I could hear him laughing though. 

I touched my lip where he kissed me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was really happy.
