Uhh Okay?

"Jaime, you've been acting really weird ever since Kord Industries was destroyed.... did you destroy Kord Ind?" I asked.

"Why would I destoy Kord Industries?" Jaime said.

"I don't know, you've been acting a bit weirder than your usually brooding self."

"Heh" Jaime's face turned a red tint on his tan skin, which I can assume was a blush, it was adorable on Jaime. Jaime's and I relationship, was sort of complicated, you know, when you guys are kind of dating but at the same time you weren't kind of relationship.

"Jaime... you do know you can tell me anything right?" I told him

"Of course, I know that, but can you just trust me this one time, you don't need to know." He told me

"Okay the fact that you just said that, makes me realize, you do not know me at all" I told him

"Heh...." He smirked.

"I cannot hang out this weekend, I'm going to my cousins house in Bludhaven, well not house, apartment" I told him

"Which cousin? Jay?" He asked

"Oh no, uh, my cousin Dick, I never get to see him, so I think I oughta"

"heh, OH SHOOT I HAVE TO UH GO, MY UH SKIN IS PINCHING ME" Jaime shouted getting up and running away, I saw a glimpse of blue on his hand before he ran away, I swear there is something he isn't telling me. I'll ask Dick about his, considering, there's stuff he knows.

(To be continued.....)
