
I woke up on a couch, in an unfamiliar place. I had a black and yellow blanket wrapped around me. Wait... this wasn't a blanket, it was a..cape? 


I heard something in another room. My head hurt so much, I had no idea why.

I saw a shadow walk into the room. Then a guy walked into the room with a mug, which I guess was hot chocolate, I could tell from the aroma. 

"Hey there" The guy said.

"Uh HI?" I said questionably 

"My name's Robin, I mean, my superhero name, my name isn't actually Robin" The guy said.

"Nice to meet you Robin, what happened to me?" I asked

"I don't know, I found you unconscious on the pavement.. So I took you here" He said

"Where is here?" I asked

"Just an apartment in Gotham" He said

"I...I live in Star City though..." I said

"I realize..." He said and walked off into a different room, so I got up and followed him. 

I walked into the room he walked into, and I saw him sitting down at a dining table. I pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Pancakes?" He asked

"Absolutely...even though you are a total stranger... not sure why I'm still here" I said

"I'm a hero, not a murderer" He said

So we ate pancakes for like 20 minutes and I told him much about me, he wasn't much of a conversationalist though, he wouldn't tell me anything. 

"Boy Wonder, you literally give me so much to wonder about"

"Hence the name" He winked 

I gave the hero a kiss on the cheek and walked out

"You sure Bats will give me a lift home?" I asked


(This story sucks, leave me alone)
